Madden NFL 11 News Post

Game: Madden NFL 11Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 96 - View All
Madden NFL 11 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 wildthing2022000 @ 04/26/10 06:21 PM
Not too many people will care but it's nice to know that the AFL DLC in 10 will be in 11.
# 2 str8artist @ 04/26/10 06:23 PM
The more they can borrow from fifa player movement the better.
# 3 tonedeaf @ 04/26/10 06:44 PM
Did anyone else notice that the interviewers last words were "ok we're gonna take a look at the game now"

then video is over
# 4 TreyIM2 @ 04/26/10 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by tonedeaf
Did anyone else notice that the interviewers last words were "ok we're gonna take a look at the game now"

then video is over
Lol. Yea, that got me, too. Guess that will posted next week. It probably has some presentation elements that EA is not ready to speak on, just yet, which is something I'M ready to hear about, at this point. Lots of the same stuff many of us already knew about just repeated over in today's previews and vids. There's another vid out there on Gametrailers talking about Gameflow. I would have posted it but, eh.
# 5 Magaman @ 04/26/10 06:52 PM
I know I suck as an interviewer. Actually we won't be posting any gameplay next week(unless EA releases some), shooting the screen was off-limits, thats a normal things for most games this early in development.
# 6 Tengo Juego @ 04/26/10 06:56 PM
Ian went from looking like Tony Romo, to looking like Eric Foreman.

Grrr! They're just tantalizing us in these video interviews. I want to see it in action!
# 7 TreyIM2 @ 04/26/10 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Magaman
I know I suck as an interviewer. Actually we won't be posting any gameplay next week(unless EA releases some), shooting the screen was off-limits, thats a normal things for most games this early in development.
Thanks for the heads up, though. I wish they would have thought about the early in development thing before putting out that trailer. Ouch! *slaps self in hand for being bad*
Actually, I read that the improved lighting elements, ala NCAA 11 (Destructiod preview article), I assume, aren't in yet.
# 8 lolfalconsbeatu @ 04/26/10 07:34 PM
Cant wait to test out the run game with counters/tosses/traps, anything that has my guard pulling to see if it got any better. Overall, I really liked what I was hearing, cant wait until Demo drops.
# 9 NoFear @ 04/26/10 07:56 PM
Happy to hear about the blocking being worked on.

Can't wait till they release info on Franchise mode, I was getting worried.
# 10 thedude213 @ 04/26/10 08:09 PM
"Borderline 100% perfect with how a real player moves."

From the videos I've seen this is just more Madden hype. I guarantee this game will still have sliding, morphing, etc.
# 11 NoTiCe_O @ 04/26/10 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by thedude213
"Borderline 100% perfect with how a real player moves."

From the videos I've seen this is just more Madden hype. I guarantee this game will still have sliding, morphing, etc.
Yea, I think there still might be some sliding .. but alot of reviewers say you have to feel it to really appreciate it. Alot of people who reviewed NCAA which is the newest build with locomotion feel as though it is almost perfect too.
# 12 huskerwr38 @ 04/26/10 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by thedude213
"Borderline 100% perfect with how a real player moves."

From the videos I've seen this is just more Madden hype. I guarantee this game will still have sliding, morphing, etc.
Well, hopefully not, but I am being extremely hopeful and that it will be like FIFA and sliding will minimized. The morphing however, I don't think is something the locomotion will help reduce.
# 13 Droopy03 @ 04/26/10 08:42 PM
run blocking could be big for the game
# 14 CreatineKasey @ 04/26/10 08:57 PM
Geez! Extreme close-up of Ian's face. I swear that was just a random dude with a friend who happened to bring a camcorder. Ian didn't look to excited for that interview lol!

I am excited about what he's talking about. I really hope the gameplanning turns out well so I can actually use game flow without feeling hindered.
# 15 PantherBeast_OS @ 04/26/10 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by Magaman
I know I suck as an interviewer. Actually we won't be posting any gameplay next week(unless EA releases some), shooting the screen was off-limits, thats a normal things for most games this early in development.
Nice interview bro. The only thing I don't by from Ian is the fact that he said sprint button really never worked. It seemed to work for me. But everthing is pretty much the samething I been reading all do. Nothing new. But good interview.
# 16 PantherBeast_OS @ 04/26/10 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by NoFear
Happy to hear about the blocking being worked on.

Can't wait till they release info on Franchise mode, I was getting worried.
Yea I know what you mean. Like Ian said there at the end. He said at this time he can't talk about the other modes right now. So now people can stop worrying about franchise mode for offline for right now. There will a blog about it later on with other modes. Just takes time.
# 17 PantherBeast_OS @ 04/26/10 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by CreatineKasey
Geez! Extreme close-up of Ian's face. I swear that was just a random dude with a friend who happened to bring a camcorder. Ian didn't look to excited for that interview lol!

I am excited about what he's talking about. I really hope the gameplanning turns out well so I can actually use game flow without feeling hindered.
What do you expect him to look like doing a interview and all. The man probably working 14 hours a day and plus doing tons of other interviews on top of that. Plus he flying all over this country to places like NYC for the draft and soon he will be going out west to do E3 a month from now. The guy is tired. LOL If you did all that on a daily bases. Then you would look like that to.
# 18 SoxFan01605 @ 04/26/10 09:31 PM
I dig the elimination of sprint...as long as they remembered to ensure the CPU can't randomly do it too.

Some good stuff in there, but I'm still ehh on locomotion based on the little we've seen thus far. The running I saw still looks disjointed and stiff. It's not a huge deal to me personally (and it's still plenty early), but I'm curious to see how much, if at all, it will smooth out by release.
# 19 Blazelore @ 04/26/10 09:32 PM
Madden is looking really good but I'm telling you this will be all for nothing if the franchise mode isn't equally impressive.
# 20 PantherBeast_OS @ 04/26/10 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by Blazelore
Madden is looking really good but I'm telling you this will be all for nothing if the franchise mode isn't equally impressive.
Like Ian said in the video that he can't talk about other modes right now. But info is coming sooner are later on franchsie mode and other modes. Just going be a little while. I can't wait aswell.

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