NCAA Basketball 10 News Post

NCAA Basketball 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 1
RayAllen20 @ 10/20/09 06:57 PM
By the way really like this motion thing, looks cool since I'm not a big play guy but want my offense to move around.
I like it. You can definatly tell that this game has a different flow from it's brother Live.
# 3
sooners52794 @ 10/20/09 07:14 PM
finally...i've been on edge for days waiting for something new lol, was hoping for something dynasty related since thats my sole concern, but this looks great...i never run plays but it looks like this is all i will need, offense looked so easy and fluid and i read that it will change based on the situation, so pretty much all gameplay questions answered based on reviews on live and such. BTW, beautiful slam by Yarou on that play with nova, nova is gonna be sick this year, should get a number seed with all their expierence. also, scottie reynolds was waay too dark and missing his t-shirt, but at least nova was in the game
This makes me wanna pop Live 10 back in, right now...but time for my Yanks...and some Brutal Legend...
# 7
sooners52794 @ 10/20/09 08:53 PM
# 11
sooners52794 @ 10/20/09 09:49 PM
i think he drew a double team while yarou slipped past the guy...but def not two guys, and i think thats what the play was meant for
# 13
nccomicfan @ 10/20/09 10:27 PM
Had this paid in full but used it to buy FIFA today.I am going to wait for a couple of weeks to get impressions on the final version to make sure it hasn't inerited the issues that plague Live like lack of transition, limited animations and scripting
# 14
Behindshadows @ 10/21/09 01:26 AM
What happened to positive feedback, or constructive criticism?
But this game does look sexy...lots of fun, considering i havent bought a college hoops title in a couple years.
# 18
countryboy @ 10/21/09 08:55 AM
I'm really digging the one button press to set the guys in motion for the offense and how well the AI teammates executed the play.
Everything else looked pretty good but I can tell already that I will be turning off commentary on all ESPN broadcasts.
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