MLB 2K10 News Post

VSN has posted batch #3 of their exclusive Major League Baseball 2K10 screenshots.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 BrianFifaFan @ 02/22/10 09:42 AM
# 2 bonannogiovanni @ 02/22/10 09:46 AM

Just to realize how that #34 is oversized. No big deal for me however.
# 3 DaveDQ @ 02/22/10 09:49 AM
I will certainly admit those numbers look intrusive, martial and urgent.

The lighting does look much improve though.
# 4 tsp120 @ 02/22/10 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by bonannogiovanni

Just to realize how that #34 is oversized. No big deal for me however.
I'm all about gameplay. Good graphics are always a bonus.

However, the size of the numbers in this game (especially on pics with the Phillies) are an absolute eyesore to me. And it especially sucks cause I'm a Phillies fan.

In the end it's not going to change my opinion of the game, but for gods sakes I wish they would just decrease the font size!
# 5 bigfnjoe96 @ 02/22/10 10:03 AM
I'm so glad they worked on the Collision Detection. The 2 player exchanges should look awesome this year..

# 6 Blzer @ 02/22/10 10:40 AM
I'm glad the numbers look fine to some people, if not completely accurate (based on early reports).

Here's the thing, though... as long as I choose a team with regular-sized numbers, as it appears a few of them have it, then it won't be the worst thing for me. After all, most of the time I will only see their backs in full view with the BTP cam. With that being said, I sure hope the Giants don't have over-sized numbers.
# 7 DaveDQ @ 02/22/10 11:22 AM
The numbers won't bug me at all, not one bit. Just like with the letters on the hats last year being over sized, it didn't bug me.

I find it odd though that this over-sized dilemma has migrated to player numbers this year. You really have to wonder, and I know that many of us know not the challenges some game devs run into, but I am curious as to why they corrected the hats but then let this slip.
# 8 Skyboxer @ 02/22/10 12:00 PM
When the size of the numbers start affecting my BA then I'll have an issue. Otehrwise if the game is fun I can live with it...

# 9 WarDawg58 @ 02/22/10 01:48 PM
The numbers are off but I will get over it. I am more concerned about the gameplay.
# 10 Jamin23 @ 02/22/10 02:54 PM
Being a Phils fan, I'm gonna hate looking at the over-sized numbers, but I'm not going to judge the game off of it. Some of the jerseys look fine and I think the graphics look fine. I think as the years go on the game will look better and better. Although the graphics didn't take a major overhaul from last year I can clearly tell the game looks better this year. I am looking forward to the demo coming out tomorrow and hope that I can pick up this game this year because I need a baseball fix.

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