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Backbreaker Videos
Member Comments
# 2
Pappy Knuckles @ 03/12/10 04:25 AM
Damn, stop giving me snippets. Let me see at least a full quarter of this. And preferably one without a bunch of glowing.
From that little clip I will say that I like the QB view. I don't think playing offense will be a big issue though. I'm more concerned about the defense at this point. Regardless, I already paid off the game, so I guess I'll find out sooner or later.
From that little clip I will say that I like the QB view. I don't think playing offense will be a big issue though. I'm more concerned about the defense at this point. Regardless, I already paid off the game, so I guess I'll find out sooner or later.
# 4
strawberryshortcake @ 03/12/10 06:54 AM
I was really excited about this game when we first got gameplay footage (i.e. developer's diary). With the first batch of IGN gameplay footage about a week ago or so, I was still sort of excited especially the 3rd person camera view. I watched it many, many, many times and each subsequent time, I was extremely pumped, ...
... my hype for this game is spiraling downhill, fast.
As I suspected:
1. DB vs WR interaction still looks very poor. The DB is completely turning his back when he really should not be doing so. What exactly was the DB/CB doing on the first play from scrimmage. Replay tells the whole story.
2. DL pass rush is off the charts, poor. They have no speed. What in the world was the defensive end (DE) doing (left side of screen)? The QB should have been blind sided; the QB should have been put out of commission on the first play from scrimmage. As I suspected, there is no legitimate pass rush in this game as it appears. DE hesitated, and wasn't even rushing the quarterback but simply engaging with the offensive OL. (First play from scrimmage). Revisit past gameplay footage and you'll notice that all sacks happen directly in the QB's field of vision. There are absolutely no weak side or strong side sacks, ever.
3. The DL rushing directly at the QB's field of vision, hesitates his step. There is absolutely no speed in these defensive lineman. (first play from scrimmage). I am going to either have to release these linesman during free agency, or tell them that they are off the squad, or do I permanently put them on the bench as bench warmers.
4. Also take note of the OL that allowed the DL to rush directly down the middle at the QB. The OL says "well, the DL got by me, I'll just let him go straight to my QB, and I'll see if I can pick up another block on another DL directly in front of me. It's fine if I let my assigned DL sack the QB. No biggie." Blocking here is definitely a problem.
5. The sole reason the OL/DL interaction looks poor is because there is a lack of aggressive pass rush. Even though blocking is an issue. Overall, blocking is not even the major problem at this point, it's the lack of aggressive pass rush. OL is programmed to block the DL. But if the DL fails to rush hard at the QB, there is no reason for the OL to do their job effectively.
I'll tell you what though, I am excited for the incomplete pass--haven't technically seen that before.
I think I must pray harder. Or do I just stop praying. My excitement has been shattered. Still looking forward to May's release though. If team NaturalMotion doesn't improve gameplay quick, this could be simply a rental or used pick-up, or if I have $50 bucks lying around for no good reason.
Advice anyone. Are things going to look brighter come next month?
Plus, apparently users over at the official Backbreaker forum are giving high praise for this video gameplay footage. If developers are only reading that forum, they are going to get the wrong idea.
... my hype for this game is spiraling downhill, fast.
As I suspected:
1. DB vs WR interaction still looks very poor. The DB is completely turning his back when he really should not be doing so. What exactly was the DB/CB doing on the first play from scrimmage. Replay tells the whole story.
2. DL pass rush is off the charts, poor. They have no speed. What in the world was the defensive end (DE) doing (left side of screen)? The QB should have been blind sided; the QB should have been put out of commission on the first play from scrimmage. As I suspected, there is no legitimate pass rush in this game as it appears. DE hesitated, and wasn't even rushing the quarterback but simply engaging with the offensive OL. (First play from scrimmage). Revisit past gameplay footage and you'll notice that all sacks happen directly in the QB's field of vision. There are absolutely no weak side or strong side sacks, ever.
