NCAA Basketball 10 News Post

According to the official NCAA Basketball 10 website. The demo should be available on the 6th of November.

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Game: NCAA Basketball 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 25 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 dickey1331 @ 10/14/09 03:31 AM
cant wait. this ought to be a GOOD game
# 2 x_irish6 @ 10/14/09 06:31 AM
I'm in Australia. How do I get the demo on PSN? Do I need to create an American account?

# 3 countryboy @ 10/14/09 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by x_irish6
I'm in Australia. How do I get the demo on PSN? Do I need to create an American account?

yep. If you need help, send me a PM and I'll walk you through it.


Cannot wait til Nov 6th...

And thanks for the heads up Nature Boy
# 4 Brandwin @ 10/14/09 11:14 AM
Sounds good. Thanks!
# 5 Hova57 @ 10/14/09 11:27 AM
that's cool and all but i need some info man!!
hopefully next week so they can blitz us with info right before demo drops
# 6 mvb34 @ 10/14/09 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by Nature_Boy
From Pastapadre.com

The official website for NCAA Basketball 10 has revealed that the demo for the game will be out on Tuesday November 6th. While it doesn’t specify different dates for different systems, demos only release for the PS3 on Thursdays. So the 6th for the 360 and 8th for the PS3 appears to be set.

No news on what the demo will entail. Given the focus on presentation it is expected to feature a CBS or ESPN game. As for the teams involved it will likely be a rematch of the NCAA Championship between Michigan State and North Carolina.
November 6 is on a Friday...
# 7 Ninjoid @ 10/14/09 11:54 AM
Beat me to it MVB - Nov 6th is indeed a Friday, it's my birthday!
# 8 ehh @ 10/14/09 12:28 PM
Interesting that it'll be a Nat'l Title rematch in the demo after last year's option of four teams, including two really random current teams (Tenn vs Kentucky).

I wouldn't be surprised if it's got the Final Four atmosphere and presentation though to really show that off.
# 9 sportznut02 @ 10/14/09 03:57 PM
Can`t wait to see the new presentation.
# 10 RayAllen20 @ 10/14/09 05:53 PM
I hope it won't have the final four atmosphere. I liked to be suprised when I get to the final four how cool it is.
# 11 ehh @ 10/14/09 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by six
Tennessee=random. Kentucky=not random for obvious reasons, ever.

Considering UK pretty much blew the season before, yeah it's random.
# 12 countryboy @ 10/14/09 08:56 PM
anyone else hoping that its not a rematch of last years NC?
# 13 ehh @ 10/14/09 09:05 PM
I'll settle for UConn/Louisville.
# 14 countryboy @ 10/14/09 09:14 PM
I wouldn't mind that.

I think it would be hilarious if was 2 low major schools.
# 15 marcoyk @ 10/14/09 10:31 PM
Awesome. Really looking forward to it.
# 16 Brandwin @ 10/15/09 10:29 AM
I think Baylor should be in the demo.
# 17 xfactor9600 @ 10/15/09 10:58 AM
I'm intrigued by this game. I'm a 2k guy but bought last years game to see what it was like. I ended up returning it, because I couldn't get into it. However, I'm going to give it another shot this season. I'm hoping it'll be a good game.

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