NCAA Basketball 10 News Post

Game: NCAA Basketball 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 25 - View All
NCAA Basketball 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 catarsond @ 10/21/09 11:46 PM
loving the sharp crisp presentation at the start and the ncaa bracket picture!
# 2 shindiana @ 10/21/09 11:49 PM
The game looks great.
But I wish they didn't take that Live 10 animation where the player celebrates a basket.
# 3 joesto54 @ 10/22/09 12:05 AM
link please!!!
# 4 joesto54 @ 10/22/09 12:07 AM
# 5 poster @ 10/22/09 12:13 AM
Presentation looks awesome. CBS crew sounded a little better, not as much dead air. Seemed a bit too excited for an early basket in a 6-6 game, but I am resigned that it will be a bit rough.

What in the hell is up with that Top 25, even more awful then the last example that was shown. Is that a joke or what? Too quiet, need some dynasty info and overview of how they tuned the poll logic. Final 8 that was displayed looked good and believable.

Still no indicator of which CPU player has the ball. What a let down if that isn't tuned this year.
# 6 joesto54 @ 10/22/09 12:18 AM
Yeah, that wasn't Illinois record last season so I'm gonna need an explanation on that one.
# 7 HustlinOwl @ 10/22/09 12:25 AM
it has been said that records are just place holders
# 8 joesto54 @ 10/22/09 12:33 AM
Duke player smacks the floor on d at around 1:46... def a college animation
# 9 King Loyd @ 10/22/09 12:38 AM
Oooo the hop is returning 1:07 lol
# 10 i c u cant stop me @ 10/22/09 01:42 AM
i love how ea keeps bringing back the old shot clock nosie (around the 1:40 mark) always brings me back to the nba live 95 days lol. but now they have it echoing around the whole arena lol. thats enough ea we understand the shot clock is winding down lol.
# 11 sportzbro @ 10/22/09 02:20 AM
Nice, thanks for the vid. I just pray the dynasty/gameplay will be on par with the presentation. If it is I dont think the game will be leaving my console.
# 12 Hurricain @ 10/22/09 06:14 AM
Top 25 looked odd, not so sure about the gameplay. Looks like I will be muting the commentary if I get this game, only so much D.Vitale i can handle.
# 13 J-Unit40 @ 10/22/09 06:35 AM
Originally Posted by King Loyd
Oooo the hop is returning 1:07 lol
LOL. Yeah, they must get rid of that ridiculous and repetitive animation.

The presentation carries this game because the gameplay is seems too herky-jerky for me. EA basketball's lay-up animations are awkward and their shot blocking animations are pretty bad.

I look forward to playing the demo to get more of a feel for it though.
# 14 countryboy @ 10/22/09 08:29 AM
ARRRGHHH...can't view at work. Oh well, gives me something to look forward to when I get home.
# 15 Jistic @ 10/22/09 08:48 AM
# 16 KG @ 10/22/09 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by J-Unit40
LOL. Yeah, they must get rid of that ridiculous and repetitive animation.

The presentation carries this game because the gameplay is seems too herky-jerky for me. EA basketball's lay-up animations are awkward and their shot blocking animations are pretty bad.

I look forward to playing the demo to get more of a feel for it though.
That's my biggest pet peeve in all of EA Sports games, they feel so herky jerky. I hate the block animations too. Fadeaways are never blocked like that unless there is a HUGE height difference. If you block it you're gonna get a piece of it, basically deflecting its path.

Loved the backdoor cut by Freeman and the dunk animation.

# 17 mvb34 @ 10/22/09 10:48 AM
I'm loving how the Hoyas ran their offense...
# 18 Jecooper9 @ 10/22/09 10:49 AM
The presentation just takes the game to another level.

Hopefully, the dynasty mode is better than I will be set!

For those who haven't played Live this year, the game play is better than ever. You don't get the full effect until you play the game. I have been playing 2k the last 4 years and I switched back to Live and I don't regret it.
# 19 rspencer86 @ 10/22/09 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by stewaat
Presentation = 32/10
Gameplay = 5/10
Perfect assessment so far. Presentation is just on fire but there's nothing I'm seeing gameplay-wise that make me say "wow."

And ugh, get rid of the old shot clock warning beeps that reverberate through the entire arena. This isn't NBA Live 95.
# 20 pickupman91 @ 10/22/09 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by Hurricain
Top 25 looked odd, not so sure about the gameplay. Looks like I will be muting the commentary if I get this game, only so much D.Vitale i can handle.

I totally agree. Dick Vitale is ok in spurts, but an entire game may be a chore for me to listen to. My suggestion to EA and ESPN is, has, and always will be to substitute Jay Bilas for Dickie V.


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