NCAA Basketball 10 News Post

Gameshark has posted a Q&A session with Producer, Connor Dougan about what fans can expect to see this year from NCAA Basketball 10.

Gameshark: "Let's talk meat -- how has the gameplay improved? I thought NCAA 09 made some strides but still had a ways to go in terms of AI -- particularly on defense. I think it's great that the presentation has been addressed but how does it play this year? Additionally, can you go into the new play calling system and how it functions?"

Connor Dougan: "In NCAA Basketball 2010, we introduced the motion movement control. It's basically push-button play calling and results in off-ball movements which are in line with your selected motion offense. The key is to get in the motion offenses' preferred formation. Once there, an overlay/graphic will appear, indicating that you and your teammates are in a position to create motion movement. If the motion movement control is pressed when guys are not in formation, a basic cut to the basket will play out. After pressing the motion movement control, a button will appear over the head of the next recipient in the play. Follow the play to completion or stray away from the play if other opportunities present themselves. Plays last between 5-10 seconds and some plays have multiple options. It's important to see what other options come about when the first option isn't used."

Game: NCAA Basketball 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 25 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 jpeters18 @ 11/12/09 11:40 AM
Nice find! That does shed some light on some issues! Thanks!
# 2 Jecooper9 @ 11/12/09 11:42 AM
I think with the gameplay improvements and the info we got Dynasty should be enough to hold me until Ncaa 11!
# 3 Hova57 @ 11/12/09 12:15 PM
Lets get it out now there will be a bug its bound to happen. but this sounds like a good game. lets give it a chance plez
# 4 DirtyJerz32 @ 11/12/09 12:43 PM
# 5 poster @ 11/12/09 12:44 PM
Sucks about not being able to play other games, but I assumed that to be the case by now. Glad to hear about the dynasty improvements. That's at least pulling me back in.

Looking forward to the demo. I loved Live's demo gameplay wise, but the lack of dynasty kept me away. Some Live gameplay issues have popped up, but hopefully NCAA can exceed in the gameplay department. Still worried about it getting stale though. The different offenses are cool, but will they tie teams down from running fastbreaks or other ways of playing if it presents itself? Hope not.
# 6 countryboy @ 11/12/09 01:21 PM
love hearing about the improvements to sim logic and recruiting. Couple that with the presentation and gameplay changes and I'm a happy camper.
# 7 DustinT @ 11/12/09 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by poster
Sucks about not being able to play other games, but I assumed that to be the case by now. Glad to hear about the dynasty improvements. That's at least pulling me back in.

Looking forward to the demo. I loved Live's demo gameplay wise, but the lack of dynasty kept me away. Some Live gameplay issues have popped up, but hopefully NCAA can exceed in the gameplay department. Still worried about it getting stale though. The different offenses are cool, but will they tie teams down from running fastbreaks or other ways of playing if it presents itself? Hope not.
If you read the whole thing he said that the offenses will change with the dynamic updates.
# 8 poster @ 11/12/09 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by eckoefx
If you read the whole thing he said that the offenses will change with the dynamic updates.
If this integrates into your dynasty then great, if not it doesn't improve it for me.
# 9 hawkeye2188 @ 11/12/09 03:02 PM
Looks awesome this game cant get here soon enough.
# 10 ehh @ 11/12/09 03:06 PM
Wow, I'm pretty excited for this game now.

The 5-star recruit improvements, recruiting interface and sim logic improvements should be enough for me. Back to a Day One purchase for me.

I never got the obsession over the "play any game" thing dynasty modes. If I want to use other teams I just play an exhibition game.

Has the recruiting model been tweaked at all? If so, in what way? Will we see diamond in the rough freshmen, one and done freshmen, will the top schools lure more 5-star players than mid majors?
The biggest change to recruiting this year was the increased difficulty in landing 5 star recruits. There are less to scout and pursue and means recruiting will play a bigger role than last year in keeping your program consistently competitive in future years.

The two biggest complaints for me in dynasty have been addressed, should be interesting to see how big of an improvement.
# 11 Hoosiers1111 @ 11/12/09 03:16 PM
"The time we did spend time on dynasty was focused on community raised issues like: sorting recruits screen, 5 star recruits, some UI enhancments... and most importantly the improvement to the sim engine which keeps the future years of the dynasty mode true to life. "

That right there does it for me. I will be buying this game. The things that didn't get fixed like online dynasty and the ability to play any game on the schedule don't matter to me, so finding out the dynasty mode has been fixed is AWESOME! Now I can stop checking this site every 5 minutes to see if there is any Dynasty info!
# 12 ty5oke @ 11/12/09 03:31 PM
Sounds good, I hope the sim logic and recruiting changes were done right. Still a wait and see what people think of dynasty before I buy.
# 13 thmst30 @ 11/12/09 03:55 PM
I really hope the sim logic was truly fixed. Live claimed that they tweaked their sim logic this year as well, and it's pretty busted. Of course anything should be better than last years, I had numerous #1 seeds losing to #16 seeds, and in the first Dynasty I played last year #12 seed NC A&T won the title by beating #6 seed East Tennessee St. I simmed a few dynasties after that to see if it was a rare mistake, and unfortunately realized that NCAAB 09 probably has the worst sim engine I've ever seen in a sports game. I'll rent it this year, and hopefully all is well. As long as the sim engine is serviceable then the presentation and Live's gameplay enhancements may be good enough for me this year.
# 14 duke776 @ 11/12/09 03:55 PM
Very nice to hear about the changes to dynasty. I'm very happy they improved the recruiting and sim logic. I'm still waiting to try out the game, but this definitely is making me look forward to the release even more.
# 15 HustlinOwl @ 11/12/09 06:07 PM
lol Im right there with ya bigmo, some guy added me last week and I told him to just wait for 10. Which seems to be 100X better
# 16 JohnDoe8865 @ 11/12/09 07:05 PM
Can't wait to hear some OS roster accuracy (NCAA Football 10's mess) and dynasty impressions. Might be worth a december pick up if all is well.
# 17 green94 @ 11/12/09 07:34 PM
Good interview by Abner per the usual....

Something I'm concerned with is the way CD sidestepped the questions about defense. I'm glad Abner followed up with another question but CD kind of talked around it again. If the same glitch is there from last year resulting in playing a 2-3 zone equaling instant turnovers it will be quite disappointing. Everything else sounds great candidly.
# 18 jfsolo @ 11/12/09 07:43 PM
For what I'm looking for, I'm fairly pleased by what I read. But like a lot of others, I'm in wait and see mode. The impressions of our OS brothers who get the game on release and play it for a couple of weeks will be the largest influence on whether or not I pull the trigger on this game.
# 19 Hurricain @ 11/12/09 07:47 PM
Would have liked them to tell more about the recruiting seem like they dodge that question mostly. Oh well, here is hoping for the best.
# 20 statum71 @ 11/12/09 08:22 PM
Single team dynasty. Well, that answered my question.

As much as I hate too, I've gonna have to miss out on this one.

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