MLB 2K10 News Post

We have just posted our Major League Baseball 2K10 Q&A Round 2, with Senior Producer, Mark Little.

Check out the exclusive screenshots, right here.

Spectre: "If people still think CPU batters are a little too aggressive, are there any sliders to help make it so they are less aggressive?"

Mark: "To make the game as realistic as possible and also bring out the characteristics of the individual players, we use Inside Edge statistics and a set of statistics that we compiled ourselves to determine what players should do at the plate. This includes a lot of different factors such as count, player tendency, type of pitch, ball vs. strike, etc. We did this so that each batter has his own approach at the plate and, what works against one batter, may not work against the next. We really want to ensure that some batters are very patient and some batters are very aggressive. With that being our goal, it does not make sense to have a slider that makes everyone swing more or less, that would not keep with the realism.

In our testing and tuning of the game you can see this play out properly over a large sample set of batters and innings, and we do not see batters being overly aggressive, especially [ones] that have a tendency to be patient at the plate.

I’ve read the posts in the demo thread about cases where a batter swung when it was 3-0 that was cause for concern. While it is not common for players to swing at a curve ball on a 3-0 count, it doesn’t mean that it never happens. That is one of my favorite aspects of baseball -- in a season just about everything that you think won’t occur will occur at some point.

We are open to all of your feedback, so please keep playing and compiling your thoughts, but remember that when we are talking about batting and pitching, player tendency really plays a big factor in what happens."

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 jeffy777 @ 02/26/10 02:30 PM
Thanks Steve
# 2 IndianBird @ 02/26/10 02:33 PM
Is anyone completely turned off by his response to that question? Seems like if I think they are too aggressive or too laid back, I should be the judge of that.
# 3 The Living Legend @ 02/26/10 02:39 PM
Overall good questions i am glad the OF can be slowed down a bit, but i hope editing the OF throwing power just doesnt make them through a big ark. I guess we shall see what happens when someone edits all the players.
# 4 tmac55 @ 02/26/10 02:45 PM
As for the throwing speed and fielder speed, it's good to see that we can at least reduce fielder speed, which may temporarily compensate for throwing speed.

It will be interesting to see future roster updates, if no patches are released. Usually the community produces excellent updates as well for edits.

So that much is encouraging. Good read
# 5 jeffy777 @ 02/26/10 03:04 PM
I'm encouraged that we've seen multiple times where they've been reading the forums, which is something we haven't seen much of in the past. It seems like they genuinely care about their customers this year.
# 6 tmac55 @ 02/26/10 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
I'm encouraged that we've seen multiple times where they've been reading the forums, which is something we haven't seen much of in the past. It seems like they genuinely care about their customers this year.
I could not agree more and this also makes me spending my money on the game much easier, as it's clear what the end result can produce.
# 7 DJ @ 02/26/10 03:52 PM
Nice to see 2K really paying attention to what their consumers are saying. I'm excited about this game.
# 8 Juiceman @ 02/26/10 05:31 PM
Mark, I used cursor hitting every year. I thought it was actually something big that set 2k apart from the others. It created a good hit variety and I'd miss the ball if I didn't place the bat in the right spot - I like that. It'll be a big change for me to play timing-based. While I'm not too turned off by it, I definitely think it's a wise move to keep cursor hitting in the offering.
# 9 Spectre @ 02/26/10 05:46 PM
Yay for crowd noise!
# 10 stlstudios189 @ 02/26/10 11:00 PM
game looks good
# 11 cubsfan203 @ 02/26/10 11:08 PM
I like how he took the questions on and answered them honestly. The team before VC took over would have danced around those questions or not answered them at all.
# 12 WarDawg58 @ 02/26/10 11:23 PM
I respect them for answering the questions honestly. So many developers try to spin their answers and you don't know what to believe.
# 13 Bwnarrow3 @ 02/27/10 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by Djwlfpack
Nice to see 2K really paying attention to what their consumers are saying. I'm excited about this game.
This is so true.

The past few years 2K has been one of the only companies with limited to no community interaction. If you are going to try to sell a product, it is best to look into what the community of consumers wants in it. Marketing 101 This type of interaction with us is long overdue, but I am very impressed this year. It's nice to know that they will still spend time correcting mistakes after release day.

Props to the 2K team
# 14 GoStros @ 02/27/10 09:57 AM
I still want to know if every hard hit ball is going to be a home-run?
I can take everything else but over the years all balls hit perfect were homers! Can't we just time and connect perfect and hit the ball hard? Doesn't have to be a homer every time!
# 15 GOBLUE_08 @ 02/27/10 12:36 PM
Im excited about this game, but im a little sketchy about getting it for pc, seeing as how they treat pc gamers like a 3rd world country. NBA 2k10 has yet to receive any of the patches that the consoles got lol. I own a ps3 also but i will be getting the Show for that. I will probably just take the plunge and grab it for pc though, its only 30 bucks and all the mods will make it worth at least that. The does look really good this year. Will be interesting to see what the developers did with a full cycle.

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