MLB 10 News Post

Playstation.Blog has posted another MLB '10: The Show blog. This one showcasing the cover athlete Joe Mauer, with quite a few nice gameplay clips mixed in.

"Ever wonder how the MLB The Show series nails all those in-game animations? It’s because the team in San Diego brings in actual players who show them how it’s done.

This week, Minnesota Twins catcher and AL MVP Joe Mauer was in the motion capture studio to, um, run around in spandex with a glove and bat. The results will be apparent when the game hits early next month."

Game: MLB '10: The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 66 - View All
MLB '10: The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 21 K_GUN @ 02/05/10 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by backbreaker
If you would read my post you will see that I said those statements were made in jest, stop taking things so literal, I was having fun with the pitch man.
your *humor* needs some work

take a few sips of cool-aid----perhaps that'll help
# 22 beau21 @ 02/05/10 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Mr. Franchise
Is it possible to patch the camera switching before contact?
Madden 10 patched in a new camera so I'm assuming its possible for SCEA also. Just depends how high it is on their priority list I suppose.. and if theres a big enough demand.

# 23 NumberOneRB @ 02/05/10 05:28 PM
This game is as good as mine on release day...
# 24 Speedy @ 02/05/10 05:35 PM
I don't have an issue with the camera as it allows me to look at the entire field. I agree w/Blzr in allowing the camera to fixate on the batting swing for the full followthrough but that's no biggie.

I'm pleased so far.
# 25 Splitter77 @ 02/05/10 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by Mr. Franchise
Is it possible to patch the camera switching before contact?
i dont think they would patch this. unfortunately this is one of my personal issues, and will force me to bat and pitch from a view other than the behind the pitcher view.

I remember the camera switched too early in ASB as well from the behind the pitcher view, and I just couldnt use that view because of it. Just a personal thing.

I remember in the show 08 the view was perfect. You could see contact for a good 1-2 seconds before it switched, then in 09 it was a little quick to the switch, now it seems this year that it has gone back to how it was in 07.
# 26 Russell_SCEA @ 02/05/10 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by beau21
Madden 10 patched in a new camera so I'm assuming its possible for SCEA also. Just depends how high it is on their priority list I suppose.. and if theres a big enough demand.

We don't patch cameras don't even want to to remotely think this will happen.
# 27 NumberOneRB @ 02/05/10 05:48 PM
Are we getting authentic batting swings too? That swing looked EXACTLY like Mauer's in real life. I don't remember if pitcher follow-through's were improved this year, since I'm not familiar with Scott Baker's follow-through in real life.
# 28 Russell_SCEA @ 02/05/10 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by cardsfan2222
Did anyone else think Mauer's right wrist shouldn't bend that way on the warm up swings? It looked kind of painful

The only thing I really don't like is the camera switching before the ball hits the bat. Not a big deal, but something I noticed in 09 and hoped they would work on.

The camera doesn't switch until you make contact when playing with the broadcast fielding camera. It transitions in the blink of an eye but not until you make contact with the ball.

Also if there was a delay in the camera switching when playing with the new broadcast camera it would make fielding extremely hard. There is already an added challenge when fielding with this new cam if it transitioned any later you wouldn't be able to make plays on many balls hit hard or hit to the outfield.
# 29 Heelfan71 @ 02/05/10 05:50 PM
wow. I really feel sorry for 360 only owners. Not really.
# 30 Rob_NYY @ 02/05/10 05:55 PM
Wow. Those gameplay clips were breathtaking!! I love the RTP, and that camera is so good.

Verlander's new motion looks 100x better than the one from previous years! Good job, SCEA.
# 31 cardsfan2222 @ 02/05/10 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
The camera doesn't switch until you make contact when playing with the broadcast fielding camera. It transitions in the blink of an eye but not until you make contact with the ball.
That's probably why it feels like it switches before the ball is hit. Not a big deal though, as other than that the gameplay looked outstanding.
# 32 silver540i @ 02/05/10 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by myghty
I think he's asking for Blimp cam.

Anyways, the video looked really good. Very realistic.
Right, I wasn't necessarily saying their broadcast cam wasn't good....its just like a real broadcast, but I wondered if it always kinda zooms low like that and just shows ball shadow. As you all know from 09, they had that awesome HR replay cam that showed more of the stadium and ball in flight.

