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Thanks Russel.
I had called support before checking the forum and they were going to re-issue me a code within 48 hrs. I'm quite sure I won't be needing that code now and appreciate the quick fix response!
I had called support before checking the forum and they were going to re-issue me a code within 48 hrs. I'm quite sure I won't be needing that code now and appreciate the quick fix response!
# 3
Big Shmooz @ 03/02/10 05:24 PM
I ordered from Amazon, but no code came in the package with my game.
I think someone said it comes through email. Should get it by end of the week.
Thanks for the update Russ.
I think someone said it comes through email. Should get it by end of the week.
Thanks for the update Russ.
What I want to know is if the code will work for the people (like myself) who got the "code is invalid" message?
# 6
GrandMaster B @ 03/02/10 05:34 PM
They should really let everyone download it for free off of PSN since this game shipped with a lot of bugs. It seems quite a few people didn't even get their codes from Gamestop.
I didn't get mine earlier today at gamestop so I just went back later and they gave it to me. They said they had problems with the shipment or something.
As far as everyone getting it free because of bugs in the game I just don't see it....the game is SICK.
Got my code today from Best Buy via email. I'll just hold off on entering the code for now until the fix is announced as "complete".
Thanks for the heads-up Russell.
Thanks for the heads-up Russell.
# 16
ajwhitehead44 @ 03/02/10 06:22 PM
I got my copy at Gamestop in Charlotte, NC. The stadiums code was on a separate card. It still doesn't work, but they should have given everybody one.
# 17
ferriscj24 @ 03/02/10 06:23 PM
Errrr boy....I installed the game before work, used the code (it seemed to work fine when I typed it in.), and turned off the game. Am I in for some sort of surprise here? Will we all need new codes? Thanks for the update Russ...but I guess I'm a little confused in the vagueness here...
When I showed up at Gamestop, nobody knew what I was talking about. when I insisted, they in the back and found a stack of unwrapped voucher for the calssic stadiums. They literally said "we had no idea about this."
Same here, Gamestop employee had no idea there was a card in another package for codes until I kept insisting I was supposed to have a code. He finally found the package. This was at 3 today. Looks like alot of people before me didn't get them from this store.
# 20
ferriscj24 @ 03/02/10 06:34 PM
I guess my only question is...I DID receive a code. I installed the game, and after installing I went to PSN and redeemed the code. I had no hiccups whatsoever and it said it worked just fine and is also in my transactions list as completed. Although I then shut off the game to go to work. My understanding is that despite redeeming the code, the Classic Stadiums are not available? If so, does this mean they will need to re-release all new codes...or....?
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