MLB 10 News Post

First and foremost I would like to thank Russell for his time with me today. I know he's worn out from all the interviewing and the repetition of answering the same questions over and over. He is a very cool individual like many have said here in this forum.

Unfortunately I was not able to get to the area where he was at till late in the day (LONG STORY). I probably won't be able to answer very many questions but I will try to. I think Russell is probably the better person to ask when it comes to individual questions.

What I will do is try to give you an idea of what I thought about it and some of the questions I asked Russell. Remember.. I'm an ONLINE ONLY person. I don't know anything about franchise or RTTS.

Also I did take about 5 short video clips. This was when Russell was on break perhaps. When Russell came back I immediately introduced myself and he took about 30 minutes too show me the new things that have been implemented. So we threw a lot of balls down the middle and walk players intentionally so we could create double play scenarios and try to see all the new animations and such. Then we started up a real game between the Braves and Dodgers @ Dodger Stadium. Russell - Dodgers, Me - Braves (tried to match up the team he chose)

I will PM Russell FIRST to see if its allowed before I put the videos on YouTube. Unfortunately, there wasn't a lot of action in the clips I got but a lot of you guys have good attention to detail so maybe you'll see something new.


I couldn't quite put my finger on it at first but the graphics jumped out at me immediately. I didn't know what was so different. Maybe its because I play online and the graphics suffer. But I can conclude that the lighting has improved greatly. The daylight transition looks nice too (Russell went thru each inning to show the transitions including the lights being turned on at the park).

The bats do indeed look much nicer than last years iteration. Saw the games played in Philadelphia, Minnesota, St. Louis, LAD. He mentioned that fireworks were added this year and I saw them in St. Louis during a night game when a player hit a homerun (Funny thing here: We were playing in MIN when a hometown player hit a homerun and the fireworks didn't go off. Russell jotted this down/made note of this error and pointed out you don't know because no one had played the game yet in that park!)


This part of the game got a lot of love. There are a lot of new throwing animations. Saw a lot of new different throws from the OF. This makes the game even more realistic of course. I saw other animation too like popping the mitt from a 1st baseman or the pumping of the first from a pitcher (seemed different from last year). There are all new wall climbs but we didn't see any. Pujols did his ritual after hitting a HR 428ft to dead center (actually we didn't see it but Russell said it would be there). The fireworks were nice addition after hometeam HR (for some reason I thought they were there last year).

We also saw a double play ball up the middle where the runner tries to take out the 2nd baseman. When the 2nd baseman threw the ball he lost velocity on his throw AND he almost did a handstand after he released the ball!!! Being able to break up double plays is a much WELCOMED addition!

I think Russell said their were like 15 added animations for when throwing at a batter. I saw at least 3 new ones. The best one that I had seen so far was the one behind the batter. There was also another where the batter would turn in his tricep (facing pitcher) to avoid being hit.


Much Improved. When balls are hit down the line they don't just stop and wait to be picked up by the OF it will actually roll around in the corner. Ball collision detection is added. I saw balls get kicked around, ball hitting shin gaurd of the catcher and roll away. We shouldn't see the issue last year of balls going thru the pitcher or balls going completely thru a player's chest in the OF. There are choppers and dribblers. Seen a 1st baseman get eaten up by a chopper that rolled up his arm and on into RF. Flight of the ball looks more realistic as well.


Well as I've said I'm an ONLINE ONLY guy. Much to my suprise I was slow getting the bat off my shoulders. Offline is much faster it seems as I was late on almost everything. It took me a few innings to adjust but still felt that the game was so fast I couldn't watch the flight of the ball like I do with online.

Now Russell and I play for real! He chose the Dodgers (Billingsly) and I chose a team that was ranked next to his, the Braves (Lowe). Through 5 innings Russell had a 1-0 lead. I think hits were even around 4 or 5 a piece. I believe Furcal was at the plate and I hit him in the foot and the game locked up (I'm sure he jotted this down too!). Unfortunately then I had to go. My offline game sucks when it comes to hitting.

The pitching meter was tweaked a little. I got lost somewhat about what he was telling me but I think this is what he meant. When pitching if you hit the meter then your more likely to hit your spot or very close to your spot. However on the flipside if you miss then you can miss badly. So anotherwords, there should be less complaints about people saying they can't hit their spots if they hit their meter (however pitcher confidence, etc still has effects on outcome.

