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The Operation Sports Sports Game of the Year Award has been handed out for over a decade. Winning the award is the best compliment that could be given to a sports game. To win the award in unanimous fashion, without much of a challenge in a year full of good to great sports games, is almost unheard of. But yet, that is exactly what happened this year.

This year the voting for Sports Game of the Year was not even close. Given the fact that this year's winner is a PS3 exclusive, thus alienating half of OSers right off the bat, it is even more amazing the game won by the margin it did in both the staff and user voting. With a fantastic franchise mode (but with bad menu organization), the best player/career mode in Road to the Show, fantastic gameplay, presentation and the ability to consistently surprise and amaze you, MLB '09: The Show is without a doubt head and shoulders above the competition. Given the track record of the series, it might be back in the winner's circle come the end of 2010.

Read More - OS Awards: Sports Game of the Year

Game: MLB '09: The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSPVotes for game: 90 - View All
MLB '09: The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 1 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/05/10 04:10 AM
Well deserved.
# 2 Chizzypoof @ 01/05/10 04:57 AM
The Show was my pick for Game of the Year. After a couple of weeks or even a month away from the game, The Show always puts a smile to my face when I pick it up again. Any game that can frustrate and thrill me with the same range of emotions that I get when I watch the real MLB is doing something right. Well deserved indeed.
# 3 Yankees_CT @ 01/05/10 09:46 AM
I wouldn't have expected anything else. Can't wait for '10'!!!!!
# 4 ehh @ 01/05/10 02:20 PM
I didn't not play any soccer or hockey games but The Show was head and shoulders above any basketball or football game this year.
# 5 stlstudios189 @ 01/05/10 06:13 PM
I went with UFC but, I think that deserves "breakout" or rookie of the year award. Madden was good but, the Show would get my vote if I owned a PS3
# 6 HokieB @ 01/05/10 07:05 PM
Spot on! Amazing game and can't wait for '10.

Let's hope some other games step it up and vie for the GOTY title next year, but I'm already predicting a three-peat.

And IMO, those voting for Madden owe it to the community to expect more from Tiburon. Did they take a step forward this year? Sure, and that's great. But they still have a ways to go before they get to The Show's level in regards to gameplay, presentation, and authenticity. I'd love nothing more than to play a Madden that is truly worthy of the GOTY title, and I'm afraid granting them such an award before they've earned it would be a big mistake.
# 7 Steven123 @ 01/07/10 02:21 AM
MLB 09: The Show was amazing. Well deserved
# 8 humaca80 @ 01/08/10 01:23 AM
Was there ever a doubt???
# 9 Skyboxer @ 01/15/10 08:45 PM
Restored my faith a bit after the presentation award.....

MLB The Show rocks

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