EA just sent us this NCAA Basketball 10 producer video featuring the Lead Producer, Connor Dougan, describing this year's Toughest Places to Play feature. The video shows how the feature works in the game and compares it to real stadium footage.
I was hoping for new info too. This looks pretty good and I like how they added those little touches like the camera panning out when the crowd is going crazy.
I'm still worried about Dynasty though. We'll be able to find out how good Gameplay is on Friday but they haven't said nothing about Dynasty.
still no dynasty info. At this point, I'm convinced there is none. all of this is fluff to distract us from that fact.
I realize its not a game breaker for everyone, but for some it is. Rather than fix the most important game mode, they decided to make the camera shake.
Like the new stuff in presentation but wow, they are losing me with this game however. No info what so ever on dynasty, and no questions fielded at all about anything. This is far different then the college football which leads me to believe that this game is still the red-headed step child. I don't know if its the dev team or EA's marketing wizards who decided to be silent about this game, but it is a mistake.
I hear cricketts.................
No amount of presentation will make me buy a game that has limited options in the most important mode, wheres my 2k8 box.
The features on the back of the box are mostly fluff and things we have come to expect from sports video games many years ago. EA acts like they are marketing to people who have never played these games before LOL.
EAs marketing is genius actually. They obviously didnt improve dynasty much other than the sim engine so why tell us?
Like the new stuff in presentation but wow, they are losing me with this game however. No info what so ever on dynasty, and no questions fielded at all about anything. This is far different then the college football which leads me to believe that this game is still the red-headed step child. I don't know if its the dev team or EA's marketing wizards who decided to be silent about this game, but it is a mistake.
I hear cricketts.................
No amount of presentation will make me buy a game that has limited options in the most important mode, wheres my 2k8 box.
The features on the back of the box are mostly fluff and things we have come to expect from sports video games many years ago. EA acts like they are marketing to people who have never played these games before LOL.
You seriously have no idea how Marketing works. If you release all the Information too early, you risk people forgetting about their game. NCAA Basketball caters to a Niche audience, you have to look at the Big Picture to lure more people in.
If I were a betting man though, I would bet a Big announcement Next Monday. Reason being, Release something good the day before People go stand in line to buy Modern Warfare, that way it is still fresh in their head.
Like the new stuff in presentation but wow, they are losing me with this game however. No info what so ever on dynasty, and no questions fielded at all about anything. This is far different then the college football which leads me to believe that this game is still the red-headed step child. I don't know if its the dev team or EA's marketing wizards who decided to be silent about this game, but it is a mistake.
I hear cricketts.................
No amount of presentation will make me buy a game that has limited options in the most important mode, wheres my 2k8 box.
The features on the back of the box are mostly fluff and things we have come to expect from sports video games many years ago. EA acts like they are marketing to people who have never played these games before LOL.
You've posted this exact same spiel every time a new bit of info is released on this game. We get it, you're not impressed. Don't by the game and leave the NCAA 10 forum if it's THAT big of a deal to you.
You seriously have no idea how Marketing works. If you release all the Information too early, you risk people forgetting about their game. NCAA Basketball caters to a Niche audience, you have to look at the Big Picture to lure more people in.
If I were a betting man though, I would bet a Big announcement Next Monday. Reason being, Release something good the day before People go stand in line to buy Modern Warfare, that way it is still fresh in their head.
I totally agree. It's actually the way marketing works and how it is successful.
However the main problem is, that they don't have much to talk about, otherwise marketing would have a way easier job on satisfying the crowd. In NBA Live they had so much new stuff to show, that it didn't got too repetitive. In NCAA they cannot talk much about gameplay improvements, besides the new motion offense, since NBA Live already took all the glamor away. Nobody would buy NCAA due to gameplay improvements which are already in NBA Live. Thus they are repeating their NCAA specific improvements, to at least keep their product in the light of attention, which is pretty annoying to fans, of course.
All you can hope for is, that they are still holding back on the biggest thing. However, time is ticking and once again EA.
EA acts like they are marketing to people who have never played these games before LOL.
They ARE marketing to people who have never played their game before. Why is that surprising? They are trying to increase NCAA Basketball's fanbase to the level of NCAA Football or beyond.
The whole point of marketing is to get people who usually won't buy your product to actually buy it. OS consists of a lot of hardcore college basketball fans who will buy a "new and improved" NCAA Basketball game no matter what. We are not the target audience, and improved dynasty sim stats is not a mass appeal feature for the general public.
Yeah, I'm perfectly fine with it. They did a TON of marketing/pre-release stuff for Live, check out a lot of that if you want to know more about NCAA 10. Plus gameplay is far and away #1 to me and if it plays like an improved/college version of Live (which it will) then I'll be ecstatic.
All dynasty needed to improve to make it enjoyable is an improved sim logic and some tweaking the recruiting. I don't need every little thing from 2K8's legacy mode to be in there for it the mode to be playable. If you're expecting a carbon copy of 2K8's legacy then you're out of your mind, you probably won't ever see it in an EA game. You do realize that 2K8's legacy mode is far and away the best legacy/career/dynasty mode in any next-gen game? The Show, Madden, NBA2K, NCAA Football - none of them are close. It's obviously not an easy mode to nail.
All dynasty needed to improve to make it enjoyable is an improved sim logic and some tweaking the recruiting. I don't need every little thing from 2K8's legacy mode to be in there for it the mode to be playable. If you're expecting a carbon copy of 2K8's legacy then you're out of your mind, you probably won't ever see it in an EA game. You do realize that 2K8's legacy mode is far and away the best legacy/career/dynasty mode in any next-gen game? The Show, Madden, NBA2K, NCAA Football - none of them are close. It's obviously not an easy mode to nail.
This where I think devs are not focusing on the right things. A lot of people might disagree with me here, but gameplay wise i think, that Live (a thus NCAA, too) is by far better than CH2k8. However I think that a lot of people will say, ok dynasty in NCAA still cannot compete, so I go with CH2k8. I think a great dynasty has so much impact on the sellings of a game, by far more than presentation and stuff.
Me personally, would probably favor 2k8 over NCAA 10, due to it's legacy mode and since I do have Live 10. I don't need Live 10 with NCAA teams but still terrible dynasty.
I agree about 2k8, I guess I am just frustrated with how much info there was out about NCAA football 10 at this time in the cycle.
I think in this case it's a little different since college football comes out before Madden so there's a ton of info. Granted Madden gets more info than any other game and both football games are way more popular than NCAA Basketball. Live came out before NCAA BB and there was way more info and the basketball games are more similar than EA's two football games.
The pre-release info for NCAA '10 could be better and I understand the frustration on the lack of news regarding dynasty. It just gets a little old when 90% of the posts in here the last two weeks have been complaining that we haven't gotten any dynasty news yet.
the thing about dynasty is that people are wanting information that states, at least I think I'm understanding this right, that the sim logic has been improved in the game. If thats the case, Sean(Jab_Step) has already answered that. He stated that the sim logic has been improved in a thread titled "Why the Silence".
EDIT: Here's the quote..
Originally Posted by Jab_Step
This was a priority fix in dynasty for us this year. The sim results are WAY better and it definitley helps with the realism/immersion factor as you progress through the season and the NCAA Tournament.