NCAA Basketball 10 News Post
NCAA Basketball 10 Videos
Member Comments
Unreal. The game looks like I'm actually watching it on ESPN. This is a huge innovation in the Sports games genre. Congrats to the team.
Look at all the overlays!! This is going to be awesome.
Look at all the overlays!! This is going to be awesome.
Just amazing. We've been asking for this for years, see all of the positive attention it brings to the game. All other EA games are fools for not even trying to do the same thing. It will absolutely increase sales and review ratings. I guarantee it.
When they flash the Top 25 overlay during the video, Georgia Tech is ranked #13 with a 15-17 record??
WOW! This is amazing, I'm getting pretty excited for this game now. Can't wait to see what else this game has to offer.
Wow, sick!
When the Utah player was at the line, it listed his major! Nice touch.
Conference standings soon after the game has started also very cool.
Does the score banner at the bottom of the screen stay on during gameplay or perhaps it was tweaked to look this way for the video. It may be in the way if so.
Jab_Step, I am really hoping the overlays stay on the screen long enough for us the gamer to read them. Madden has a big issue with this as it is gone in the blink of an eye. Please, please make sure that we can fully read them before they go away, otherwise it will be an empty feeling.
Perhaps have a button click be able to bypass it if someone chooses, but please make sure they stay up long enough to read. The 'Set The Tempo' overlay seemed to be gone quick, no way I could read it that quickly without feeling rushed.
Like I said, maybe it is displayed like this in the video, but if not please tweak it if possible. We were all excited for Madden's 'The Extra Point' until we saw the full rendition where it was on fast forward and gone too quickly which dropped it down many notches as far as how impressive it really was.
Thanks very much for listening. Kudos to you and your team for doing this for us gamers.
When the Utah player was at the line, it listed his major! Nice touch.
Conference standings soon after the game has started also very cool.
Does the score banner at the bottom of the screen stay on during gameplay or perhaps it was tweaked to look this way for the video. It may be in the way if so.
Jab_Step, I am really hoping the overlays stay on the screen long enough for us the gamer to read them. Madden has a big issue with this as it is gone in the blink of an eye. Please, please make sure that we can fully read them before they go away, otherwise it will be an empty feeling.
Perhaps have a button click be able to bypass it if someone chooses, but please make sure they stay up long enough to read. The 'Set The Tempo' overlay seemed to be gone quick, no way I could read it that quickly without feeling rushed.
Like I said, maybe it is displayed like this in the video, but if not please tweak it if possible. We were all excited for Madden's 'The Extra Point' until we saw the full rendition where it was on fast forward and gone too quickly which dropped it down many notches as far as how impressive it really was.
Thanks very much for listening. Kudos to you and your team for doing this for us gamers.
Hope there is an option to choose which commentary team you want. I'd never use Dick Vitale if I can have Gus Johnson.
# 11
andybaseball2005 @ 10/08/09 08:19 PM
They probably aren't worthy of being #13 but they should be in the top 25.
The full top 25 was posted awhile ago here:
# 12
superjames1992 @ 10/08/09 08:39 PM
One thing is fore sure. The presentation is going to be sick. I just hope the gameplay is good enough to make this game worth buying.
# 14
warnerwlf98 @ 10/08/09 08:50 PM
I especially noticed the game track and the poll graphics . . . meaning that the commentators will talk about each team with respect to their positions in your dynasty as well as summarizing how the game has progressed to that point (when the gametrack graphic was shown).
AWESOME BABY!!! (it was the Dick Vitale in me that took over . . . sorry)
AWESOME BABY!!! (it was the Dick Vitale in me that took over . . . sorry)
# 15
BrianFifaFan @ 10/08/09 09:10 PM
Saw my UD Flyers in there! I'm really stoked for this game. I know you guys got Cintas in there, but you really need UD Arena in there. Especially seeing as we host a lot of NCAA tourney games!
# 17
countryboy @ 10/08/09 09:58 PM
this game is going to be ridiculous. The presentation is freakin' sweet.
This game is going to Own my Life. How on Earth am I going to find the time to play both Modern Warfare 2 and NCAA Basketball.
Sports Game of the Year:
Gameplay: live 2.0- Check
Presentation: CBS and ESPN-Check
Audio: 2 Announcing teams- Check
Only two questions remain, Dynasty and online. 3 out of 5 is not bad a week after releasing Info though...
Sports Game of the Year:
Gameplay: live 2.0- Check
Presentation: CBS and ESPN-Check
Audio: 2 Announcing teams- Check
Only two questions remain, Dynasty and online. 3 out of 5 is not bad a week after releasing Info though...
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