Three new pickoff moves. Very sweet. Tap the 'O' button and the pitcher will throw a weak toss over to 1B. Hold the 'O' button and the pitcher will make a strong pickoff throw. Double-tap the 'O' button and the pitcher will give you a deceptive pickoff move (think Petitte here).

Maybe the best thing I saw improved was the throws to homeplate not being way offline all the time. Now it seems when they are offline they catcher for the most part just had to stretch to reach it then move his body to the other side to apply the tag. This is attribute based so I'm sure someone with a more erratic or weaker arm would make the catcher move away from the plate.


What sound. Too damn noisy @ CES! A lot of commentary was still not in the game.


You can actually SCHEDULE a pitcher to be warmed up after a certain inning. This is real nice! You can also view your opponents bullpen from the start menu. Also when you are in the bullpen you can see the next 3 batters that are up on the opposing team!


There are no cutscenes. Everything is in real time. Nice! It's hard to explain. Its just like on television when the camera switches to another part of the field. The broadcast camera will take some getting used to when fielding. I only tried it for a little bit but I can imagine that when getting grounders it could be tough to judge at times. Neither one of us had any problems for a couple innings so maybe it'll all be good. I think I still prefer the default camera. Not sure would need much more time with this to be sure.


I made my case with how hard it was to get the MIC setup online with people because of the button mapping. He told me to PM him to remind him and he was going to talk with Jason about this. I wouldn't think it would be too hard to re-map the button but I'm no programmer! For us online gamers, let's pray that they can get this in before pressing!
Can't change camera view. They tried to get it in this year. Maybe next year.

That's all this old man can remember for now! I hope you guys enjoy the read. I hope I can get the videos upped to YouTube (pending Russel's approval). If not we should be seeing lots of gameplay footage from gametrailers.com soon.


Video #1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwCRJDoQkbs
Video #2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIcvC85nYxk
Video #3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwiuHk80T9c
Video #4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKL-O808TZM

Again I apologize for the poor quality due to me using the zoom. I don't own this recorder and didn't know the quality would suffer that bad.

Game: MLB '10: The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 66 - View All
MLB '10: The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 101 AlbertPujolsFreak5 @ 01/10/10 02:42 AM
the check swing in the last video is awesome! SO REALISTIC!
# 102 jczar78 @ 01/10/10 02:46 AM
I loved that excuse me check swing, I think it rolled to second for a put out. Everything also looks crisper than last years game.
# 103 Yankees94 @ 01/10/10 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by jim416
Yes, you can see the depth of the player model when he's in the batters box. Shadows on the ground between his legs, textures look nicer, me thinks it's the lighting thats done this mostly.
Agrred 100%, and to early post i agreee as well i nver go back to default cam again as shown in vid 4
# 104 Yankees94 @ 01/10/10 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
There is so much that I love about it. I can't wait to see his on my Sony. The ball is so much alive now! I can't even play 09 now. SCEA you out did yourself. Most of that game looked like a real game!
it really does look like a real time game and the best part is this is not even the final build!!
# 105 dmbfan1970 @ 01/10/10 02:53 AM
Originally Posted by Yankees94
it really does look like a real time game and the best part is this is not even the final build!!
Yup, there were bugs, animations and commentary totally left out.
# 106 Yankees94 @ 01/10/10 02:53 AM
did you see the the yankee world series wall in back, it has yankee symbol with all engraved ws titles, like in real life stadium, wow what improvements they made, just when i thought it couldnt get any better, it gets 100x better and then some thanks to all of scea and dmb for these vids
# 107 jczar78 @ 01/10/10 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by Yankees94
it really does look like a real time game and the best part is this is not even the final build!!

That's what has me the most excited, they could still add things or tweak where needed. I can only imagine what the final build will look like. So far I am loving everything I have seen.
# 108 Yankees94 @ 01/10/10 02:55 AM
but i did hear some new commentary i think in vid #2 Rex said "He went right threw teh sign and past threw his third base coach" something in that form, exscuse the quotes for it is not accurate but i no 100% its new
# 109 Yankees94 @ 01/10/10 02:58 AM
lol i would give the game, game of the year right now , but can you just imagine the final build with all the great stuff like new stances and animations..is it ok to want more vids lol, i really want to see a video that shows pitching from outfield camera view!!
# 110 PLite14 @ 01/10/10 03:02 AM
Wow, I'm elated to see that my suggestion for fixing the outfielder's crow-hops was taken into account. Everything looks so fluid and athletic when they field a ball and throw it in.

