Madden NFL 11 News Post

EA Sports just released another Donovan McNabb screenshot from Madden NFL 11.

Game: Madden NFL 11Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 96 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Niners_Fan_15 @ 04/05/10 05:06 PM
# 2 SageInfinite @ 04/05/10 05:17 PM
EA we better get some shots like that in-game!
# 3 Niners_Fan_15 @ 04/05/10 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by IndyColts2
and everyone says madden 11 looks exactly the same as 10..pshh sure..
You can get some pretty sweet shots in Madden 10 just as long as you zoom in at the right time and look hard enough. EA needs to do a better job of showcasing their graphics during a game with closeups and instant replay's and etc.
# 4 Niners_Fan_15 @ 04/05/10 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by IndyColts2
now put this pic into word and boost the brightness by 1% and contrast by 6%..beautiful..
man i dont have access to word....can you post it?
# 5 PantherBeast_OS @ 04/05/10 05:32 PM
Nice pic they gave us. Can't wait until they give us some live gameplay videos.
# 6 Bgamer90 @ 04/05/10 05:53 PM

Dynamic lighting better be in this year...
# 7 ZoneKIller @ 04/05/10 06:06 PM
Looks good but I still think the helmet needs tilting down.Not my best work but I did a comparison of Madden 11 and what I think it should look like below.Madden 11 on top and what I think on bottom.

Not a mjor diff,all I did was bring the front down a bit.Just this small detail would make alot of QB's look better.
# 8 SouthernBrick @ 04/05/10 07:24 PM
Idk zonekiller the helmets look fine to me. Are the front of the helmets in real life that low? Your edited pic looks a bit off to me since you lowered it but, I'm not sure how the helmets look.

The lighting makes a pretty good difference but, screen shot #2 looks like the same one from the the first(up close) McNabb screen shot. I don't realy see a difference in them.
# 9 Lava @ 04/05/10 08:00 PM
Great pic, the graphics are amazing.
# 10 SouthernBrick @ 04/05/10 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by wheelman990
The EA Madden Team really knows how to take the extra time to find a pic that looks nice to show us. Good find Team. Keep them coming.

Anyone have a 2010 pic to compare?
Look in one of the other McNabb screen shot threads. I believe one of them have a comparison shot.
# 11 CardsFan52 @ 04/05/10 08:10 PM
Did anyone notice the ref is already behind the o-line, didn't know they already added that.
# 12 SouthernBrick @ 04/05/10 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by CardsFan52
Did anyone notice the ref is already behind the o-line, didn't know they already added that.
Where I can't see it?
# 13 lolfalconsbeatu @ 04/05/10 09:07 PM
i've said it once, i'll say it again...EA's graphics are and have been AMAZING for years, and continue to earn that. The Art Department deserves so much praise for always doing there part year in and year out to keep their great graphics fresh.

All EA needs to do is get the gameplay on the art departments level, and we have ourself an all-around great game..but thats for another post

Thanks for the post and screenshot.

Great job EA Art Dept.
# 14 Gossennator @ 04/05/10 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
EA we better get some shots like that in-game!
I agree..I dont want to have to go in instant replay and zoom in to see the details. They need to add more cut scenes that show off the lighting.
# 15 iamgramps @ 04/05/10 10:42 PM
Nice pic!
# 16 PacMan3000 @ 04/06/10 01:06 AM
Looks incredible--the only thing I can hope for is that that image represents what we see post-play--meaning the the cameras in presentation follow the players and truly show off the amazing detail of the players up close.
# 17 kjcheezhead @ 04/06/10 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by IndyColts2
and everyone says madden 11 looks exactly the same as 10..pshh sure..

It honestly just has better lighting to me. Not that that's all bad since 10's graphics were the best part of the game imo. Nothing that is going to raise my interst in Madden 11 at all tho.

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