NCAA Basketball 10 News Post

Last week College Hoops 2K8 played the role offortune teller for the 2009/2010 college basketball season.This week NCAA Basketball 10 gets to be the fortune teller.

Sporting dynamic rosters and statistical updates throughout the real world college basketball season, NCAA 10 has promised to deliver some of the most realistic statistical data ever in a college title. For this simulation, I used the dynamic update released on December 1, and the named rosters put together by the OS community. Like in the College Hoops simulation, the entire season was simulated with injuries on for reference. It should also be noted that this simulation was run with authentic team schedules -- College Hoops 2K8’s was not.

Read More - NCAA Basketball Simulation: NCAA Basketball 10

Game: NCAA Basketball 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 25 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 cloudedskate @ 12/24/09 09:03 AM
Do you know how Maryland did in this sim or is it too late to check?
# 2 HustlinOwl @ 12/24/09 10:18 AM
Thanks, glad I have finally given up on 2k8 and decided to go with NCAA. I am having a blast with this year's title and already into my second season of dynasty with only one freeze, hopefully EA will patch the issue that so many are facing that I somehow seem to have avoided.
# 3 shsboiballa13 @ 12/24/09 12:10 PM
what rosters did you use with 2k8. Seeing as all of the rosters are incomplete you should've used seryns the one with the most credability
# 4 khaled @ 12/25/09 03:12 AM
I hope this sim is right... except for the champ game, I would like texas to win
# 5 Govis23 @ 12/26/09 01:55 PM
From what is posted and what is happening right now with the actual top 25, I'd say the game is only about 50/50 on it's predictions. Not enough research into the stats of teams that weren't in the final four last year. Weak.
# 6 Cusefan @ 12/26/09 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by khaled
I hope this sim is right... except for the champ game, I would like texas to win
Its not, Wes Johnson is a 68 in this game
# 7 stlstudios189 @ 12/26/09 08:57 PM
good read. 2k has never been kind to Duke.
# 8 JAYMO76 @ 12/28/09 10:42 PM
Yeah there sure are not a lot of upsets in this game period. Power teams from power conferences dominate. I was just looking in the top 25 (of my dynasty) and it's pretty much dominated by the SEC, ACC, and BIG 10... only one mid major!

Remember a few years back all of the predictions that power conferences were a thing of the past... I don't think so.
# 9 miami marlins rule @ 03/19/12 05:43 PM
does anyone know if you can play all the games in a ncaa tournament (in the home screen under the tournament tab) or not? I have been trying for a while now and cant seem to figure it out. somebody PLEASE HELP

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