NBA 2K10 News Post

2K Sports has posted another NBA Developer Insight, this one featuring NBA 2K10 Offensive Gameplay - Part I.

"This is Zach Timmerman and I’m here to talk about some the previously unmentioned overhauls and improvements we’ve made to the offensive side of the ball for NBA 2K10. Rob Jones already wrote about a few offensive additions in a previous Developer Insight, including the most significant offensive change, Player Tendencies , which have been vastly improved with help from www.82games.com. He also touched on the new versatile play-calling system, expanded attribute scales and new shooting attributes. This blog will detail some of the other significant changes we made, while also briefly touching on some more minor ones (yet major to some fans). Just know that the combination of my blog and his still does not cover everything on offense, just the additions/improvements we feel are the most noteworthy at this time.

We took a step back to take it all in after shipping 2K9, and after getting feedback from our fans, we went to work on the areas we felt needed the most improvement on offense. Along the way we improved or rewrote just about every aspect of offense. We’ll start with an area that frustrated me the most in 2K9…the inside game."

Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 DC @ 09/29/09 01:15 PM
I have a friend of mines who is a cheese wizard, we played 7 straight games of Hall of Fame. I couldn't believe what he said "Did you turn dunking off because Lebron is not dunking" I laughed and told him "I have 2 grown men standing there, he shouldn't" LOL.
Good stuff
# 42 Rawdeal28 @ 10/01/09 03:52 AM
Originally Posted by alsolidus
Just wanted to co-sign the article everything he said is correct. I've played the game straight for 2 days now and I must say best NBA basketball game ever. To the non believers check my achievements GT= Alsolidus

This maybe the first time ever where I don't have to touch sliders and I normally adjust sliders within the first 5 minutes of playing. I would go as far to say that playing on Hall of Fame maybe the most unrealistic because the defense is soooo much improved.

Like the insight says dunks are done right. Dunks actually make sense now. I have a friend of mines who is a cheese wizard, we played 7 straight games of Hall of Fame. I couldn't believe what he said "Did you turn dunking off because Lebron is not dunking" I laughed and told him "I have 2 grown men standing there, he shouldn't" LOL.

Great Game
LMAO!!! single best thing i heard about this game.

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