WWE Brawl News Post

Could THQ be revealing WWE Brawl? According to Blend Games, it is in the works. What are your thoughts, anything in particular you'd love to see?

"It should come as no surprise that another WWE game is in the works. However, the next one might not be called Smackdown Vs. Raw.

World Wrestling Entertainment has filed a trademark application for the phrase "WWE Brawl." Sometimes a company will try to obtain really broad trademarks to cover all possible merchandising options. However, the "WWE Brawl" application only specifies video games so a game bearing that name seems to be their primary goal.

Of course, this doesn't necessarily mean that WWE plans to shelve the Smackdown Vs. Raw brand. Brawl could be a separate, new series they're planning. I suspect we'll find out soon enough."

Game: WWE BrawlHype Score: Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 0 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 SuperKyle @ 03/05/10 11:06 PM
I would like a game with controls as simple as Wrestlemania 2000 or No Mercy, with the current match modes and graphics and customization of Smackdown vs. Raw.

Also, without the 3-moves=reversal mechanic of WCW Mayhem. That was a painful game to play.
# 2 Steve_OS @ 03/05/10 11:12 PM
I used to play Wrestlemania w/ my stepson all day/night. That game was a blast.
# 3 Steve_OS @ 03/05/10 11:18 PM
Wrestlemania 2000, that is.
# 4 RaychelSnr @ 03/06/10 03:04 AM
Sounds like a potential arcade type of fighting game (strange to say for wrestling I know)....but it sounds like they might be looking to do something a bit more casual or arcadey so to speak. Might not be a terrible idea, but will probably be one anyways.
# 5 sportznut02 @ 03/06/10 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by MMChrisS
Sounds like a potential arcade type of fighting game (strange to say for wrestling I know)....but it sounds like they might be looking to do something a bit more casual or arcadey so to speak. Might not be a terrible idea, but will probably be one anyways.
I wonder if it is a UFC type game.
# 6 stephensonmc @ 03/06/10 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by MarkAdrianPI
I personally thinks Yukes is a crappy developer. The AI in the SvR series has been awful. Their idea of fun is the CPU reversing every 3 moves I do, but now and then the CPU lets me do a suplex. So one out of four moves ain't that bad....sorry need to take more of the stuff I am smoking.

We'll I miss my AKI games, still the King almost a decade latter,

Also why does Yukes remove moves from previous editions? Where is my Warrior Splash and Press? Where is the Hogan Leg Drop(RUNNING). WHere is my...oh gosh I need....to calm down.

Will some company just make a generic wrestling game that is fully customizabel? Wait why is there no PS3 firepro?
How do you think the AI should react? I'm a fan of the AKI games just as much as anyone is, but I think about those controls in today's game all the time, and to me it is just grapple to do a move, grapple to do a move...

Is it fun? Yes - is it sim? I don't think so...

My thoughts
# 7 vernond @ 03/07/10 02:18 AM
Sounds like wcw backstage assault or whatever that crap was. Smart move, legends of wrestlemania really sold like gangbusters put out another arcade type game, if that's what this is. Everyone (myself included) seems to think the late 90's wrestling games were the best ever. WM 2000, no mercy, revenge. Mimic the gameplay of these games, provide a good career mode, give the caw people their caws, give the online people an online experience. There ya go.
# 8 Whitesox @ 03/07/10 03:32 AM
Originally Posted by MMChrisS
Sounds like a potential arcade type of fighting game (strange to say for wrestling I know)....but it sounds like they might be looking to do something a bit more casual or arcadey so to speak. Might not be a terrible idea, but will probably be one anyways.
I thought the same thing when I read it.
# 9 babythug23 @ 03/08/10 08:42 PM
Could it be the next Legends game? That way they could add all the Legends even if they was not in wrestlemani
# 10 DJ @ 03/09/10 11:13 AM
I really liked Legends of Wrestlemania and was hoping for a sequel. But, that appears to be out the window. Whatever Brawl is, I hope it uses the LOW controls as I liked them better than the SVR controls.
# 11 DonkeyJote @ 03/10/10 06:57 AM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
How do you think the AI should react? I'm a fan of the AKI games just as much as anyone is, but I think about those controls in today's game all the time, and to me it is just grapple to do a move, grapple to do a move...

