NCAA Football 11 News Post

According to the official NCAA Football 11 website, the demo will arrive sometime in June. Not a big surprise, but worth mentioning for the impatient people that have to ask on a weekly basis.

The game will be in stores on July 13th. What would you like to see in the demo?

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Platform: iPhone / PS2 / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 83 - View All
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# 41 SouthernBrick @ 04/09/10 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by Ziza9Noles94
4 teams, 5 minute qtrs. Two scrub squads, two powerhouses. To see the differences between the types of teams.
Yeah I think I'd like that.

I have never purchased a NCAA game but, they've caught my attention so I might be picking up a extra football game this year. I'll have to wait for reviews and opinions of the game before I buy it but, at least they have my attention.

Can't wait for the demo. The new locomotion system looks like It could be promising so I'm a bit pumped to see how much of a difference there will be. I have feeling the animations might not be a big upgrade though.
# 42 Watson @ 04/09/10 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by Ziza9Noles94
4 teams, 5 minute qtrs. Two scrub squads, two powerhouses. To see the differences between the types of teams.
Even better

Florida/Boise/Cincy/UO (or any other spread team)
Texas/LSU (who the hell know what Greg Davis/Gary Crowton runs)

So that way we can get a taste of of most the offensive styles.
# 43 davep @ 04/09/10 10:20 PM
A PI penalty.
# 44 J-Unit40 @ 04/09/10 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by davep
A PI penalty.
That was pretty funny. I like it.
# 45 Dr Death @ 04/10/10 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by BORN4CORN
Can we give Iowa some f'in love.... Match them up with Boise St. Great demo match-up - high flying offense vs. one of the best defenses in the country.
Man... you Iowa guys take the cake... first you want facemasks that are actually black... now you want to be in the demo too?
# 46 rudyjuly2 @ 04/10/10 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by Alabama_Slim
I would rather have one 8 minute quarter than 4 2 min ones
I agree. But I doubt we see anything more than two minute quarters unless they put in accelerated clock. Heck, Madden's demo was ONE minute quarters last year if you didn't pre-order. That was absolutely ridiculous imo. The pre-order was 5 minute quarters with accelerated clock and that was much better.

I still think the best way to do it is to just start the game in OT. That way you can actually run a real offense without worrying about the clock and get a real chance to play offense and defense.

I've read other interesting ideas of giving us a 5 minute real time fourth quarter and randomly change the score and possession at the beginning of the 4th quarter to keep it a little fresh. I don't mind that one either.
# 47 GiantYankee @ 04/10/10 02:20 PM
Prowler-I love the teambuilder slot idea
# 48 Maximus205 @ 04/10/10 09:50 PM
We will probably get the same amount of minutes as last years demo with a catch, 2 extra qrts and 2 more teams as DLC for 200 Microsoft points. You heard it hear second.
# 49 canes21 @ 04/10/10 10:13 PM
A 6 quarter game?
# 50 Maximus205 @ 04/10/10 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by canes21
A 6 quarter game?
lol, you know what I mean.
# 51 canes21 @ 04/10/10 10:42 PM
haha, do I?
# 52 canes21 @ 04/10/10 11:40 PM
^^^ What is that? The only part that really made sense is the APF 2k8 part. Its a good game, but is showing its age. There are many money plays and you can nano blitz in that game easier than you can in Madden.
# 53 str8artist @ 04/11/10 03:52 PM
Sam Bradford to magically change his mind...J/k .....A overall better game.
# 54 Eski33 @ 04/11/10 06:41 PM
I would like to play at least two five minute quarters. I don't need to play an entire game.

As far as teams go, I think TCU and Boise would be a great choice.

Any word if there will be classic teams, uniforms or team-specific entrances????
# 55 mercnasty12 @ 04/11/10 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by Krioniq
Clearly the Virginia Cavaliers should be a selectable team on the demo since we won the NCAA 10 Season Showdown.
yes! Wahooooooos!
# 56 Tyrant8RDFL @ 04/11/10 07:44 PM
I just want to see a very smooth moving game with smooth animations.
# 57 gator3guy @ 04/12/10 12:41 AM
Maybe since we're supposed to have authentic offenses this year they can showcase teams like Navy, Hawaii, Utah, and Nebraska for example. An option team, a spread passing team, a spread option team, and a pro style team.
# 58 BrianFifaFan @ 04/12/10 12:34 PM
Mich/Ohio State. 4 two-minute quarters.
# 59 ab2c4 @ 04/12/10 03:48 PM
I just want to see the DB's play better this year and try to actually swat down passes like they used to do before 09 and 10.
# 60 Reggie16 @ 04/12/10 07:20 PM
Boise State vs Florida

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