WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 News Post

Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 really crept up on me this year. Everyone knew it was coming out, but details were only announced at the end of August, and screens and videos were relatively scarce compared to years prior. Bottom line, the hype train was unusually slow for our yearly WWE game. And, typically when a game gets this kind of treatment, it’s a steaming pile.

But maybe that was the plan all along. Maybe Yukes was trying to lower expectations. Or, maybe Yukes was just implementing a swerve mentality to make everyone think SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 (SvR 2010) was going to be a jobber this year.

If it was supposed to be a swerve, then well played Yukes because this year's WWE production is surprisingly solid.

Read More - WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 Review

Game: WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010Hype Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 14 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 raidersbball20 @ 10/26/09 04:28 PM
i wish they would get new commentary
# 2 stlstudios189 @ 10/26/09 04:49 PM
can't wait to get my hands on this game
# 3 superstarshad @ 10/27/09 12:30 AM
is this game better than the wcw vs nwo games of the past.
# 4 woody2goody @ 10/27/09 03:40 PM
Good, fair review. Don't agree on the No Mercy part, but nearly everything else is spot on.

Dramatic reversals would make the game great, at least then, it would get closer to looking like an actual wrestling match AT ALL TIMES.

The in-ring improvements are great, most of them subtle, and they do add to the drama of the matches. There's a very good roster this year, missing a few lower-card guys like Jimmy Wang Yang who was in last year and isn't this time, but it gives you a lot of possibilities.

Good effort THQ and Yukes.
# 5 ggsimmonds @ 10/27/09 03:50 PM
I'm sorry but i must say that I disagree with the score and the review in general. No way is this game an 8.0.

This franchise has regressed badly since the ps2 days.
# 6 Mr. Franchise @ 10/27/09 06:49 PM
# 7 jyoung @ 10/27/09 06:52 PM
Just never could get into the style of play Yukes uses with their Smackdown game engine. I got into the genre with WCW vs. NWO World Tour on the 64 but stopped playing them after No Mercy came out and AKI stopped making wrestling games.
# 8 Fiddy @ 10/27/09 08:29 PM
so the smallest guys can pick up the big guys with no problems? ugh
# 9 statum71 @ 10/27/09 08:31 PM
Wish they would've put some "random" option on the storybuilder.

Doing it all myself kinda takes away the element of surprise. And downloading other people's is not the same thing because they might have they might have different champions than I do in my stories right now.

Still cool though. Like it.
# 10 BCZ1005 @ 10/30/09 05:25 PM
Can you upload the wwe legends of wrestlemania legends intothis game?
# 11 Aggies7 @ 11/03/09 08:45 AM
Nice review may have to rent this one
# 12 CanuckJ @ 11/03/09 08:45 PM
Love the game but no mercy is still the greatest, multiple storylines for every single belt was so awesome.
# 13 WTF @ 11/04/09 11:58 AM
MAY have to pick this up. It's been since 07 I think since I've played a Wrestling game, not even picking up the Legends game.

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