NCAA Basketball 10 News Post

Game: NCAA Basketball 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 25 - View All
NCAA Basketball 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Scott @ 10/06/09 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Wow...Presentation looks amazing.
# 2 Jab_Step @ 10/06/09 07:45 PM
Looks like you don't have to wait until tomorrow for this video after all

# 3 whittleboy615 @ 10/06/09 07:48 PM
Heck yes. We get flat tops for the classic teams!

And I love how they listened to our feedback and worked on making the presentation exactly like a live telecast.
# 4 countryboy @ 10/06/09 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by Jab_Step
Looks like you don't have to wait until tomorrow for this video after all

Way to go Sage..****ining the man's thunder.

# 5 whittleboy615 @ 10/06/09 07:52 PM
Jab, do the little starting lineup profile photos dynamically change if we edit the player's face?
# 6 ehh @ 10/06/09 07:53 PM
Wow, that is awesome. The exact CBS presentation/overlays/music from real life. That music gets you so pumped at the start of every game IRL.

BTW, it's hilarious that EA has had the ESPN license for what, five years now, and when they finally pull off an awesome feat like this it's with CBS integration. Been waiting for something like this for a long time.
# 7 countryboy @ 10/06/09 07:56 PM
OMG! The presentation looks OUTSTANDING!

Only thing that I didn't like was that Pitt player draining the 3 on my Cards. Need to fix that Jab.
# 8 ehh @ 10/06/09 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
OMG! The presentation looks OUTSTANDING!

Only thing that I didn't like was that Pitt player draining the 3 on my Cards. Need to fix that Jab.
As was a UConn player! Haha

No love for the Cards in this vid.
# 9 SageInfinite @ 10/06/09 08:01 PM
That looked amazing.
# 10 ehh @ 10/06/09 08:02 PM
I have a sneaking suspicion than Live 10 will be collecting a lot of dust from November 17th through the first week of April.
# 11 P21J @ 10/06/09 08:05 PM
I need this game. The presentation is jaw-dropping. Man, if EA fixed the dynasty mode for this game, I'll be in college hoops heaven...I'm already good with Live this year for pros.
I don't know how I'll fit this game in with Live, COD Modern Warfare 2, Uncharted.....
# 12 vanderbiltfan87 @ 10/06/09 08:10 PM
Wow. NCAA 10 is looking very promising so far. I really enjoyed the Live demo so improvements upon that with a college feel and this presentation might make me fork over the $60.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that dynasty got a huge overhaul. And please God tell me they've got more than about 40 actual college arenas.

p.s. Hopefully the NCAA Football team is taking notice of how well the community is responding to the presentation in Madden, Live, and now NCAA Basketball.
# 13 Hova57 @ 10/06/09 08:14 PM
will the espn commentators be in game too
# 14 DW3 @ 10/06/09 08:17 PM
Wow what a difference a year makes! Im good with Live, now bring on College!
# 15 shindiana @ 10/06/09 08:31 PM

I'm speechless. This is exactly the kind of presentation I wanted!! Talk about immersion
# 16 cdj @ 10/06/09 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by ehh
Wow, that is awesome. The exact CBS presentation/overlays/music from real life. That music gets you so pumped at the start of every game IRL.

BTW, it's hilarious that EA has had the ESPN license for what, five years now, and when they finally pull off an awesome feat like this it's with CBS integration. Been waiting for something like this for a long time.
The game cover still has the 'Featuring ESPN' logo. My money is on Thursday's video (or tomorrow evening) showcasing the ESPN side of presentation. Sean did mention it was nice to have a 'choice' when it came to commentators....

This looks awesome. If the seedings, crowds, and locales of tourney games have been fixed, the NCAA Tournament in-game will be amazing to play. Great job on the vids so far. Can't wait for more.
# 17 Jab_Step @ 10/06/09 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
Way to go Sage..****ining the man's thunder.

Props to Sage for finding it...now everyone gets to see it sooner...glad you guys are liking it...there's a lot of stuff that isn't in the video...I'm working on a blog to run down everything you can expect to see in game this year.
# 18 shindiana @ 10/06/09 08:55 PM
The only one thing missing will be 'One Shining Moment' at the end of march madness
# 19 DubTrey1 @ 10/06/09 09:02 PM
That looked and sounded AMAZING. Gus Johnson sounds like he was practically made for game voice overs... This is looking hot.!!
# 20 Rasco11 @ 10/06/09 09:02 PM
Wow! I think that presentation (along with Live gameplay advancements) is enough to warrant a day one purchase. I'm now very interested to see what they throw our way as far as info/media the coming weeks...

Wycleff said he'll be gone til November, well I guess now we know at least one reason while he's coming back! NCAA Basketball 10 baby!

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