MLB 2K10 News Post

Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Blitzburgh @ 12/21/09 03:38 PM
I guess I will be the first to comment...I will try not to be negative and say that I'm glad I bought a PS3 this year or anything like that .

I realize that was only an interview with quick shots of gameplay but I hope that was the PS2 bacause there wasn't much detail with the players and everything was so bright and washed out looking. It really looked like last years game. I did, however, hear that the bat sounds better at least.

Hopefully, 2k makes a good game this year for those who only have the xbox. They deserve to play a good game without having to buy a PS3 like I did.
# 2 nemesis04 @ 12/21/09 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by Blitzburgh
I guess I will be the first to comment...I will try not to be negative and say that I'm glad I bought a PS3 this year or anything like that .

I realize that was only an interview with quick shots of gameplay but I hope that was the PS2 bacause there wasn't much detail with the players and everything was so bright and washed out looking. It really looked like last years game. I did, however, hear that the bat sounds better at least.

Hopefully, 2k makes a good game this year for those who only have the xbox. They deserve to play a good game without having to buy a PS3 like I did.
Looked like he had a 360 controller while playing. Need to see something a little better before I pass judgment.

EDIT: Just saw it again and it says footage from 2k9. They showed us nothing, lol!
# 3 EnigmaNemesis @ 12/21/09 03:45 PM
It says "footage from 2K9".
# 4 Jamin23 @ 12/21/09 03:56 PM
You can definitely tell that's 2k9because of the way the scoreboard is and the crack of the bat.
# 5 Blitzburgh @ 12/21/09 04:07 PM
Funny! I thought the crack of the bat sounded better... What do I know! 2k9 looked better than that on my TV though. Oh Well- time will tell.

Edit: just watched again and no, the crack of the bat doesn't sound better. my mistake.
# 6 GrandMaster B @ 12/22/09 10:45 AM
Why is he playing 2K9? Man 2K, get your crap together.

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