Skate 3 News Post

The official Skate 3 blog has posted a Q&A. Plenty of good info here.

Q: "So far all the teams in the videos I've seen wear the same color. There's a red team and a blue team, for instance. Can we have our teams dress any way we want them to?"

A: "The red and blue was a mass marketing thing...because we assumed people wouldn't get a normal skate team where everyone wears whatever they want. Rest assured, everyone on your team can wear whatever they...or you...want."

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Game: Skate 3Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 6 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Spear @ 02/20/10 07:42 PM
Graphics appear to be an upgrade from 2.
# 2 dickey1331 @ 02/21/10 05:10 AM
Looks good. Never played any of the Skate games but I may have to pick this up.
# 3 Shinyhubcaps @ 02/22/10 10:28 PM
I said that after the countless hours I've logged on the other Skate games, they'd have to screw this up pretty badly for me to not buy it... and it looks like they're taking that challenge. The name of the game is selling boards? Why? Why can't I just skate and film by myself? I don't enjoy playing online, and I certainly don't want to make the game feel like work, but selling boards sounds like work.
# 4 Bellsprout @ 02/22/10 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by Shinyhubcaps
I said that after the countless hours I've logged on the other Skate games, they'd have to screw this up pretty badly for me to not buy it... and it looks like they're taking that challenge. The name of the game is selling boards? Why? Why can't I just skate and film by myself? I don't enjoy playing online, and I certainly don't want to make the game feel like work, but selling boards sounds like work.
I doubt that will figure into anything. Does anybody really pay attention to the story in the Skate games anyways?

I wish they'd bring back the X Games. But skate (the first one) is one of my favorite games ever, so they have me hooked no matter what they do.
# 5 Hova57 @ 02/27/10 03:07 PM
i found a video on a site of a mega park
# 6 Pappy Knuckles @ 02/27/10 04:36 PM
what's the release date? i really want to play this.
# 7 Spear @ 02/27/10 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by Hova57
i found a video on a site of a mega park
Loved this video.

I wasn't that excited for Skate 3 until watching that. The new location looks a lot better.

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