Draft Day Sports Basketball 2 News Post

On the surface, being the general manager of a basketball team seems like a sweet gig. There are only 15 players on a roster, eight players that actually matter, and five on the floor at any given time. Find a superstar to lead your team, surround him with a few key role players and you should be set for the next decade.

Well, it is not quite that simple. A GM’s job has gotten tougher thanks to an influx of foreign talent, the NBA Draft and a salary-cap system that requires a Ph.D. to understand. On top of that, general managers also have to worry about their $100 million star player pulling a gun in the locker room or dogging it after cashing those first couple of paychecks.

With that in mind, Gary Gorski and the staff at Wolverine Studios want to give you a taste of what it is like to run a professional basketball team with Draft Day Sports Pro Basketball (DDSPB). The sequel is due out in the near future and expands on the success of the first version. DDSPB 2 makes you the GM of a basketball franchise. You are responsible for drafting, free agency, trades, lineups, team chemistry, the salary cap and any other tasks that come with building a success team.

Read More - Draft Day Sports Pro Basketball 2 Attempts to Expand Beyond the NBA

Game: Draft Day Sports Pro Basketball 2Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PCVotes for game: 1 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 beedl001 @ 03/04/10 07:44 PM
I really enjoyed the article and I have been wanting to try an NBA text sim. I went to the Wolverine site and thought it was pretty cool I could purchase and start playing the game early. Then I realized there wasn't a Mac version for it or any of the other games. Really deflated my bubble.

Do you know of any text sim sports games, besides OOTP, that will run on a Mac?
# 2 Adam Czech @ 03/04/10 10:03 PM
You can watch a representation of the game, but it's nothing like watching games on 2k.

Good question on the Mac issue. Honestly, I'm not 100 percent sure. Perhaps that would be a good topic for a future story. We just posted the first version of the Operation Sports Text Sim Encyclopedia as well. You could browse some of those games to see if they have Mac versions.
# 3 Dark Cloud @ 03/07/10 12:39 PM
Text sims are hard on Macs, because most are PC-only. It's really endemic to the fact that most of the development is done in PCs and we're dealing with super small development studios of one or a few people.
# 4 Imaking332 @ 03/13/10 11:58 AM
I dont know much about computer games but it says the operating system is Windows 2000 does it mean it can work with Windows XP?
# 5 Isura @ 03/23/10 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by Imaking332
I dont know much about computer games but it says the operating system is Windows 2000 does it mean it can work with Windows XP?
Almost certainly yes. Double check with the developers but 99% sure it will work.

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