NBA JAM News Post

Samit, over at Destructoid, has just posted his five things EA Canada should do with the new NBA Jam. What would you add?

"The announcement press release mentioned “players spinning with ankle-breaking moves to the basket,” so I’m already assuming we’ll have some kind of dribble moves at our disposal. And since EA Canada developed all the NBA Street games, there may even be a “Gamebreaker” mechanic, where doing things in the game accrues points that can be used to unleash an unblockable dunk or a shot that can’t miss. I’d be fine with that, as long as it doesn’t interrupt the game with an excessively ostentatious cut-scene. Simplicity is great, but today’s gamers also crave at least a modicum of depth. A single-player mode that’s more involved than the traditional tournament-style gauntlet, if done right, would also be enjoyable."

Game: EA Sports NBA JAMReader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iPad / PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 16 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 churich @ 01/13/10 03:59 PM
Honestly I feel today gamers are really intrigued with realism of games and especially within sports more of a simulation type of play. So I know it might sounds somewhat like a oxi-moron but the more it resembles simulation type play is better but not neccessarily making it a sim-game. Players Graphics, etc. of course are a given but im not sure if u guys remember (NBA Run 'N' Gun) I personally feel that was the best arcade style hoop games ever. It would actually be kool if u guys would make the game NCAA Jam rather than NBA because EA's College Basketball is TERRIBLE. NBA Live is behind as well but is slowly showing progression. (By the way thats just a little bit of contrustive crticisim) Nothing against EA because I am a DIE HARD EA FAN......Also as an idea you guys should try interwining some of the NBA Live and NBA Street gameplay, graphics, etc. that would be intresting.
# 2 Fiddy @ 01/13/10 07:44 PM
all i want is..

updated HD graphics on 360 and PS3 (if it comes to these consoles).

same old school side view..

same kind of hot spots etc.

that is all!!

i really hope they dont butcher this up!!

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