The first Test Drive Unlimited is an original game that was a lot of fun to play. I enjoyed racing around Oahu, checking out the scenery, and racing people online. It is a large open-ended racing game that I found for a good price a couple of years ago and I am looking forward to the sequel. It seemed like an overlooked game but it had an okay online community a few years back. I am curious to know where TDU2 will be located.
Loved Test Drive Unlimited. There might have been games that had better physics or games that looked prettier but for evolving the genre there are few that compare. It was like a massive multiplayer online racing sandbox and I cannot wait to see how they extend it.
The original game released for $40 with the idea that everyone would have $20 left over for DLC. It had a very active developer community and, for its time, an unprecedented amount of DLC (which I bought every bit). While many publisher have made sure that price structure died a quick death, I will always have a special place in my heart and wallet for this game.