MLB 2K10 News Post

Kotaku has posted their preview of Major League Baseball 2K10.

"It's hard to tell whether last year's MLB 2K9 - one of the worst-reviewed (and deservedly so) games ever for this class of sports simulation - raises or lowers consumer expectations for MLB 2K10. 2K9 suffered from glitches, clipping, bizarre baserunning and fielding AI, and, frankly, unacceptable graphics, especially in the player modeling. Conditioned to expect subtle changes in the fundamentals of year-to-year sports titles, I really didn't know what to expect. A set of drastic changes could bomb just as badly as ones tone-deaf to last year's problems.

2K gave me a four-hour guided preview of the game at their Novato, Calif. studios on Tuesday. Rather than attempt to certify whether this is an overhaul, a tuneup, or something in between, I decided to do what Visual Concepts seems to have done: Clear my mind of last year's game, and start all over on this one."

Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 jeffy777 @ 01/24/10 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
Not particularly deep at all (especially on game play, but that's typical for these types of quick rundowns), but I liked what I read about a couple of areas of concern for me:

1. The more I read about changing the pitch selection to the face buttons, the more I think I like it. This description best summed up my hopes. Selecting the pitch first will take away the ambiguity of what's being thrown. Now, in theory, missed gestures are supposed to affect effectiveness, which is exactly how it should be. It was encouraging to see the mention of accuracy being less pinpoint and seeing more walks thrown.

2. Ignoring for a moment the obvious check-swing omission we've all been debating, the hitting system sounds like it's much more responsive (I actually like that he found it twitchy at first...it suggests its "loose" which is far better than the delayed input reaction from the last few, IMO). Also love how influence seems to be a lot less powered up and more of a gentle push, so to speak. My only other concern would be just how effective the DSM will be. Hopefully it's ratings based and not too effective. Too early to worry about it of course, but it's something to watch for.

3. A small thing by comparison to the first two, but it's encouraging to see the pitch speeds appear to be ramped up. I always felt the ball seemed like it almost floated to the plate. The fact that they upped that and still focused on the drawing of walks through other means is also encouraging.
Good observations. I'm anxious to see how the pitching turns out as well, since the accuracy issue has been a pet peeve of mine over the last couple years. I'm glad to hear the gesture analyzer is back in this year too.
# 22 King Gro23 @ 01/24/10 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
Good observations. I'm anxious to see how the pitching turns out as well, since the accuracy issue has been a pet peeve of mine over the last couple years. I'm glad to hear the gesture analyzer is back in this year too.
What was the other year that the gesture analyzer was in the game? I cannot recall at the moment.
# 23 jeffy777 @ 01/24/10 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by King Gro23
What was the other year that the gesture analyzer was in the game? I cannot recall at the moment.
# 24 DaveDQ @ 01/24/10 12:54 PM
I'm really looking forward to the seeing the animations, especially at the plate.
# 25 KeMiKaL @ 01/24/10 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
I think part of the greatness of MLB The Show is that it has no limits being on the PS3. That is, games like this, Uncharted 2, GT5, MGS4, Little Big Planet, etc. couldn't be made on Xbox, mostly because of the way that it's made and how much content is put on the disc.

That being said, you wouldn't wish it was on 360, because it probably wouldn't be all that it is now.

naw man, i believe the xbox is capable of holding that on one disc, just like ps3
# 26 Knight165 @ 01/24/10 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by KeMiKaL
naw man, i believe the xbox is capable of holding that on one disc, just like ps3
Hmmm....might be tight.
I know they are running very close to having to go to Blu-Ray dual layer on the PS3.
VERY close.
(The Show that is)

# 27 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/24/10 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Hmmm....might be tight.
I know they are running very close to having to go to Blu-Ray dual layer on the PS3.
VERY close.


They did say one year there was 10-15 gigs alone just in audio (uncompressed) on the Blu Ray. That is larger than a single DVD-9 (360 format) which holds about 8.5 gigs of data. And also the year 2K8 had to have the uniforms DL-able for the 360, but not the PS3, cause it all fit on the disc. And there is far less data in that game comparative.

But anyhow. Owen Good is a great addition over at Kotaku. Since they did not have a sports guy until him (about 1.5 years ago he started), and they did not have many sports gamers visiting them. I have been a member of that site since it started, back when you had to be invited by the editors. And know most of the guys. Owen will give you a fair shake at the games, and he seems to be one of the most unbiased opinions on sports games I seen in a long time for gaming journalism.

He is not out to slander a game, but try to find the good progress they made. But if there is some issues, he is also not afraid to tell it like it is. I respect him for that. Like I said, he is a great addition, because us sports gamers over there were far and few in between, and never really had a place over there to talk about sports articles, and since he came, I noticed the numbers of sports gamers are growing over there. A few of the articles I remember before Owen came, were because I as well as others had to submit them to Brian Crecente or Brian Ashcraft, or they would otherwise be overlooked.

