Madden 2010 News Post

Morning everyone,

As most of you now know, the PS3 update was released yesterday. We're glad because it contains several adjustments that were made based on feedback from you and others in the Madden Community. Unfortunately, during the certification process for the 360, update issues were found that will prevent it's release this week. Assuming all goes well with our new submission, the title update for the 360 should be released this time next week. We really do appreciate your patience and we're equally frustrated that we couldn't release both platforms this week. We're confident our fans on 360 won't have to wait much longer.


Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Skyboxer @ 12/04/09 11:38 AM
What were the patch issues? Just curious how the PS3 went through and 360 didn't. MS issue or was there a legit problem with the patch?
# 2 major major @ 12/04/09 11:44 AM

Good job giving us detail on the delay!
# 3 canes21 @ 12/04/09 11:46 AM
it should say "we're equally frustrated...." in your post. And I don't think you're as frustrated as me.... Unless we're talking about our Skins
# 4 bgdave39 @ 12/04/09 11:49 AM
Thanks for the update to keep us in the loop.
# 5 major major @ 12/04/09 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by kpkpkp
Yeah it will save a lot of....

360 patch today? 360 patch today? 360 patch today?....threads...

Man but man.

Whaaaat a bummer. It's so far into the football season already.. Honestly I havent even played Madden in a week. So I guess... whats another week....
So True, just looking at the silver lining.
# 6 ChicagoChris @ 12/04/09 11:55 AM
Darn...oh well. At lest we know it is coming.

Thanks for the update!!
# 7 CatMan72 @ 12/04/09 12:06 PM
Thanks for taking the time to give us an update.
# 8 Lucky Lacy @ 12/04/09 12:18 PM
Thanks for the update, but I do realize I need to wait next year and not buy madden so early. On one hand, I am happy that next gen provides patches to increase and tune gameplay but it takes so long and the season is more than halfway over.
# 9 LuGer33 @ 12/04/09 12:28 PM
Thanks for the update.
# 10 lolfalconsbeatu @ 12/04/09 12:40 PM
sheeesh, thanks for the bitter sweet news phil
# 11 markprior22 @ 12/04/09 12:42 PM
Thanks for the update
# 12 CardsFan52 @ 12/04/09 12:45 PM
And the countdown begins..... again
# 13 mavfan21 @ 12/04/09 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by Lucky Lacy
Thanks for the update, but I do realize I need to wait next year and not buy madden so early. On one hand, I am happy that next gen provides patches to increase and tune gameplay but it takes so long and the season is more than halfway over.
What does the real season have to do with it?

I play Madden all year (at least I will this year now that we have an excellent version).

I play Madden on Tues, Weds, and Fri and Sat too even though the league doesn't play those days.
# 14 Bioengineer @ 12/04/09 01:34 PM
well i have finals till the 14th, so maybe this is a blesing in disguise
# 15 sniperhare @ 12/04/09 01:36 PM
They should have waited to launch the Ps3 update until both could go live at the same time.
# 16 ryan36 @ 12/04/09 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by sniperhare
They should have waited to launch the Ps3 update until both could go live at the same time.
Yes because if I have a customer base expecting a service "X"; I would definitely want my business model to be X-100% =0 % happy instead of X-70%= 30% happy.

Why piss off some of the people some of the time, when you can piss off all the people all the time??

# 17 SoxFan01605 @ 12/04/09 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by sniperhare
They should have waited to launch the Ps3 update until both could go live at the same time.
It's likely not up to them, it's up to MS and Sony respectively at that point. I doubt EA has any real control over that (and if you think Sony would say "alright, we'll let our competition catch up," you're nuts...lol)

Besides, why begrudge people on another platform the chance to finally get this patch? Maybe you'll find impressions that will help you decide if you should bother or not.

Anyway, I gotta say I was disappointed to see the patch isn't out for the 360 (even though I rent, that's the system all my saved stuff is on), but what can you do. I might try to pick up a PS3 copy from Blockbuster to check it out.
# 18 muggins @ 12/04/09 02:16 PM
# 19 BigTigLSU @ 12/04/09 02:20 PM
I have to admit that I am actually a little pissed at this....

Nevermind I just realized its just a videogame and I am ok again
# 20 BlackNGold @ 12/04/09 02:22 PM
Just chatted online with a CSR on EAs site asking if Online Franchise rosters will be updated and he said soon but there is no date set.

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