NCAA Basketball 10 News Post

Gamespot has posted some NCAA Basketball 10 videos. They feature Auburn vs. Kansas, Stanford vs. Georgetown and Michigan vs. Boston College.

Game: NCAA Basketball 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 25 - View All
NCAA Basketball 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Cusefan @ 10/16/09 10:38 PM
Good stuff. ESPN and CBS Overlays are spot on, Perfect. The announcing for CBS is definitly not as strong as ESPN but thats the price we pay for having 2 announcing teams.

Cant wait for this...
# 2 Buckeyes_Doc @ 10/16/09 10:48 PM
Yeah in the last video there were like 3 or 4 different periods were the broadcast team was dead silent for over 5 seconds.

Anyways nice vids love the stat overlays.
# 3 shindiana @ 10/16/09 10:50 PM
Nice crowd!
# 4 Rasco11 @ 10/16/09 10:50 PM
CBS one did sound awkwardly quiet. I hope they announce some names from a database. That would do wonders! It would get old very quickly hearing "#2", etc...

We'll see. I liked the crowd noise and GTown band, sounded good!
# 5 cdj @ 10/16/09 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by Bigdmo9999
Yeah, I was asking about the names but no one answered. Even if they only did 250 common names. But when they don't have a name in the database these days, the announcers just won't say the name. Instead they'll say "he" or something. You'll notice that from the videos, none of em say "#whatever"
It may have just been the teams I used last year, but I don't think there is a huge name database in the franchise. As you mentioned, they do a good job with pronouns - "he", "the point guard", "this freshman", etc.
# 6 marcoyk @ 10/16/09 11:38 PM
Well, I wouldn't be too worried about the lack of commentary with the CBS team. I'll expect more from the final version. I'm pretty excited for the game, though.
# 7 Behindshadows @ 10/16/09 11:47 PM
Commentary bad, everything else looks okay! I'll wait for a final build! Can't believe Gamespot released such short videos. Have they heard of the 5 minute rule.
# 8 RayAllen20 @ 10/17/09 12:05 AM
I actually thought the CBS commentary was good. Gus and Raftery definetly interacted with each other. In every video game I've never not heard an akward silence for 5 seconds so that's expected. I believe it was just by chance they captured it that way. I don't think I'll even notice it when I'm playing.

The person playing this game was terrible with NCAAs momentum. I understand it is new and hard to get, but that was pretty bad. Other than that not too bad.

Crowd was loud and I loved it. Louder than every crowd I've ever heard in a videogame without 2k's annoying whistle in 2k8.

Where are those dynasty videos Jab? Haha I'm so excited for them.
# 9 bigsmallwood @ 10/17/09 02:17 AM
Nice videos!
# 10 SaintsNATION32 @ 10/17/09 03:58 AM
to many pauses in the commentary hope this not the final version!
# 11 warnerwlf98 @ 10/17/09 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by stevedrumsdw
The commentary was quite weak there yes.
Yep . . . the CBS commentary was lacking there. The gameplay looks pretty good though. As long as Gus Johnson yells and gets excited at the right times even if there isn't enough announcer chatter, that will be fine with me.
# 12 countryboy @ 10/17/09 09:58 AM
The ESPN commentary was pretty good in my opinion, but the CBS commentary was too quiet during game action, although I liked how Gus and Raft interacted on the replay flashback.
# 13 joesto54 @ 10/17/09 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by Peter_OS
Question. Are we able to import the draft class into NBA LIve 2010?
# 14 jdr4693 @ 10/17/09 11:16 AM
# 15 Jecooper9 @ 10/17/09 11:19 AM
Some good things I noticed:

Icon under the player had stamina info and if the player was a 3pt shooter, good defender,etc (unlike Live 10)

Presentation is dead on

Collision animation looks more polished than Live 10
# 16 HustlinOwl @ 10/17/09 11:23 AM
lol basing commentary off a one minute video with no action
# 17 Buckeyes_Doc @ 10/17/09 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
lol basing commentary off a one minute video with no action
Well, in that one minute there were numerous awkward silences in the commentary. I think that says a lot, in one minute. And what do you mean no action?
# 18 Nature_Boy @ 10/17/09 01:16 PM
This game is shaping up nicely.
# 19 Cusefan @ 10/17/09 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by lilbently
Well, in that one minute there were numerous awkward silences in the commentary. I think that says a lot, in one minute. And what do you mean no action?
Well this is what happens when you have 2 announcing teams broadcasting games. The First year for a announcing team is always weak, but add in they already have another team. I understand the Commentary as a whole will not be amazing, but the fact that we have 2 teams makes up for it imo.
# 20 statum71 @ 10/17/09 03:08 PM
Gameplay looks Okay. I'm mostly getting it form presentation anyway.

But you guys are right, the commentary does sound a little dead on the CBS side.

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