Is it fun? Yes - is it sim? I don't think so...

My thoughts
Is it Sim? It's a pro wrestling game. Pro Wrestling isn't sim. How many people are going to hit a vertical suplex on someone that isn't letting them do it. While wrestling is athletic, it is not a sport - it's a performance. You might as well expect Alien vs. Predator to be "sim".

I think the big thing they should do is stop trying to make this a sports game and let it be about having great epic matches, not necessarily winning and losing. I think that'd be a ton of fun, would work better, and you could have a really cool career mode if it was a behind the scenes type of career mode, where it's acknowledged you are playing a character.
# 12 HealyMonster @ 03/10/10 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by DonkeyJote
Is it Sim? It's a pro wrestling game. Pro Wrestling isn't sim. How many people are going to hit a vertical suplex on someone that isn't letting them do it. While wrestling is athletic, it is not a sport - it's a performance. You might as well expect Alien vs. Predator to be "sim".

I think the big thing they should do is stop trying to make this a sports game and let it be about having great epic matches, not necessarily winning and losing. I think that'd be a ton of fun, would work better, and you could have a really cool career mode if it was a behind the scenes type of career mode, where it's acknowledged you are playing a character.


LMAO Alien vs Predator. Alien was looking a bit "too fast" in that movie, I mean they should have bumped down his speed a bit

As for this game, I def think that they could do a better job of "capturing the sport" like someone else said, there is no point in making everything more "realistic". Capture the atmosphere, the promos, the ups and downs of matches and typical wrestling stuff. Every wrestler loses. Even the greatest ones lose all the time. There isnt a person in the WWE where every match we already know the outcome. Obviously when belts are on the line and its PPV matches, we can make better guesses as to who will win. The thing is that in all of these games like road to wrestlemania, etc. You are not allowed to lose. Not saying that there shouldt be consequences, but there should be times where you face like 4 people at once and they beat you instead of win after win after win.
# 13 DJ @ 03/10/10 07:37 PM
What would be cool is if the wrestler you were using gained or lost exp. points based on the type of match he had. Did he botch a spot? Well, then knock him down a couple of points. Did he put on a great show for the fans and still took the loss? Give him credit for entertaining the fans and bump him up a few points.

OR ... you could play the role of "agent" like Pat Patterson and be the person responsible for putting a match together. You'd gain or lose points based on how well the match was received by the audience and how well the wrestlers performed during the bout.

Obviously, it's highly unlikely a game like that would ever be made. The create-a-storyline feature on SVR 10 was a nice step in the right direction but at the end of the day, the gameplay was still the same.
# 14 stephensonmc @ 03/11/10 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by DonkeyJote
Is it Sim? It's a pro wrestling game. Pro Wrestling isn't sim. How many people are going to hit a vertical suplex on someone that isn't letting them do it. While wrestling is athletic, it is not a sport - it's a performance. You might as well expect Alien vs. Predator to be "sim".

I think the big thing they should do is stop trying to make this a sports game and let it be about having great epic matches, not necessarily winning and losing. I think that'd be a ton of fun, would work better, and you could have a really cool career mode if it was a behind the scenes type of career mode, where it's acknowledged you are playing a character.
As for this game, I def think that they could do a better job of "capturing the sport" like someone else said, there is no point in making everything more "realistic". Capture the atmosphere, the promos, the ups and downs of matches and typical wrestling stuff. Every wrestler loses. Even the greatest ones lose all the time. There isnt a person in the WWE where every match we already know the outcome. Obviously when belts are on the line and its PPV matches, we can make better guesses as to who will win. The thing is that in all of these games like road to wrestlemania, etc. You are not allowed to lose. Not saying that there shouldt be consequences, but there should be times where you face like 4 people at once and they beat you instead of win after win after win.
everything you just named "Renegade44" would make it a "sim," that's all I'm saying.

