NHL 10 News Post

Raise your hand if you have ever cursed out an AI teammate in a video game.

*All hands go up*

Keep that hand raised if you have ever cursed out an AI teammate in NHL 10.

*Most hands stay up*

For as much fun as NHL 10 can be, there is nothing more frustrating than watching your AI teammates commit dumb mistakes that lead to easy goals for the other team.

And for gamers not familiar with EA's NHL series or hockey in general, keeping those AI teammates on track can be completely mystifying since the game lacks any sort of tutorial that explains how to manage the on-the-fly coaching options mapped to the D-pad.

So for everyone out there who has no idea what a forecheck is or what separates a 1-2-2 High from a 1-2-2 Low, here is a guide that will help you get the most out of your AI teammates in NHL 10.

Read More - NHL 10: Improving your on-the-fly coaching

Game: NHL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 28 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Sherman91587 @ 02/17/10 03:16 PM
Good stuff man.... I always fix this up before game and change it round if I give up a bad breakaway or something. Didnt know 100 percent what the pressures meant tho so its good to have the details.
# 2 carlmac @ 02/17/10 03:40 PM
Thanks man, i am gonna go and practice, getting in and out of these forechecks and pressures so i can apply them in game situations, this is gonna make me dangerous
thanks again
# 3 Vikes1 @ 02/17/10 05:10 PM
Very good read.

Good to get a better understanding of how these different strategies make the AI players behave.
# 4 Borgskier @ 02/17/10 05:27 PM
I nominate Jayson for Commisioner.
Thanks for educating us and giving us new things to try!
# 5 tazbk @ 02/17/10 05:38 PM
Good analysis, just gave me some extra hockey knowledge there. Been playing NHL 10 like crazy the past couple weeks to get me to baseball season.
# 6 savoie2006 @ 02/17/10 07:01 PM
These kind of things need to either be in the game as a tutorial or in the manual. It's awesome that OS posts these.
# 7 BigBadJon @ 02/17/10 11:47 PM
PERFECT, Thanks.
# 8 Fiddy @ 02/18/10 09:31 AM
its funny when i play guys, that have played this game for 2 years plus and still dont know to adjust strats. they say it doesnt help etc.

it sure does help out. depending on who i play in my leagues, i adjust my strats to there game. some games i put a ton of pressure, others i sit back and wait for a mistake.

one thing you need to make note of, that when playing online the only way to change strats and have them stick during the game is using the d-pad on the fly. if you make strat changes at edit lines screen or from pause menu they dont stick at all. this has been that way for past 2 years. hopefully ea fixes this next year!!
# 9 Hack22 @ 02/19/10 11:05 PM
seems like the only forcheck that works is the 3-2. Everything else just has the players retreat to the blueline.

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