MLB 2K10 News Post

2K Sports has posted another Major League Baseball 2K10 Developer Insights today. Fielding is the subject of this one.

"First, let’s discuss a new mechanic. In MLB 2K10 we’ve introduced one big ability that we haven’t supported in previous years, and that’s being able to “pre-load” a throw or, as we call it, “queuing up throws”. The high level concept is that we allow you to begin your throw meter before your fielder has gathered the ball. Last year, you had to wait to handle the ball before you could load your throw. If the user pre-loads a throw this year, they will get a smooth animation that has both the gather and the throw in the same animation.
We added so many new queued up animations this year that after each game we play, we see a new animation and we have to go to the replay to see it in-game. This new feature adds smooth gameplay and some riveting moments."

Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Pared @ 02/23/10 03:40 PM
Wow, that video shows a ton of improvements.
# 2 DaveDQ @ 02/23/10 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
Wow, that video shows a ton of improvements.
It really does. No doubt the game being in VC's hands has made an improvement. 2K9 looks awful in that video, but it also brings up some very frustrating memories, especially with those dropped outfiled catches.

I'm really looking forward to My Player too. The drills, the goals to achieve etc. should make a fun experience.
# 3 Pared @ 02/23/10 04:03 PM
I think it's great they highlighted all of that. People wondering where the improvements came from can stop wondering now.
# 4 bigfnjoe96 @ 02/23/10 04:07 PM
When I get home I'm gonna try pre-loading my throws to see if these NEW Animations show because I'm still throwing to bases the old way. Maybe this will help with those quirky animations
# 5 DaveDQ @ 02/23/10 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by bigfnjoe96
When I get home I'm gonna try pre-loading my throws to see if these NEW Animations show because I'm still throwing to bases the old way. Maybe this will help with those quirky animations
Me too, Joe. I think that's going to make a big difference. A few times now I'm notcing short throws to start a double play (from second to short) where the 2nd baseman does a more "powerful" animation, appearing like he's about to really fire the ball out. The result is a soft arched throw to second, making the whole process very odd.

I think getting it in the green and preloading should help.
# 6 Spectre @ 02/23/10 04:57 PM
Wow 2K9 looked horrid

I haven't bought a 2K baseball game since 2K7 so its nice to see this series getting back on track.
# 7 Tomba @ 02/24/10 12:37 PM
I don't get the feeling that the game's fielding has been improved that much beyond maybe a few tweaks after playing the demo.

If anything 2k7's engine was good too
# 8 cubsfan203 @ 02/24/10 12:45 PM
Very smart of 2k to put up a video like that. It definitely shows the improvements that those that didn't play (or played very little) 2k9 just how much better this game is looking to be.
# 9 En Fuego @ 02/24/10 05:23 PM
does anyone kno if how straight you pull the right stick when throwing to a base still affects how accurate the throw is? i havent played 2k baseball since 2k8 and i remember it being in that game, but i can't tell from the 2k10 demo if it's still there

i enjoyed that little touch

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