Now the comment sections don't get 100+ comments on the games, like shooters or RPGs would, but they get 30-50 now, where I remember before Owen, and sports coverage, you were lucky to see 12, and mine would be 6 out of the 12 comments LOL.

This article just shows how attentive and fair he is. Because trust me, he was far from fond of 2K9 like most were.

So very glad to have him there.
# 28 countryboy @ 01/24/10 02:54 PM
Sounds as though there is a lot of promise in this year's installment based off the preview. I do like the incorporation of the hitter's eye and the ability to select a pitch, prior to having to mimic the motion via the R-stick. However, I still don't like the defensive swing option as I feel its going to lead to, too many average hitters fighting off good pitches nor do I like the fact that hitting is timing only.(L-stick used for hit influence only..not needed to put bat on ball)

I'm very interested to see what changes have been made to franchise mode(rehab assignments is a terrific addition), and am also looking forward to trying the game out for myself. But thus far, for every "good" thing I read about the game that perks my interest, I read something "bad" about it that leaves me scratching my head as to why they chose that design decision.
# 29 jeffy777 @ 01/24/10 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
Sounds as though there is a lot of promise in this year's installment based off the preview. I do like the incorporation of the hitter's eye and the ability to select a pitch, prior to having to mimic the motion via the R-stick. However, I still don't like the defensive swing option as I feel its going to lead to, too many average hitters fighting off good pitches nor do I like the fact that hitting is timing only.(L-stick used for hit influence only..not needed to put bat on ball)
According to Chase, there's still cursor hitting for those who want more than timing based hitting.
# 30 Blzer @ 01/24/10 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
According to Chase, there's still cursor hitting for those who want more than timing based hitting.
Unfortunately if it's untouched, that graphic was rather large and annoying to look at just in the videos alone.

And I'm surprised how many people that want cursor hitting want an analog version. I think those are impossible to hit with, as I've tried it in Power Pros and it just didn't work for me. I prefer the digital option where it doesn't re-center, which I think this game has.
# 31 jeffy777 @ 01/24/10 04:34 PM
Yes, the graphic for the cursor was hideous. Hopefully they improve it.
# 32 Artman22 @ 01/25/10 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
Not particularly deep at all (especially on game play, but that's typical for these types of quick rundowns), but I liked what I read about a couple of areas of concern for me:

1. The more I read about changing the pitch selection to the face buttons, the more I think I like it. This description best summed up my hopes. Selecting the pitch first will take away the ambiguity of what's being thrown. Now, in theory, missed gestures are supposed to affect effectiveness, which is exactly how it should be. It was encouraging to see the mention of accuracy being less pinpoint and seeing more walks thrown.

2. Ignoring for a moment the obvious check-swing omission we've all been debating, the hitting system sounds like it's much more responsive (I actually like that he found it twitchy at first...it suggests its "loose" which is far better than the delayed input reaction from the last few, IMO). Also love how influence seems to be a lot less powered up and more of a gentle push, so to speak. My only other concern would be just how effective the DSM will be. Hopefully it's ratings based and not too effective. Too early to worry about it of course, but it's something to watch for.

3. A small thing by comparison to the first two, but it's encouraging to see the pitch speeds appear to be ramped up. I always felt the ball seemed like it almost floated to the plate. The fact that they upped that and still focused on the drawing of walks through other means is also encouraging.
Yeah I agree. Sounds like 2k10 will be pretty good. Well I hope lol
# 33 knighthawksfan @ 01/25/10 05:40 AM
Seems like this game is finally going to be awesome to buy this year. I am very happy about this baseball game. I am still kind of worried but not *** worried *** last year's game.
# 34 jwmcards @ 01/25/10 10:11 AM
I thought it was a good read as well. I have both systems, so I'll probably pick up the show on release day and try to hold out for a week or 2 on 2k10. I have more friends with a 360, so I gotta go 2k for baseball with them. Like what I hear though.

Believe it or not, I played quite a bit of last years game even while owning the show 09. I really like using the analog sticks for hitting and fielding, and wish the show had that option. Actually, it'd be great if both games would give a good set of configurations to use either one (buttons or sticks). Wishful thinking, but it sounded good.
# 35 tonybologna @ 01/25/10 11:40 AM
Seems to be improved but it doesn't take a lot of effort to improve from last years game. Since I have a P3S then I'll stick with The Show. It would be nice to one day have a solid baseball game for the 360.
# 36 Blzer @ 01/25/10 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by tonybologna
Seems to be improved but it doesn't take a lot of effort to improve from last years game.
I wouldn't really say this is true, and in fact I'd say it's a lot harder to fix things than to add things on. I think what you meant was that it doesn't necessarily mean much to say that this game is an improvement over last year's.
# 37 DaveDQ @ 01/25/10 12:05 PM
something that I'm curious about is how he mentioned not much needs to be tweaked. If the game is all but done, we should see some videos of gameplay, no?

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