Now if you ask what I would like, I would like something in btwn a higher broadcast cam, or a lower blimp cam.
# 33 silver540i @ 02/05/10 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by jim416
Then perhaps next year there will be these fielding views:


Could happen.

And remember, think big screen LCD, not what you're seeing here where you have to squint.
Right, just like the Pirates say every year....there's always next year. I suppose the silver lining to not having the exact cam that I like is that I'm able to turn the game off and remain employed. Having a user-defineable cam would probably result in divorce, unemployment, and moving in with my parents so they could pay for my PS3 electricity.
# 34 Woodweaver @ 02/05/10 07:14 PM
You know one the things that Mr. Mauer said that I thought was really cool: That some of the pitchers play the Show to preview the line ups they'll be facing before the actual game!
# 35 Blzer @ 02/05/10 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by Woodweaver
You know one the things that Mr. Mauer said that I thought was really cool: That some of the pitchers play the Show to preview the line ups they'll be facing before the actual game!
Sometimes when I hear that stuff, I'm thinking more along the lines of, "I mean they may play it and get the swag down, but I doubt they can take it to that level to simulate the actual experience." Just like how NASCAR drivers said that they would play the old PS2 games to get a feel of the track. I gotta call baloney on that, though I won't doubt that they play the game, love it, and probably get a good general feel of what they'd be up against if not at least get into the mindset. Hell, I'm sure they even have clubhouse tourneys.

I'll tell you what, if I was a pitcher, I wouldn't ever rely on a video game simulation to give me a scouting report, no matter how real it plays out. It's just not the same. The biggest reason I would play a video game as a major leaguer is to see myself in it, which is really kind of cool (then I would make all of the necessary edits that they may have missed, including boosting my power ratings ).
# 36 Woodweaver @ 02/05/10 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
Sometimes when I hear that stuff, I'm thinking more along the lines of, "I mean they may play it and get the swag down, but I doubt they can take it to that level to simulate the actual experience." Just like how NASCAR drivers said that they would play the old PS2 games to get a feel of the track. I gotta call baloney on that, though I won't doubt that they play the game, love it, and probably get a good general feel of what they'd be up against if not at least get into the mindset. Hell, I'm sure they even have clubhouse tourneys.

I'll tell you what, if I was a pitcher, I wouldn't ever rely on a video game simulation to give me a scouting report, no matter how real it plays out. It's just not the same. The biggest reason I would play a video game as a major leaguer is to see myself in it, which is really kind of cool (then I would make all of the necessary edits that they may have missed, including boosting my power ratings ).
I don't think he ever said they use it as a scouting report, but...

Cool! Nothing like calling a guy you don't even know and aren't standing in front of a liar! This interweb thingy is so cool.
# 37 Blzer @ 02/05/10 08:17 PM
Oh, I didn't say I called him a liar haha I was just saying that he's probably "stretching the story" a bit more to make it sound good. I do the same thing when I say something like, "Back when we used my neighbor's big tree in the backyard hanging over my hill. We'd tie a rope around it, climb up the fence, and swing off doing flips into the swimming pool. We would do the most insane flips and nearly break our legs doing it well past sunset, but it was damn near the best time we ever had."

As for the NASCAR thing, I don't doubt that they're getting a better understanding of the track (like maybe these guys would play this game for a feel of the hitter's eye, shadow effects, and surrounding environment), but they can't really call it "practice" what they're doing. Getting in that car and doing the real thing really almost makes you forget everything that you were doing while playing the game, except for the instinctive familiarities (things you unconsciously tell yourself to be aware of). Car physics weren't spot on and the AI didn't truly have five senses to control themselves, so it just comes off as one of those things that sounds much more applicable or tangible than it really is.
# 38 Willis135 @ 02/05/10 08:31 PM
The lighting and shadows looked awesome!!!
# 39 Reaman @ 02/05/10 08:47 PM
Thank you Steve!
# 40 Goose26 @ 02/05/10 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
That behind-the-pitcher camera is sexy!

If it was a female I would have TOS-violating fantasies about it.

EDIT: Oh, and just a note to Russell or someone (and I know the stadiums are locked), but before I saw a screenshot that made me believe the RCF wall says 328 feet instead of what I believe is supposed to say 367 feet. This video confirms that it says 328 still, so if Target Field could be unlocked for just a brief second to change that, we'd be rockin'!

Agreed. Granted, I'll be plenty excited to not have to play the Twins franchise at the 'Dome ever again, but fixing this would make it perfect.

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