Madden 2010 News Post

Kotaku's Stick Jockey, Owen Good has posted his Madden NFL 10 Super Bowl XLIV Super Sim Spectacular. It's a great read, check it out.

"Here then is Stick Jockey's inaugural Super Sim Spectacular, in which we start with a Super Bowl XLIV matchup of Indianapolis and New Orleans at full strength, and gradually devolve into madness, in hopes that it might tell us something beyond what the touts and pundits say will happen tomorrow."

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 RayAllen20 @ 02/06/10 05:44 PM
Since when in Madden can the ball be snapped over the punter's head?

Just read the whole article, and I think it confirms my theory on Madden ratings. That they really can't go lower than a 50. What I mean is that if somebody has a 7 for accuracy, it's just as bad as 50 for accuracy as it can't get lower. If a 7 was really a 7, then how the heck did Goodwin complete a pass?

Anyway, good article. Really creative and funny ideas.

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