Gran Turismo 5 News Post

Motor Trend has posted a Gran Turismo 5 video, showcasing NASCAR.

"We've played advanced demo versions of the long-awaited Gran Turismo 5 and have come away impressed with its blend of realism and user-friendliness. While these demos have been limited in both circuits and vehicles considering the amount of each the final product is said to tout, we're ready to be impressed by the production-ready version of GT5 when it becomes available - hopefully later this year."

Game: Gran Turismo 5Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 16 - View All
Gran Turismo 5 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 beau21 @ 03/04/10 03:57 PM

that's nothing short of amazing

side note question.. who was it that picked up the NASCAR license? I can't seem to find it. I would love to see a full NASCAR game released from these guys!
# 2 bluengold34_OS @ 03/04/10 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by beau21

that's nothing short of amazing

side note question.. who was it that picked up the NASCAR license? I can't seem to find it. I would love to see a full NASCAR game released from these guys!
They have not announced who picked it up. I have read twice now that a new game will be released for the console and pc this year......but they said it was a secret company. The only info they would reveal was that the company was not EA. This was during a preview of the GT5 Nascar stuff.....so it wasn't this game either.

We shall see
# 3 rspencer86 @ 03/04/10 06:01 PM
Wow, that looked incredible, and I don't even care about NASCAR.

Please, release this game!!!
# 4 Mo @ 03/04/10 06:09 PM

I might have to at least rent this now
# 5 Artman22 @ 03/04/10 09:05 PM
Wow that was really impressive.. Hopefully it plays way better then the demo.
# 6 Earl1963 @ 03/04/10 09:29 PM
Those graphics are ridiculous.
# 7 Whitesox @ 03/04/10 10:38 PM
So very impressive.
# 8 EnigmaNemesis @ 03/05/10 11:15 AM
The details are just astonishing. This game is going be like three in one.

I cant believe how detail the NASCAR portion is. And not just tacked on.

Amazing graphics.
# 9 LingeringRegime @ 03/05/10 12:27 PM
I thought it was real Nascar Footage. Wow. I hope Danica Patrick is rendered with the same detail.
# 10 rspencer86 @ 03/05/10 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by DEFTFUNDAMENTALZ
I hope Danica Patrick is rendered with the same detail.
# 11 pk500 @ 03/05/10 05:36 PM
Pretty graphics, but what about the driving model and AI?

GT always has been like the ugly chick who dresses up well with makeup and clothes. Great looking, but when you strip her down and peel off the makeup, the game is sorely lacking when it comes to AI and the racing model.

And if this is a NASCAR game without damage, it will be a massive joke.
# 12 rspencer86 @ 03/05/10 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by pk500
Pretty graphics, but what about the driving model and AI?

GT always has been like the ugly chick who dresses up well with makeup and clothes. Great looking, but when you strip her down and peel off the makeup, the game is sorely lacking when it comes to AI and the racing model.

And if this is a NASCAR game without damage, it will be a massive joke.
Good points. These aren't new complaints about the GT series, so hopefully they have put in some serious work in these areas.
# 13 pk500 @ 03/05/10 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by backbreaker
As far as A.I. its at a still wait and see, from what Kaz said in an interview the PS2 couldn't handle their full vision and he says he can get close with the PS3, so we will see.
That is a complete load of crap from one of the biggest windbags in game development. There were many PS2 games with solid racing AI, so using the architecture as an excuse is a cop-out.

Kaz didn't design proper AI in the PS2 versions of GT because he didn't need to. GT sold by the bushel with its formula of excellent graphics, a solid driving model and a car-collecting mojo, all despite HORRIFIC racing AI. Proper racing AI never entered the equation -- because it didn't need to.

Why spend time creating proper AI when you can build yet another Nissan Skyline or Subaru Impreza variant for people to ogle and collect?
# 14 Rules @ 03/07/10 09:18 AM
It just became a must buy in my book.
# 15 Earl1963 @ 03/07/10 12:03 PM
I'm not a huge fan of the series but I am a graphics whore and I don't see any game out right now that looks this dang good. Good way to show off the power of our PS3's.
# 16 Mo @ 03/07/10 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by randombrother
I can see it now though. 10 months from now (or whenever this game is coming out) we're all sitting at our PS3s saying "What happen to the graphics I saw in that vid". I really want to see "that" game where I can say that these graphics destroy the 360 and validate all the hype over the PS3. So far I just don't see it. My 360s get worked liked dogs while my PS3 is freeloading on the side LITERALLY collecting dust. (Although it's FANTASTIC at streaming content from my computer)
Was this really necessary?

You like your system, fine.

Why must you bash someone who likes theirs?
# 17 EnigmaNemesis @ 03/08/10 09:55 AM
The graphics will look just as good as you see in those vids. They have it at the GT Academy running with those graphics, flawless 60FPS, with no hiccups or issues.

Polyphony has always been known for producing great graphics, and never once sacrificed anything from a video before launch. They can not be put into that category.

If anything, it will improve some more before it hits, they are technical geniuses and known to get most bang out of the Playstation systems.

To post anything else is just raining on peoples parade and being a negative Nancy, IMO. Since Polyphony has never done this. So there is no evidence to support a claim.
# 18 pk500 @ 03/08/10 12:40 PM
Polyphony also ALWAYS has been known for horrible racing AI and a piss-poor damage model, so that's worth mentioning.
# 19 EnigmaNemesis @ 03/09/10 11:28 AM
AI I will give you, but poor damage model?

They never had damage, to even call it poor

They were not allowed by certain manufacturers at the time of their games, they are allowed to now though, and the damage looks brilliant.
# 20 pk500 @ 03/09/10 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
AI I will give you, but poor damage model?

They never had damage, to even call it poor

They were not allowed by certain manufacturers at the time of their games, they are allowed to now though, and the damage looks brilliant.
It LOOKS brilliant. Swell. Does damage have any effect on vehicle performance? If it doesn't, then whoop-dee-effing-do.

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