3. The DL rushing directly at the QB's field of vision, hesitates his step. There is absolutely no speed in these defensive lineman. (first play from scrimmage). I am going to either have to release these linesman during free agency, or tell them that they are off the squad, or do I permanently put them on the bench as bench warmers.
4. Also take note of the OL that allowed the DL to rush directly down the middle at the QB. The OL says "well, the DL got by me, I'll just let him go straight to my QB, and I'll see if I can pick up another block on another DL directly in front of me. It's fine if I let my assigned DL sack the QB. No biggie." Blocking here is definitely a problem.
5. The sole reason the OL/DL interaction looks poor is because there is a lack of aggressive pass rush. Even though blocking is an issue. Overall, blocking is not even the major problem at this point, it's the lack of aggressive pass rush. OL is programmed to block the DL. But if the DL fails to rush hard at the QB, there is no reason for the OL to do their job effectively.
I'll tell you what though, I am excited for the incomplete pass--haven't technically seen that before.
I think I must pray harder. Or do I just stop praying. My excitement has been shattered. Still looking forward to May's release though. If team NaturalMotion doesn't improve gameplay quick, this could be simply a rental or used pick-up, or if I have $50 bucks lying around for no good reason.
Advice anyone. Are things going to look brighter come next month?
Plus, apparently users over at the official Backbreaker forum are giving high praise for this video gameplay footage. If developers are only reading that forum, they are going to get the wrong idea.
# 5
TheWatcher @ 03/12/10 07:36 AM
Overall it looks good.
You can see after the first play, it looks like they have the same jittery post-play camera issue that Madden has. I hate that. I realize it's not exactly a piece of cake to get a precise center-on-object calculation each time though, that's why I'm so impressed by how it was pulled off in Madden 09 and all of 2K Football.
The replays in this game look pretty solid.
You can see after the first play, it looks like they have the same jittery post-play camera issue that Madden has. I hate that. I realize it's not exactly a piece of cake to get a precise center-on-object calculation each time though, that's why I'm so impressed by how it was pulled off in Madden 09 and all of 2K Football.
The replays in this game look pretty solid.
Is it me or is the playbook a bit on the light end?
Short Pass, Medium Pass and Shutgun? It's all I could note, maybe it's deeper than that.
Short Pass, Medium Pass and Shutgun? It's all I could note, maybe it's deeper than that.
# 8
turftickler @ 03/12/10 08:56 AM
Anyway, bugs are still being worked out. Time is running short now. Hopefully, people are not expecting perfect coverage on every play. If BB has perfect coverage on every play, then I will leave both of my copies at the store. In some other games, there is perfect coverage that makes players motion shift, slide jump, and high jump to knock the ball down or pick it off for a pick-6.
I like what I see so far. Also, as far as sacks go, every down will be different from the last. Sometimes there will be broken coverage, missed assignments, and offensive/defensive breakdowns.

I see flaws in the game but I also see miles of potential I plan to commit to the purchase so there can be future versions that will be awesome. I spend money every year on Madden knowing there will be many flaws and let downs. This game does not have a NFL license but it is something fresh and different. I cant keep investing in Madden soley for the NFL teams heck I can watch NFL football on TV.
# 10
kjcheezhead @ 03/12/10 09:02 AM
The blocking and wr/db interaction honestly seem on par with Madden's to me. I was really hoping the interaction would be more on APFs level tho instead of Maddens, but if it matches in it's first game that's still a positive in my book. The other thing is ratings are tied into euphoria. I'm starting to get the feeling the lowest rated guys are going to do some really dumb things on the field. Hopefully, the gold rated players will show better fundamentals.
That camera view is something I'm liking more and more every game. The incomplete pass was encouraging and the replays were really smooth and exciting. The sound overall was better than the first vids too. Without the commentary it was really lacking, but the music and replays really pump some life ino the game.
The blocking and wr/db interaction honestly seem on par with Madden's to me. I was really hoping the interaction would be more on APFs level tho instead of Maddens, but if it matches in it's first game that's still a positive in my book. The other thing is ratings are tied into euphoria. I'm starting to get the feeling the lowest rated guys are going to do some really dumb things on the field. Hopefully, the gold rated players will show better fundamentals.
