OOTP 11 News Post

Despite playing basically the same song over and over again, AC/DC remains one of the most popular rock bands ever. It would have been easy for Out of the Park Baseball to take an AC/DC-type career path, adding token features here and there and simply riding the wave of its past success with each subsequent new release.

Thankfully, unlike AC/DC, the OOTP developers remain hungry and do not continue to repeat the same exact formula with each release.

OOTP 11 is no exception. The latest version of the acclaimed baseball text sim features a revamped fielding engine, improvements to historical play and several other enhancements that collectively add up to another stellar and highly addictive game.

Read More - Out of the Park Baseball 11 Review

Game: Out of the Park Baseball 11Reader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PCVotes for game: 5 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 malachijohn666 @ 04/12/10 04:26 PM
well written. I too love ootp! Can't wait to get home and get my pre-order installed!
# 2 bluewave @ 04/12/10 05:12 PM
Excellent review. Looking forward to buying my copy later this month!
# 3 budsticky @ 04/12/10 06:01 PM
Between this game filling my desire for incredible depth and realism and The Show satisfying my needs for a graphical representation of the sport that is mostly realistic this will be a great summer for my baseball gaming. Now if we could somehow marry the two...that would be something!
# 4 Greene_Flash03 @ 04/12/10 08:31 PM
This is going to be my first year playing OOTP. I'm really excited! I played OOTP X, I fell inlove with it. Can't wait!
# 5 orion523 @ 04/13/10 01:27 AM
OOTP 11 is without a doubt the most accurate simulation of baseball available anywhere, if you're a hardcore baseball guy, YOU NEED THIS GAME
# 6 CowboyJayhawk @ 04/13/10 02:05 AM
Thanks and very good review! I am still slightly miffed that refining a great product is rewarded in this review while penalized in the MLB '10 The Show review. Either way, they were written by different writers and I will enjoy both games regardless!
# 7 lgkeeper @ 04/13/10 08:03 AM
Very good review - and an outstanding game. I've been playing OOTP for about 7 years now and I love this version so far....so much more to dive into though.
# 8 Cryolemon @ 04/13/10 09:08 AM
OOTP is always good, and this year is no exception, Markus and the crew do a fantastic job for a small company.

On the issue of graphics, I think it will happen eventually, maybe it will only be like the old Football Manager 2D engine, but that would be cool.
# 9 Tycobbler @ 04/13/10 09:11 AM
Excellent read, i couldn't agree more !
# 10 Matt Diesel @ 04/13/10 02:20 PM
Good review. With the mod packs the game is even better.

For a more true MLB experience, I suggest you guys add the all in one MLB mod. You can add this from within the game.

  • Over 1,300 FaceGen-generated images for current MLB players. FaceGen image faces change based on player mood, age over time, and change uniforms and ballcaps when they switch teams (credit: Historical FaceGen Project Team)
  • Over 20,000 player photos, that cover almost every player in the database who doesn't have a FaceGen, including historical players
  • Real MLB and MiLB team and league logos
  • Day and night ballpark images, captured from MLB2k10 (credit: desertfox07)
  • Custom ballcaps and jerseys for each team

Installation Instructions - All Leagues
This mod has been made available through PadresFan's servers and OOTP's in-game add-ons functionality, so downloading and installing it should be a snap!
  1. Load OOTP and load any saved game/start a new one. (it doesn't matter which one, you just have to be in a game to get to the Add-ons Central)
  2. Navigate to OOTP Menu >> Add-ons Central.
  3. Click on Reload Add-Ons List. You should now see PadresFan's server and some add-ons in the list.
  4. Click on the Download button next to H.F.P. 2010 MLB All-in-One (all leagues).
  5. Wait for the download to complete. The mod is over 200 MB in size, so it may take a few minutes. Don't worry if it looks like it's not doing anything - it is!
  6. When it is complete, click the Install button.
  7. When that is done, return to the OOTP Main screen, and click on New 2010 Major League Game. That's it! Your new game should have all of the above!
# 11 mattlanta @ 04/14/10 04:21 AM
OS should have an OOTP league... but I think there's only like five or six guys here that actually play it.
# 12 CujoMatty @ 04/14/10 06:13 AM
I think alot more people on here are getting into it. I had and would never have had heard of it if it wasn't for OS. I picked up ootp x about 2 months ago and am so addicted. I wonder if people shy away from it because it doesn't have MLB liscence and they don't have a clue what mods are or how they work. I'm fairly computer illeterate but there are so many helpfull ppl on the ootp site that applying the mods was actually quite simple and painless. Now I have a fully functioning MLB league that passes tons of hours. I also like the fact that you don't need much of a computer to run it. Nowadays I can't seem to keep up with technology luckily with ootp I don't need too. Well worth 40 bucks I'll be picking this game up every year.
# 13 Juiceman @ 04/14/10 12:24 PM
I play OOTP, but never have done a league before. I'd consider an OS league if others were interested. I don't have the time to run the league, but I'd definitely consider being a team owner. My newborn has kept me from digging into 11 yet, but in comparison to 10 it seems good so far. I like the layout and the all in one mod pack was simple.

One note on the all in one mod pack: you for some reason have to start a league AFTER you install the pack or all the logos, etc will not be there. So, 1) create a league - doesn't matter the options since this will be a dummy league 2) download and install the all in one mod pack and 3) start a NEW league and this will be your league now and you'll have everything from the mod pack working. If you just stick in that first dummy created league the logos will not always load and it just doesn't work right. Hope this makes sense.
# 14 umd @ 04/14/10 04:35 PM
This is a great game - I'm really enjoying it, so much so that I will probably hold off on buying The Show until this summer.

Thanks for the heads up on the mod-pack. I love how easy it is to find and install the mods.

As for an "OS League", there is an OOTP league that has a large amount of OSers and ex-OSers. It is called Brewers League Baseball and is currently running it's seasons as an OOTPX league. I'm guessing they will convert to 11 in due time.

The website is here:


There's also a FOF league called the OSFL and a Bowl Bound League called the NCFA.
# 15 Matt Diesel @ 04/14/10 05:14 PM
I tried to get an OS league together last year, but I had to go away unexpectedly for work and never followed through. I am down for trying a league this year and can help run and organize it. I have a server so there will be no problems with hosting the league files and whatnot. I guess we can try again.
# 16 Adam Czech @ 04/14/10 05:34 PM
I don't have time to run a league, but I'd be up for joining, as long as I get dibs on the Twins
# 17 daz @ 04/14/10 06:57 PM
I actually returned to the game after about a five year break. It's really a lot of fun. So many different aspect to explore. The FaceGen mod mentioned up above is the bomb too.
# 18 Whitesox @ 04/14/10 07:48 PM
This is my first year purchasing and playing the full version of OOTP, loving it.

I'd also be really into an online league, someone should make a thread.
# 19 budsticky @ 04/14/10 07:57 PM
I'd totally be down for a league if it's run by a good and reliable commish. Unfortunately I don't have time to be a commish, but I'll be a very active player.

My vote would actually be for a fictional league with a complete initial draft. This makes it more important to scout and build a team. With a league that mirrors MLB it will be just like real life..whoever gets the powerhouse teams will have the advantage right away.
# 20 ksig24 @ 04/15/10 02:04 AM
Question for you guys. Is there a way that you can make text files of the rosters that the game has including its minor leagues? I saw that it has current 2010 rosters as well as full minors. Is this true?

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