SBK X News Post

Worthplaying has posted SBK X details, talking about the evolving track concept, among other things.

"It’s not just a matter of improving the solid base built throughout the years but about getting the best from the history of bike racing, listening to our users, squeezing in much, much more content and about making it fun, for everyone.

This is the landmark, the crossroad and the turning point. This is apex, where all the efforts of the past years have brought the official game of the SBK to.

“Evolving Track” is the link between you, the rider, and your natural habitat: the race track. “Evo Track” is the system that allows us to simulate time flow and track changes during the race.

Simply put, during a race session the track doesn’t stay as clean and immaculate as it is when the event organizers set it up before the weekend. Bikes keep running, braking, and consuming tires all the time. Moreover, if the weekend started under heavy rain, it may be that later on the sun will shine, and the track will dry up gradually."

Game: SBK XReader Score: Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 0 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 BIG CAROLINA @ 12/11/09 11:49 PM
Hopefully this works out as planned. If so, then this is must for any future racing games. I doubt that we will be getting this here in the States, so I will be importing this for sure.
# 2 Kruza @ 12/12/09 11:00 AM
So this game will keep track of rubber pieces coming off tires from motorcycles that accumulate on a circuit throughout all events (practice, qualifying and race)? That is very cool if true. It puts extra emphasis on staying off the marbles wile racing.

# 3 bp4baseball @ 12/13/09 02:54 PM
This is very cool. I just want to hear now that riders will pick up crashed bikes a la SBK 2001 and that its coming to the U.S.
# 4 lnin0 @ 12/13/09 05:50 PM
Racing lines with marbles and wet/dry evolution of the track. I believe this is also the game that is doing a career where you hire managers and mechanics with your earning that can in turn effect your performance and sponsorship. I welcome these features as so few games have every really tried to take them on even though it seems like the logical evolution of the genre. If you look at all the other marquee sports titles they are going beyond the game and into the building and managing of the franchise. Yet when it comes to racing games titles are still grasping onto the modes and ideas that are a decade or more removed from the old arcade cabinets.
# 5 Kruza @ 12/14/09 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by lnin0
Racing lines with marbles and wet/dry evolution of the track. I believe this is also the game that is doing a career where you hire managers and mechanics with your earning that can in turn effect your performance and sponsorship. I welcome these features as so few games have every really tried to take them on even though it seems like the logical evolution of the genre. If you look at all the other marquee sports titles they are going beyond the game and into the building and managing of the franchise. Yet when it comes to racing games titles are still grasping onto the modes and ideas that are a decade or more removed from the old arcade cabinets.

Agreed. Theses features (evolving track & managing factory/franchise) are definitely the logical step to bring more realism to racing videogames and should advance this genre a great deal. Check out the movie illustrating how this feature is being implemented in SBK X:

In case anyone isn't aware of it, Milestone has recently posted up a blog that keeps people updated on what's being worked on as the company develops SBK X. (There is also blog tracking development of the official WRC game that will be out next year, but it currently has nothing in it.)

Milestone Blog

# 6 lnin0 @ 12/15/09 11:40 PM
Nice find Kruza. This in-game footage video looks fantastic. I am not the biggest fan of SBK but including this type of realism has me sold. To me a great physics engine or pretty images are wasted if the rest of the game is a shallow void. I want something tries to emulate the entire 'race' experience. Like so many have said before, its the little things.

# 7 bp4baseball @ 12/16/09 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by lnin0
Racing lines with marbles and wet/dry evolution of the track. I believe this is also the game that is doing a career where you hire managers and mechanics with your earning that can in turn effect your performance and sponsorship. I welcome these features as so few games have every really tried to take them on even though it seems like the logical evolution of the genre. If you look at all the other marquee sports titles they are going beyond the game and into the building and managing of the franchise. Yet when it comes to racing games titles are still grasping onto the modes and ideas that are a decade or more removed from the old arcade cabinets.
The game with the career mode is MotoGP 09/10
# 8 Kruza @ 12/23/09 09:48 PM
Merry Christmas!

# 9 Kruza @ 01/15/10 02:18 PM
Milestone's SBK X Blog has been updated, including some tidbits on Career Mode.

Your life as an SBK Rider

There's also an in-game image from helmet camera view on a bike racing at what appears to be the Monza Circuit.

# 10 Kruza @ 01/28/10 04:32 PM
A recent update has been posted at Milestone's SBK X blog going over details for online play:

The race is on(line)

# 11 Kruza @ 02/10/10 12:28 PM
New update to Milestone's SBK X blog posted:

Building a masterpiece - Part 1

# 12 StoneCowboy @ 02/10/10 08:18 PM
I have not had much experience with 2-wheeled racing. I had MotoGP 06 at one time but never really got into it. This looks too good to pass up.
# 13 Kruza @ 03/09/10 04:43 PM
Here's the most recent update posted in Milestone's SBK X blog:

Building a masterpiece - Part 2

# 14 BIG CAROLINA @ 03/09/10 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by StoneCowboy
I have not had much experience with 2-wheeled racing. I had MotoGP 06 at one time but never really got into it. This looks too good to pass up.
If you can get SBK 08 for the 360. Even though 10 will be better it will give you an idea of whats in store. SBK is the best two wheel racing around.

Thanks for the update Kruz. Wow Super-stock and Super-sport in career mode, I can't wait. Guess i will be importing this
# 15 Kruza @ 03/12/10 03:24 PM
Milestone's SBK X was updated this week:

SBK Legends


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