NBA 2K10 News Post

Check out Jon Robinson's article at ESPN Videogames.

"What does Kobe Bryant keep locked inside his briefcase?

His collection of championship rings? Endorsement contracts worth millions? Proof of Sam Cassell's alien bloodline?

Try Xbox 360, TV, controllers and a copy of "NBA 2K10."

"I'm like the James Bond of gaming," Bryant said with a smirk. "I bring this on the plane with me and let the guys play."

And Bryant's not alone, as 2K Sports delivered these secret agent-like gaming devices to top stars throughout the league, including Derrick Rose, Brandon Jennings, Josh Smith, Chris Paul and Tyreke Evans."

Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
NBA 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 tcrews @ 02/24/10 11:53 PM
I think it's pretty funny that even Kobe noticed his jumpshot (something we've all complained about at one point or another) is off in the game. His quote is priceless. "But I don't even play as myself in the game. My jump shot is wack in that game. I need to talk to someone about that. Love the case to play '2K' on, just hate the way I shoot." Haha. Way to go Mamba, maybe NOW they'll listen?
# 2 bearschicago @ 02/25/10 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by tcrews
I think it's pretty funny that even Kobe noticed his jumpshot (something we've all complained about at one point or another) is off in the game. His quote is priceless. "But I don't even play as myself in the game. My jump shot is wack in that game. I need to talk to someone about that. Love the case to play '2K' on, just hate the way I shoot." Haha. Way to go Mamba, maybe NOW they'll listen?
Kobe wasn't the one who said that. It was Derrick Rose. Rose said the same thing in this video:

# 3 jsg @ 02/25/10 01:45 AM
i want a suitcase
# 4 jeebs9 @ 02/25/10 08:53 AM
I think Derrick is talking his rating more then his sig shot. As a player you always think your strength is some thing else. Because you work so hard on that part of your game. You can notice his jumpshot has improved a lot from the day he was drafted.
# 5 bigsmallwood @ 02/25/10 10:27 AM
I wish we had access to a modded briefcase with the gaming system inside! That would be hot!
# 6 Pared @ 02/25/10 10:51 AM
Great article to post, Steve!

My favorite:

...as 2K Sports delivered these secret agent-like gaming devices to top stars throughout the league...
...which is why they are so entrenched in the league. Brilliant. Better than any marketing people here on OS complain about. Kids read this, and know that NBA 2k is what they should be playing.
# 7 JWiLL02 @ 02/25/10 04:28 PM
Love Melo's comment "I'm not a high flyer". You sure as hell will be in NBA Jam!

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