Substitute the word "sim" for "authentic" and I think we have a winner

There is such thing as being as true to what you're trying to resemble as possible. If SvR was as true to what the WWE puts out there every week, it would be a true simulation of the WWE, hence the word "sim."

No reason to think of the word "sim" in our typical fishbowl world of sports games.

As for AvP, you don't think that diehard fans of AvP wanted a game that was "authentic" to their beliefs on the franchise? I think so...

Great idea on the "epic matches" though. I was thinking about this the other day, and wondering how it could be done. I remember playing NCAA Football 2004, and when you played your first big game online or offline, you found out that it made your "greatest games" list. Maybe something like that could work...??
# 15 SmashMan @ 03/11/10 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
Great idea on the "epic matches" though. I was thinking about this the other day, and wondering how it could be done. I remember playing NCAA Football 2004, and when you played your first big game online or offline, you found out that it made your "greatest games" list. Maybe something like that could work...??
It's a good idea, but what would the criteria be? Match length? Maybe it's primarily based on length but overall of the wrestlers, and whether the match is for a title or has a stipulation attached gives boosts? It's definitely an idea that would be cool to have.


My issue with the current games is that I would like a more TV-style presentation. I like the "WWE Live" in the lower left of the screen and the removal of the HUD, but adding in the mini titantron videos on the secondary screens during entrances would make the entrances that much more engaging. Mimicking actual camera angles brings us that much closer to being in the ring, so to speak.

On the gameplay side of it, they've added the "abilities" but everyone is still too similar that it shortens the life span of the game. Why have a large roster when the characters feel the same? Kane reacts the same as Evan Bourne, who punches the same way as Edge, and so on. I don't expect individual punch/kick/selling styles for everyone, but something to differentiate would be great.

All that being said, I agree with others that this WWE Brawl game sounds (by name alone) like it's of the "arcade" style, which means my suggestions of the past two paragraphs wouldn't apply. For an arcade game, I liked how you leveled up to more powerful moves in Legends of WrestleMania, but the movesets were really lacking on all levels. If a similar system made its' way to WWE Brawl, it would benefit from more moves.
# 16 stlstudios189 @ 03/11/10 10:13 PM
I loved Legends of Wrestlemania if this is the sequel I'm in baby.
# 17 stephensonmc @ 03/12/10 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by goh
But we want to wrestle! Not cut 20 minute promos and then spend 10 minutes yelling at the guest host for not putting us in a match and then watching Masters,Hornswaggle and the Bellas do something stupid.

They had those long ago didn't they? All the way back to SD 2? They had star ratings after matches and a whole seperate page with win and loss records with #1 contenders and average match rating. I thought they had that anyway. Some game had it.
I agree man!
# 18 BastionBooger @ 03/16/10 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by stlstudios189
I loved Legends of Wrestlemania if this is the sequel I'm in baby.
Absolutely but it does need improvement and how I wish for a bigger roster. Add in the likes of Savage, Steamboat, Orndorff, Demolition, Sid, Martel, Santana, Earthquake, Powers of Pain and the likes and I'll be a happy man. Oh how I miss those days.

= Old skool wrestling
# 19 Misfit @ 03/20/10 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by DonkeyJote

I think the big thing they should do is stop trying to make this a sports game and let it be about having great epic matches, not necessarily winning and losing. I think that'd be a ton of fun, would work better, and you could have a really cool career mode if it was a behind the scenes type of career mode, where it's acknowledged you are playing a character.
This has been my stance ever since the GM mode was instituted one year (2006?). Have an "Arcade Mode" or a "Season Mode" where you can play the traditional way and assume a character and fight your way to the top but complement that with a television style GM Mode. The GM Mode was here today, gone tomorrow. I was hoping for some serious advances in it and one that would take it from being a fictional GM role to a real-world role. Let me, as the player, book the matches and set the feuds, rig the outcomes, etc. I liked the competition aspect of the original GM that pitted you against the other brand's GM. Keep that, and as part of the set-up have it be something where McMahan tells you he wants you create the best product and best the other brand's GM. This wouldn't be entirely realistic, but it at least gives you some incentive.

