MLB 2K10 News Post

2K Sports just released the patch notes for Major League Baseball 2K10.

"Here are the notes of patch fixes for MLB 2K10 on the 360. I have been informed that the patch could go live as early as this week, no later than next (if I get further update, will pass the word along). I want to confirm that there is scheduled to be another 360 patch along with a confirmed PS3 patch (that will most likely be a combination of the two if all goes as planned). We got the support to be able to fast track this patch for 360, so pretty cool that we'll have it out this early for you MS users.

I should point out that this update addresses the issue with Online Ranked Games, Check Swings, along with several (by my count, at least 5) points that you guys discussed in the community feedback. Also, we have a fix in place for My Player, and we think it should get you guys having issues squared, but I personally don't want to guarantee that it will be the only fix needed. There might be another weird cause of My Player issues, but we'll be working around the clock on reproducing any additional My Player issues after the below fix is in place. Remember always to hold on to your My Player file and please let me know if you have issues after the update. I have been told by Dev that some cases in Q&A have cleared up the locked up My Player post-update, so hope some of you are lucky like that.

The next (scheduled) patch should aim to alleviate even more of your feedback and address any outstanding issues. Thanks!"

Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 AceTitan @ 03/15/10 07:27 PM
I am so happy!!!!!!

This Patch will rockand make it almost perfect

The next will make this game perfect
# 2 AceTitan @ 03/15/10 07:41 PM
yes and the inside edge (cosmetic ) and check swing were the other 2 main ones

I'm glad the pitcher stamina was addressed
# 3 davis420 @ 03/15/10 07:41 PM
I really hope this one fixes the fielders throwing power. I guess I'll just have to wait for the next patch!
# 4 ExtremeGamer @ 03/15/10 07:48 PM
Looks really good, pretty impressed.
# 5 Warped88 @ 03/15/10 07:58 PM
He mentions a confirmed PS3 patch, but no mention of a PC patch.

There damn well better be...
# 6 jeffy777 @ 03/15/10 08:23 PM
That's a pretty long list of fixes. I hope it gets released this week. And I hope the next patch is even better.
# 7 AceTitan @ 03/15/10 08:26 PM
when are patches usually out?

# 8 jwmcards @ 03/15/10 08:27 PM
I was hoping for 3 things overall, but the main one I wanted addressed has been......the pitching stamina problem. I'd still like to see the arms tweaked and something done about stealing bases. Although I'm wondering if they fix the rocket arms maybe steals become a little more common since it seems the catchers all throw bullets as well (really precise ones at that). Actually it might just be the one problem, the arms & stealing might go hand in hand.

Overall, looks good to me. Glad they're working on improvements, can't explain how happy pitcher stamina will make me. Sucks for ps3 people though, they got a little bent over on this one, but at least they confirmed it's coming.
# 9 duke776 @ 03/15/10 08:35 PM
• Outfielders would occasionally play a ******-looking queued throw animation while there was a runner advancing
Thank you 2k, you have just made me very very happy with this.

Kcxiv, do you know if this patch will apply to franchises that are already started? I really hope it does.
# 10 rudyjuly2 @ 03/15/10 08:35 PM
I'm not happy with how PS3 users are treated like 3rd world citizens by 2K.
# 11 sacballa @ 03/15/10 08:44 PM
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
Blame Sony not 2k
# 12 jwmcards @ 03/15/10 09:02 PM
I dunno if you can necessarily blame Sony. Yes, if it was in their hands and they were slow to approve it, but it sounds as if the PS3 patch is not close to submittal yet. Especially if they are looking at combining this patch and the next one for 360 as one patch on the ps3. Might be a little awhile.

Could be worse I guess, either not coming at all or be like last year where you couldn't play the game out of the box. Some annoying things in this years release? Most definitely, but it is also very playable, so it's not like anyone is completely dead in the water. I can understand Rudys frustration though.
# 13 jetsfansiny79 @ 03/15/10 09:03 PM
• AI Pitcher will no longer throw special pitches in a clutch moment (intentional walks, etc.).

What special pitches. Little confused about this one.
# 14 Azkael @ 03/15/10 09:19 PM
no online lag mention?
# 15 AustinOrgans @ 03/15/10 09:25 PM
It's going to fix the CPU relievers staying in the game too long!! YES!
# 16 brendanrfoley @ 03/15/10 09:30 PM
Per Ronnie on Twitter: Patch will be released within the next 12 hours.
# 17 NumberOneRB @ 03/15/10 09:38 PM
Looks like I got a long night ahead of me...
# 18 jeffy777 @ 03/15/10 09:44 PM
Nice, thanks for the heads up guys
# 19 nld230 @ 03/15/10 09:45 PM
Well, certainly no complaints from me since they are at least trying to fix the issues. But I am really disappointed.

The biggest issues with this game.....

1. the lack of errors and injuries.
2. The overpowered outfield throwing arms.

No mention of either. HOPEFULLY... it will be addressed in patch 2, along with other bugs like the sac fly bug.
# 20 MizzouRah @ 03/15/10 09:57 PM
Great news, thanks 2k!

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