NCAA Football 11 News Post

EA Sports has just posted another NCAA Football 11 blog. This one covers locomotion, which includes some new screenshots and video.

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"One of the first areas we concentrated on for NCAA Football 11 was to create more realistic player acceleration. In previous versions, there wasn't a noticeable difference between players with a high acceleration rating versus players with a lower one, as speed was the only thing that seemed to matter. For the first time in NCAA Football 11, acceleration will be a huge factor into how quickly a player can reach their top speed. This new acceleration will also help differentiate the styles of players across the various positions on the field. For example, a "Possession" type receiver may have a high acceleration rating but not have that breakaway speed that a "Speed" receiver possesses in the open field. However, this possession receiver will have the ability to get in and out of his cuts, and back to full speed on his routes quicker. Another area where acceleration is a big factor is differentiating speed type rushers versus the more conventional run-stopping defensive lineman. Defensive ends that have a high acceleration rating will be able to get off the ball and to the quarterback quicker, due to their top end speed. The bigger interior type defensive lineman will have a harder time trying to speed rush, as it will take them longer to accelerate to top speed."

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Member Comments
# 101 TreyIM2 @ 04/06/10 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Valdarez
Ian had said they targeted it for M10, but couldn't get it in. It's nice to see Madden / NCAA getting the same features in the same year. Sounds like they are finally starting to use the same code base at some level, which they really should have been doing from day one. Base code base for football, and then configure it for each genre (NFL, NCAA, Arena, etc...). The animations they highlighted definitely looked slick. It's going to be interesting to see gameplay vids coming out to see how momentum is actually implemented.

One of the things I really liked hearing about was they hand on the back. I hate the animation where the ball carrier runs into the back of a blocker and just runs in place. That's so annoying, especially since this hasn't been a problem in 2K games for awhile. Momentum, acceleration, decelleration, cuts, and the like are a long time coming to NCAA/Madden. Lets hope they got it right.
Yezzir! I'm more than ecstatic about all this good news. As for the hand in the back, I definitely included that in my list of improvement for Madden 11, last year. I remember that fondly from 2K. I definitely think that if they have the flailing off hand, they GOTTA have the off hand in the back animation.
And on an off-related subject - Need to see hands on players for PI calls! Tired of those imaginary PI calls where no one seems to be touching, if the call is even made. Guess they gotta tune the frequency of PI calls as well, eh? Lol.
# 102 Lava @ 04/06/10 04:13 PM
Yeah, great to have you here, Jean. The graphics look great this year, keep up the good work!
# 103 da ThRONe @ 04/06/10 04:19 PM
Sometimes they add facemasks that are never used and dont add ones that are. If its not too late I would like to see facemasks like these ones. Which are more practical.

But good job every where else.
# 104 Valdarez @ 04/06/10 04:26 PM
Usually developers are represented with a pink username. Before we all get too hyped up on Jean there, we should probably wait to see if he starts supporting breast cancer awareness.
# 105 Lava @ 04/06/10 04:28 PM
I agree Valdarez, but I find it hard to believe a phony would take the time/effort to make that .gif of correct Arkansas facemasks.
# 106 BigFan77 @ 04/06/10 04:37 PM
Plus the link is going directly to an EA sports server. Also not a fan of pink so this is good for me. :-)
# 107 Solidice @ 04/06/10 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Valdarez
Usually developers are represented with a pink username. Before we all get too hyped up on Jean there, we should probably wait to see if he starts supporting breast cancer awareness.
well if it's a fake, it's a damn good one. down to the shadowing of the facemask under the players chin for each mask. also it would mean he hacked EA's server. so I bet it's really him.
# 108 Hova57 @ 04/06/10 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by BigFan77
Plus the link is going directly to an EA sports server. Also not a fan of pink so this is good for me. :-)
what made you join on ?

and i'm sure a mod will help you out with the color on your name.
# 109 The U @ 04/06/10 04:54 PM

If There is any way to get these in itd be nice lol

Also what happened to the Leg Bands that we saw in the Clemson Screen?
# 110 BigFan77 @ 04/06/10 05:04 PM
Ultra thin armbands are on many of the kill players and peppered through out other positions as well. They will be available through edit player as well.

Glad you mentioned that. It the first thing I add to players.

- Jean
# 111 aimiami @ 04/06/10 05:05 PM
looking better i like it
# 112 boritter @ 04/06/10 05:07 PM
This is exciting news.

If this truly eliminates the "pirouette on one foot and instantly change direction" move then I will be very, very happy.
# 113 The U @ 04/06/10 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by BigFan77
Ultra thin armbands are on many of the kill players and peppered through out other positions as well. They will be available through edit player as well.

Glad you mentioned that. It the first thing I add to players.

- Jean
So the ultra thin bands will be able to be put anywhere on the arms or legs or just preset areas on arms and legs?

Also, can you answer anything about dreads? lol
# 114 eritraj @ 04/06/10 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by BigFan77
Ultra thin armbands are on many of the kill players and peppered through out other positions as well. They will be available through edit player as well.

Glad you mentioned that. It the first thing I add to players.

- Jean
First off I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for including the "Percy Harvin" style Revo facemask. As a UF fan it will add so much realism to my experience because 90% of the UF skill players wear this facemask.

Second...Are the ultra thin leg bands still in the game? I haven't seen them since the orignial screen shot.

Keep up the good work...The updated equipment is so exciting for me and I can't wait to get my hands on the game.
# 115 The U @ 04/06/10 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by BooShay
Jean if you get Aldarious Johnson or in your terms Miami WR #4 down to a T accessory wise I will come to Tiburon and propose to you

Good ol Glue Hands, I wish you were able to have Compression pants and socks pulled over them like he does, but I doubt that made the game. I hope Im wrong though
# 116 NikB13 @ 04/06/10 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by Bigdmo9999
Jean, I love that .gif, definitely makes me excited for equipment. However I saw one of the simplest DNA masks missing..I've been wanting this one for years, any chance it could get in? I mean you guys could just take the robot bars off of the single robot facemask.

Been thinking this since the DNA's were added lol hopefully its in this year
# 117 Hiro1 @ 04/06/10 08:45 PM

OMG I saw this got up and ran around my room

Then I came back and realized my eyes were playing tricks on me and it wasn't even close to the Harvin facemask

Then I noticed the pics were changing and again haha.
Now Dreads/long hair and my little equipment/hair tirade is over.
# 118 gator3guy @ 04/06/10 09:33 PM

PLEASE can you try and get these in. These are some of the most popular facemasks in the game.
# 119 stoncold32 @ 04/06/10 10:37 PM
Jeez you guys are overload on facemasks.

I hope none of you are the guys criticizing myself and others for complaining about gameplay.
# 120 Solidice @ 04/06/10 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by Bigdmo9999
What's good about a game that plays good but looks bad?
What's good about a game that looks good but plays bad?

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