That camera view is something I'm liking more and more every game. The incomplete pass was encouraging and the replays were really smooth and exciting. The sound overall was better than the first vids too. Without the commentary it was really lacking, but the music and replays really pump some life ino the game.
I wish they would capture some video with the pro mode. They are throwing a wide net by showing Arcade mode.
I don't share the same pessimism that others have here. I think that the gameplay footage here looks great and the camera angle looks fine. I loved the replays. We are only getting two plays in this video but it was fun to see.
Remember, This is the game on "easy" level. Arcade mode so that's why the ball is glowing and that's why there is a limited playbook.
Remember, This is the game on "easy" level. Arcade mode so that's why the ball is glowing and that's why there is a limited playbook.
# 13
CreatineKasey @ 03/12/10 09:24 AM
That shotgun pass was straight outta APF I think.
LOL @ giving us 2 plays.
Saying the playbook is "light" is an understatement lol. 4 plays was it? You know, I wouldn't be entirely opposed to giving us 4 random plays in each category to work with every snap. It'd kind of make it like we are the players and the coaches give us options.
LOL @ giving us 2 plays.
Saying the playbook is "light" is an understatement lol. 4 plays was it? You know, I wouldn't be entirely opposed to giving us 4 random plays in each category to work with every snap. It'd kind of make it like we are the players and the coaches give us options.
# 14
kjcheezhead @ 03/12/10 10:39 AM
I was happy to see a new video for this game.
I liked it. I saw some great stuff, like the DBs colliding trying to defend the ball, and some not so good stuff, like the DE stopping and running into a OL on the first play. Unfortunately since these are completely custom teams and players we have no idea of how good or bad they are, so these mistakes we see might be because of a low rated player or bad programming. Its easier to watch game play footage of madden and say "that's bad bad programming for the linemen" because we generally know how good or bad teams OL and DL are. Overall im still excited, sure the DB doesn't watch the ball the whole play, but neither do pro players and even still, is it truly a game killer? I think not.
I liked it. I saw some great stuff, like the DBs colliding trying to defend the ball, and some not so good stuff, like the DE stopping and running into a OL on the first play. Unfortunately since these are completely custom teams and players we have no idea of how good or bad they are, so these mistakes we see might be because of a low rated player or bad programming. Its easier to watch game play footage of madden and say "that's bad bad programming for the linemen" because we generally know how good or bad teams OL and DL are. Overall im still excited, sure the DB doesn't watch the ball the whole play, but neither do pro players and even still, is it truly a game killer? I think not.
The replays looked really nice and the QB throwing animation looks way better in slo-mo.
The interaction between the WR/DB's on the first play transitioned well. It looks like there will be a lot of possibilities in the pass game.
The interaction between the WR/DB's on the first play transitioned well. It looks like there will be a lot of possibilities in the pass game.
What are some of you guys talking about. The OF/DEF line play look miles ahead of Madden. To the guy that said the dt wasn't blocked. Did you see he was doubled the the offensive line actually switched?? I have never seen that in Madden and when the dt was one on one he was able to get past him.
And DB on that play was NOT supposed to turn around. From playing db and wr in hs. The second you turn around you are out of position. You put your hands up and try to make a play! Which the db did! How many times do you see the db turn around. Hardly ever bc one the db turns around you allow the wr to make a huge play!
My only gripe is the de making a horrible angle to the qb....otherwise very realistic game!
And DB on that play was NOT supposed to turn around. From playing db and wr in hs. The second you turn around you are out of position. You put your hands up and try to make a play! Which the db did! How many times do you see the db turn around. Hardly ever bc one the db turns around you allow the wr to make a huge play!
My only gripe is the de making a horrible angle to the qb....otherwise very realistic game!

Wow, I amazed you get come to all those conclusions looking at a 62 second video clip that is running on the easiest setting. Some of you pro game critics (NOT) might want to wait until the game comes out and we have more then 62 seconds to look at before you pick apart every play.
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