Skate 3 News Post

Gamespot has posted their hands-on preview of Skate 3, which also includes a video interview.

"Our time with Skate 3 also revealed a few other notable additions. Besides three difficulty levels, which is a first for the series, you can now take part in an extended tutorial system. This system is called Skate School with Coach Frank, and the coach is a thoroughly goofy character voiced by actor, as well as former pro skateboarder, Jason Lee. You can also now place an invisible photographer at any point in the game, letting you snap photos quickly and easily at any location without having to pull up the video editor to place a tripod camera then scroll to where you want in the video timeline to pull out a still shot. You'll see the customized character of anyone you're friends with on PSN or Live cruising through your city as an AI skater, even if you're just free skating around town. And in a nice little touch, if you appear in a friend's video that becomes a smash hit on the skate.reel content sharing system, you'll gain royalties in the form of boards sold in the Career mode."

Game: Skate 3Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 6 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Blzer @ 02/14/10 04:03 PM
I'll get this game simply because it's a new city, but I don't know if I'll get it instantly. I'll probably wait until I can find it used or just at a lower price in general.
# 2 Hova57 @ 02/15/10 03:40 PM
we should get an os crew
# 3 Blzer @ 02/16/10 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by Hova57
we should get an os crew
I'll be in. But again, I probably won't get this one day one. Backbreaker comes out around the same time, and my birthday is in June. Maybe I'll look at it for that.
# 4 Hova57 @ 02/16/10 10:54 AM
same here i won't be getting this day one but once a good amount does it would be cool to do

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