From there you plan your shows and feuds and are awarded ratings after each show. Like the previous GM Mode, it could keep track of rivalries and the fan interest associated with them. To add difficulty you would also have to manage each superstar's personality. Sure you may want Undertaker to drop the belt to Edge but maybe he sees things differently? Unhappy characters lead to bad promos and matches affecting the product. And at any point you should be able to play a match you've booked.

This mode could even be tied into a lesser mode where you select one character and have to do as your GM says. The idea being the better job you do the more likely you are to get rewarded with a title run. The matches could have specific goals in them (e.g. - Get thrown off the cell, bust your opponent open, knock out the ref, etc.) that if attained, affect your performance. This could even be a mode for created superstars only and attribute points are awarded based on the results.

At any rate, that's where my head was at following my exposure to the original GM Mode and since then the mode has been dropped and I haven't purchased any new WWE games. I've felt for a long time that the gameplay was fine and some tweaks here and there could make it truly fantastic (never felt like the weapons had enough interactivity or did enough damage), especially with better AI. The problem is the games just don't contain enough features to keep me playing.

I should clarify, I don't blame developers for a sports game becoming stale. Even though wrestling is not a sport, the games have adopted the same release pattern. A great deal of money goes into securing the WWE license and the only way for THQ to profit from that is to put a game out every year. Short development cycles leave little room for innovation. Plus, the WWE has the final say over how its product is presented and it's quite possible they would not be in favor of a game that too fully embraces the behind the scenes affairs and not the fantasy that plays out in the ring.
# 20 DonkeyJote @ 03/20/10 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by Misfit
This has been my stance ever since the GM mode was instituted one year (2006?). Have an "Arcade Mode" or a "Season Mode" where you can play the traditional way and assume a character and fight your way to the top but complement that with a television style GM Mode. The GM Mode was here today, gone tomorrow. I was hoping for some serious advances in it and one that would take it from being a fictional GM role to a real-world role. Let me, as the player, book the matches and set the feuds, rig the outcomes, etc. I liked the competition aspect of the original GM that pitted you against the other brand's GM. Keep that, and as part of the set-up have it be something where McMahan tells you he wants you create the best product and best the other brand's GM. This wouldn't be entirely realistic, but it at least gives you some incentive.

From there you plan your shows and feuds and are awarded ratings after each show. Like the previous GM Mode, it could keep track of rivalries and the fan interest associated with them. To add difficulty you would also have to manage each superstar's personality. Sure you may want Undertaker to drop the belt to Edge but maybe he sees things differently? Unhappy characters lead to bad promos and matches affecting the product. And at any point you should be able to play a match you've booked.

This mode could even be tied into a lesser mode where you select one character and have to do as your GM says. The idea being the better job you do the more likely you are to get rewarded with a title run. The matches could have specific goals in them (e.g. - Get thrown off the cell, bust your opponent open, knock out the ref, etc.) that if attained, affect your performance. This could even be a mode for created superstars only and attribute points are awarded based on the results.

At any rate, that's where my head was at following my exposure to the original GM Mode and since then the mode has been dropped and I haven't purchased any new WWE games. I've felt for a long time that the gameplay was fine and some tweaks here and there could make it truly fantastic (never felt like the weapons had enough interactivity or did enough damage), especially with better AI. The problem is the games just don't contain enough features to keep me playing.

I should clarify, I don't blame developers for a sports game becoming stale. Even though wrestling is not a sport, the games have adopted the same release pattern. A great deal of money goes into securing the WWE license and the only way for THQ to profit from that is to put a game out every year. Short development cycles leave little room for innovation. Plus, the WWE has the final say over how its product is presented and it's quite possible they would not be in favor of a game that too fully embraces the behind the scenes affairs and not the fantasy that plays out in the ring.
I agree with this a ton. That would be a ton of fun. I just think it's going to be very difficult to replicate what we see on tv as long as the objective is winning more than putting on a good match. Losing should be part of the formula. Putting on the great match should be the goal, imo. That is why I liked GM mode (I played a lot of the matches).

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