MLB 2K10 News Post

Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 RoyalBoyle78 @ 02/26/10 09:22 PM
WOW, I was having seconds thoughts early today, forget that crap, thats Mets vid sold me. I'm very anxious to play 2K.
# 2 DirtyJerz32 @ 02/26/10 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by baseball66
Wow the guy almost got thrown out at 1st by the leftfielder.
It wasn't close. Even the Thorn said he was safe by a mile.
# 3 DirtyJerz32 @ 02/26/10 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by baseball66
What Thorn should have said is "what the heck is the leftfielder doing trying to throw a runner out at 1st".
Yup, true story.
# 4 AmazingMets @ 02/26/10 10:01 PM
# 5 DirtyJerz32 @ 02/26/10 10:01 PM
Wondering if a mod can change the title to "Official MLB 2K10 Gameplay Videos" so it makes looking for vids easier? All vids will go in this thread.
Just my .02
# 6 AmazingMets @ 02/26/10 10:02 PM
# 7 AmazingMets @ 02/26/10 10:02 PM
There you guys go!
# 8 DirtyJerz32 @ 02/26/10 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by DickDalewood
Thorn may have said that, but it was definitely a lot closer than it should have been. As Chase has already mentioned in his thread, the arms are just a taaaad bit overpowered.
I did read that from Chase but, I dought you'll be able to throw out someone from left field or even right field for that matter.
# 9 green94 @ 02/26/10 10:45 PM
Are they EVER going to take the ridiculous looking crow hops out of this game?

No OF looks like that unless he is making a play on the plate, let alone throwing a ball back into 2b after a flyout.

On a side note... Pujols and Howard's follow thrus look pretty nice.
# 10 JT30 @ 02/26/10 10:50 PM
wow does everyone have a rocket arm in this game?
# 11 WarDawg58 @ 02/26/10 11:25 PM
Nice, this game looks like a lot of fun. The more I see of it, the more I want it.
# 12 VDusen04 @ 02/26/10 11:34 PM
One of the smallest complaints possible: I have this weird thing about watching where a home run ball lands and then basking in its landing location for a few seconds. Unfortunately, in 2K9's home run derby, there was often a very quick cut almost instantly after a home run ball landed, not providing any sort of satisfaction and pay off. I know the guy was skipping forward, but that still appears to be present. Again, I know it's so small, but I just wish there was like one more second of getting to see where the ball lands.
# 13 Blzer @ 02/26/10 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by DickDalewood
Thorn may have said that, but it was definitely a lot closer than it should have been. As Chase has already mentioned in his thread, the arms are just a taaaad bit overpowered.
You're definitely not exaggerating it enough, the throw strength in this game is atrocious, and no air friction has caused this kind of issue since 2K5.

Originally Posted by VDusen04
One of the smallest complaints possible: I have this weird thing about watching where a home run ball lands and then basking in its landing location for a few seconds. Unfortunately, in 2K9's home run derby, there was often a very quick cut almost instantly after a home run ball landed, not providing any sort of satisfaction and pay off. I know the guy was skipping forward, but that still appears to be present. Again, I know it's so small, but I just wish there was like one more second of getting to see where the ball lands.
And because of this, I don't know if I can play this game's home run derby. Not even watch the ball land is far too questionable of a decision.
# 14 Bwnarrow3 @ 02/27/10 12:11 AM
Terrible videos. It was like hurry up baseball on steroids. 100 MPH I couldn't even tell what was going on.
# 15 Blzer @ 02/27/10 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by Bwnarrow3
Terrible videos. It was like hurry up baseball on steroids. 100 MPH I couldn't even tell what was going on.
GameTrailers just edited their videos to do a mashup of shots. You can see the same kind of thing with that first MLB 2K7 CES video. It's not how the game actually runs.
# 16 Bob Digital @ 02/27/10 03:51 AM
I don't understand why 2K breaks up the 10 out home run derby round in to 3 mini rounds ( 3 outs, 3 outs, 4 outs ).. It's not a big deal, but it isn't authentic either.
# 17 DaveDQ @ 02/27/10 09:05 AM
The commentary trio sounds great. Hearing Kruk over the fans is nice.
# 18 BigBlue @ 02/27/10 11:25 AM
Already pre-ordered and looking forward to Tuesday.

Three things I think 2K needs to do for next year right off the bat.

1. Bring back the Step Influence while batting. I hate watching how the batter's swing is already cocked before the pitcher even begins his delivery. Bring back the slider to allow users to have to time the Step while hitting.

2. Tone down the rocket arms. Bring back a slider that allows us to globally edit the throwing strenghts of fielders. If we can do this by position (Outfielders / Infielders), that would be GOLDEN!

3. Bring back the zone hitting feature that many gamers really loved in 2K9. 2K said they removed the feature to focus more on it's current swing stick technology (defensive swings, etc). Bring it back next year and fine tune it and you'll have a TON of happy gamers.

Just my $.02.


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