Tecmo Bowl Throwback News Post

IGN has posted their hands-on preview of Tecmo Bowl Throwback. The game is scheduled to launch in the next few weeks on PlayStation 3 ($9.99) and Xbox Live (800 Microsoft Points).

"While being able to scrub between the new HD visuals and the old, pixely sprites is undoubtedly cool, I can't help but think that users would be able to get more bang for their buck if the developers had separated the two presentation styles into different modes. As it stands, the array of moves are limited to two buttons, no matter the visuals on-screen. You pass with one button, you switch your targeted receivers and players on defense (though never during a play) with another and you run with the left analog stick with the ability to break out of tackles by frantically tapping on a button. There's no speed burst, no hurdle, and no dive button. Yes, Tecmo Bowl Throwback is football at its simplest, so don't expect to find a replacement for Madden.

From my relatively limited experience with Tecmo Bowl Throwback, I can say that there's a lot of nostalgic fun to be had, though it's not quite the same feeling as it was back in the good old days, due to the lack of the NFL license. It also doesn't help that you can't create your own team, at least not in my preview version. Tecmo claims "customizable teams" as being included, but that only allows you to edit current squads. Thankfully every pro NFL city is represented, so it shouldn't take you all that long to get the proper rosters locked in."

Game: Tecmo Bowl ThrowbackReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iPhone / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 9 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 CreatineKasey @ 04/19/10 10:27 PM
Atta boy! Good find. I'm PUMPED!!!
# 2 TreyIM2 @ 04/20/10 12:31 AM
As much as I loved the Tecmo Bowl games, and I STILL have my Tecmo Superbowl cartridge and NES, I can't see myself playing this, at all. That was great way back then when we didn't have what has come since then. I have Madden 10,07, 2005, NCAA Football 2005, and NFL2K3 and 2K5 on my shelves and I really only play Madden 10. Time to time I MAY revisit those old games but they're ALREADY PAID FOR! Not spending 10 bills on this joka. Makes no sense to me or my pockets.
# 3 Valdarez @ 04/20/10 01:39 AM
Wow, only 800 points? $10? That's a GREAT buy IMHO. Finally a company that gets their pricing right.
# 4 rudyjuly2 @ 04/20/10 06:39 AM
This looks exactly like Tecmo Super Bowl - same plays, camera angle, and game play. The two biggest differences are no real players and upgraded visuals. I loved Tecmo 25+ years ago but I really don't know if I'll play this much. It might be a great game for my kid since it's so simple.
# 5 TheWatcher @ 04/20/10 09:05 AM
It's about time a football developer realizes that a snow setting shouldn't have to mean a blizzard. Hats off to Southend there

This game looks nice. First day buy, can't wait!
# 6 aukevin @ 04/20/10 11:59 AM
I imagine the PSN will put this on sale for $4.99 eventually, I'll get it then. I got this game on the DS and it was boring. Some games you just can't bring back the fun on IMO.
# 7 Brandwin @ 04/20/10 12:12 PM
I'm itching for some football and to play this online too? $10 bucks is fair to me.
# 8 GlennN @ 04/20/10 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by TreyIM2
As much as I loved the Tecmo Bowl games, and I STILL have my Tecmo Superbowl cartridge and NES, I can't see myself playing this, at all. That was great way back then when we didn't have what has come since then. I have Madden 10,07, 2005, NCAA Football 2005, and NFL2K3 and 2K5 on my shelves and I really only play Madden 10. Time to time I MAY revisit those old games but they're ALREADY PAID FOR! Not spending 10 bills on this joka. Makes no sense to me or my pockets.
Yep, I am with you. NFL 2k5 and Madden 10 already on my shelf is what I'll be playing. I suspect this may be an oline v. offline thing. I have no interest in online gaming at all, so maybe that's why this isn't exciting for me. I loved Tecmo back in the day, but we've come a long way since then!
# 9 PAPERNUT @ 04/20/10 01:56 PM
# 10 countryboy @ 04/24/10 11:35 AM
can't wait for this to drop. $10 to play online vs friends?...count me in.
# 11 CreatineKasey @ 04/24/10 02:05 PM
I'll get the feelers out here once the game drops. Would you guys be interested in an OS ladder for Tecmo Bowl Throwback? I did one for APF and it was pretty successful.

Basically, I did it where you get 3 points for a win, 1 point for a loss. At the end of the ladder "season" we'd have a tournament with the seedings according to your ladder position (with a cutoff if necessary).

Users would simply report the result of who they played. Games only counted against other people involved in the ladder.

The big advantage to it was that it was very casual, so there was no time commitment necessary to be involved. It was fun. Just an idea.
# 12 kjcheezhead @ 04/24/10 02:13 PM
I'll be picking this up for sure. I have the nes version on my cpu, but I just prefer to play on the consoles. $10 isn't a bad price and it might keep me entertained for the summer while I wait for Backbreaker and the news on those other football titles.
# 13 centauris @ 04/24/10 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by CreatineKasey
I'll get the feelers out here once the game drops. Would you guys be interested in an OS ladder for Tecmo Bowl Throwback? I did one for APF and it was pretty successful.

Basically, I did it where you get 3 points for a win, 1 point for a loss. At the end of the ladder "season" we'd have a tournament with the seedings according to your ladder position (with a cutoff if necessary).

Users would simply report the result of who they played. Games only counted against other people involved in the ladder.

The big advantage to it was that it was very casual, so there was no time commitment necessary to be involved. It was fun. Just an idea.
Yes sir.
# 14 CreatineKasey @ 04/25/10 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by centauris
Yes sir.
It makes 2 of us! My thumbs are ready! What are you guys using = D pad or analog? I'll try both.
# 15 centauris @ 04/25/10 09:25 PM

I just thought of something..

Do we know if we can edit playbooks for online games?

some playbooks have those horrible reverse plays.
# 16 TheWatcher @ 04/25/10 09:36 PM
My calendar is marked. I can't believe it's this close!
# 17 centauris @ 04/25/10 09:52 PM
Questions that are unanswered:

1) If we edit player names.. do they show up during online play?

2) Can we edit playbooks for online play?
# 18 CreatineKasey @ 04/26/10 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by centauris
Questions that are unanswered:

1) If we edit player names.. do they show up during online play?

2) Can we edit playbooks for online play?
We'll find out on wednesday. You're right, at high level play that really limits some teams.
# 19 TheWatcher @ 04/26/10 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by CreatineKasey
We'll find out on wednesday. You're right, at high level play that really limits some teams.
I thought it was coming out on Thursday, the 29th?
# 20 centauris @ 04/26/10 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by TheWatcher
I thought it was coming out on Thursday, the 29th?

nope.. it's the 28th. one of the websites was wrong and said 29th (including Major Nelson)

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