# 111 Foo4Everlong @ 01/10/10 03:05 AM
dmbfan1970, thanks soooo much for the videos and the hands-on info as well!

If I could I would like to put in a request if u plan on going back to play Russel again tomorrow. I'm assuming u will be recording that session as well. Anyways, if u could play a game at Fenway that would be huge. I am very interested to see if the devs made some additions to Fenway Park itself. There have been a lot of new additions to the real Fenway Park in the past 5 years or so and unfortunately there was still a lot left out of the Fenway from last years MLB The Show 09. So I am interested to see if those additions werre added, and supposedly they were going to add the lighted Citgo sign (which will probably be a different name) behind the Green Monster for this years game, so maybe if u played a night game to show that off. That sign is animated so hopefully it'll show it turning as well as the lights changing. If u can do this it would be so greatly appreciated. Thanks again for everything you've done so far, and look forward to seeing more. Thanks. Later
# 112 dmbfan1970 @ 01/10/10 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by jim416

When you get a chance, post those youtube URLS on the first page of this thread so that people don't have to search through this entire thread to find them.
I did everytime i updated!
# 113 jczar78 @ 01/10/10 03:07 AM
It is going to be hard for me to continue with my franchise after watching the vids and all the new things being implemented. The changes might be minor but they add to the feeling of watching a live broadcast. Great job SCEA, and thanks dmbfan1970 for sharing the this with us.
# 114 Yankees94 @ 01/10/10 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by dmbfan1970
I did everytime i updated!
dmb can you also try and get the pitcher pitching from outfield view, lol ask russ if you can, if it iz to much than a reg video is totally fine
# 115 Blzer @ 01/10/10 03:12 AM
Ehh, grass physics might be a bit messed up. I know that they wanted to make sure the ball reached the wall, but I think the ball has more horizontal speed than it has a vertical hop, relatively speaking.

Case in point, I don't ever recall seeing a ball bounce over the wall from the grass for a ground rule double, it normally cushions it too much to let that happen. I think the boys might have sacrificed too much with the ground physics to ensure the ball gets to the wall.

I don't know how this can be fixed, but I'm just saying.
# 116 PLite14 @ 01/10/10 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by Blzer
Ehh, grass physics might be a bit messed up. I know that they wanted to make sure the ball reached the wall, but I think the ball has more horizontal speed than it has a vertical hop, relatively speaking.

Case in point, I don't ever recall seeing a ball bounce over the wall from the grass for a ground rule double, it normally cushions it too much to let that happen. I think the boys might have sacrificed too much with the ground physics to ensure the ball gets to the wall.

I don't know how this can be fixed, but I'm just saying.
Did the ball hit the grass? To me it looked like it hit the warning track.

*EDIT*: nevermind I think I must be blind
# 117 FindingTim @ 01/10/10 03:15 AM
as badly as i want to watch the videos tonight, i am going to save them for tomorrow morning with coffee and breakfast.

that said, here's a big thanks to everyone who makes 'The Show' happen, from the developers, to the SCEA members who communicate on these boards, to the fellow fans who push for a high standard, and of course, to the fellows who made these youtube videos happen!

thank you everybody!
# 118 JT30 @ 01/10/10 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by Blzer
Ehh, grass physics might be a bit messed up. I know that they wanted to make sure the ball reached the wall, but I think the ball has more horizontal speed than it has a vertical hop, relatively speaking.

Case in point, I don't ever recall seeing a ball bounce over the wall from the grass for a ground rule double, it normally cushions it too much to let that happen. I think the boys might have sacrificed too much with the ground physics to ensure the ball gets to the wall.

I don't know how this can be fixed, but I'm just saying.
ya I saw that too unfortunately.. which hopefully wont be an issue.. and for some reason play by play still says "extra base hit" when only ending up with a single.
# 119 JT30 @ 01/10/10 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
It is a video game Blzer! It is going to have to change somethings for some other things to happen. I will take more double and RBI then real ball to grass physics.
wow how does that make any sense?
# 120 Blzer @ 01/10/10 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by ChicagoCubs720
Did the ball hit the grass? To me it looked like it hit the warning track.
It might have, I only gave it a once-over. Here's to hoping it did!

One last complaint I swear, but I love this broadcast cam feature so much I just hope it will be the option I choose this year, but it just comes off as a bit weird being so low and doing angles when hit in left and right field. I just hope it wows me enough when I'm playing the game, because literally everything else is wowing me so much, especially the daytime lighting!

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