MotoGP 09/10 News Post


Offering 20-person Online Races, A Fresh Deep Career Mode, An All-New Arcade Mode, And Downloadable Updates For The 2010 Season, MotoGP 09/10 Delivers The Most Definitive Game of the MotoGP Series Yet

SAN MATEO, Calif - March 23, 2010 — Capcom®, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, today announced that MotoGP™ 09/10 has shipped to all North American retailers for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system from Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The latest officially licensed MotoGP™ title, MotoGP 09/10 features all the tracks, riders, and liveries from the 2009 season in the most comprehensive MotoGP title to date. New tracks, riders, and liveries from the 2010 season of the MotoGP will be available for download free of charge as the season unfolds. MotoGP 09/10 is rated E for Everyone by the ESRB and has a suggested retail price of $49.99 at all major retailers across North America.

Taking control of their careers both on and off the track, players manage a team of engineers and press officers who aide in finding better parts for their bikes and secure sponsorships with the goal of winning the MotoGP world championship. Riders will also earn Rider Reputation points by demonstrating their riding skills on the track. The more points riders earn, the more recognition riders will gain from manufacturers, sponsors and employees.

Complementing Career Mode, MotoGP 09/10 will feature three additional gameplay modes to deliver the deepest MotoGP experience ever. In Arcade Mode, players are not limited to simply crossing the finish line. Players will be given a variety of challenges to complete to earn points, including the ability of stealing points from their opponents. Being the only officially licensed MotoGP videogame title, MotoGP 09/10 will allow gamers to compete in a full championship season across any of MotoGP’s three bike classes.

For those with a competitive edge, players can pit their skills against other racers from around the globe. MotoGP 09/10 is the first console racing game that will allow 20 competitors in one race. Players can also compete online in arcade mode and Career mode. The robust online mode will also feature online leaderboards and spectator mode.

With all the riders, tracks and teams from the official 2009 MotoGP season included on the disk, players will have the opportunity to download tracks, riders, and liveries from the 2010 season through regular updates free of charge. As the season unfolds, players will be able to compete in the latest season sooner than ever before.

Game: MotoGP 09/10Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 3 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Jordanfan23 @ 03/23/10 09:28 PM
Do you buy these games Steve? I remember you saying you owned a sport bike at one time.

I have been looking around forums for impressions and it seems to be a mixed bag at this point. A lot of the vets who have played the series think it is more of an arcade racer which makes more sense if you think about it appealing to a wider casual gaming crowd.

There seems to be a consensus that the game does have potential though.
Being a huge MotoGP fan and fan of the online aspect and career modes, I am going to pick it up. Won't be at Gamestop until tomorrow though and I had all day off work today grrrr!!
# 2 Steve_OS @ 03/23/10 09:37 PM
Ya, check my Arena for pics of my bike.

I do buy the games, but not patient enough to keep sticking w/ them, as other players race by me on the track. I tried the demo, but demos usually don't do a game justice, so we'll see. Hit me w/ your impressions when you get some time in.
# 3 Jordanfan23 @ 03/24/10 09:39 AM
GSXR looks good man! I have an 08 Yamaha R6, love it! Was seconds away from buying a GSXR 750 but a young kid came in before I went to buy it, bought it, and laid it down a mile down the road. I was so mad, SQUIDS!!! Will post a pic later.

As far as the game I will post up some impressions later this evening after a little time with the game.
# 4 Kruza @ 03/24/10 10:02 AM
I'm currently on the fence regarding MotoGP 09/10. If I do happen to get this game, it would be later in the year. But I'm really curious about it. I would love to have an extensive test sessions on the newly added Silverstone and Aragon circuits. I don't care much for all the stuff that's being included in the single player Career modes. I'm far more concerned about the physics, handling, online play, and all the adjustable race-related features and options.

# 5 Kruza @ 03/25/10 12:07 PM
After watching this YouTube video of a bike guy offering his impressions of MotoGP 09/10...

... all I have to say is "OUCH!" And the reviews that I've read so far from different sites on this game haven't been favorable either. So it looks as if I'll be sticking with MotoGP 08 and wait for SBK X to drop.

# 6 BIG CAROLINA @ 03/28/10 11:45 AM
Only being able to race 3... yes 3 laps during career or championship mode ensures that I will not be picking this up. How the devs thought this was a good idea is beyond me.
# 7 Jordanfan23 @ 03/28/10 11:29 PM
First off my 08 Yamaha R6 (this is a pic when it was new and before I put on a new windscreen, new exhaust, BMC street air filter, and some short stalk signals, grips, etc...).
# 8 Jordanfan23 @ 03/28/10 11:41 PM
The game is really fun and a good racer once you get used to using the tuck button and the handling differences in each class. I would say there is an arcadey feel at times but there is a fair share of simulation as well.

The career mode is very deep and lots of fun. I have only done the 125 bikes so far but it is immersive and a little addictive.

The graphics and sound are not eye-popping but sufficient. The sound should be a simple thing to get spot on but every year it seems to get worse??? The bikes and tracks look on par but the crowd seems non-existent and quiet.

I haven't dove into the online component yet /c both times I tried to I got a connection lost error.

I am enjoying the game personally. Is it perfect? No! But it is a solid game that if you give a little learning curve time before dismissing it, becomes challenging and fun. And with the free 2010 season DLC becoming available it could be a very impressive title when all is said and done.

I will post some more impressions after finishing a season and racing online for a bit.

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