DiRT 2 News Post

Codemasters is a company that has been experiencing a methodical transformation over the past few years. In a time long past (all of three years ago), the company was releasing some of the most realistic and hardcore simulations on consoles.

Dirt 2 takes what made Dirt successful and improves upon it in almost every way. However, some of the omissions that were made to strip down some of the events that were potentially too long or dull for the casual racing fan may put off a true rally fan.

Read More - Dirt 2 Review

Game: Colin McRae: DiRT 2Reader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 7 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 2kjunkie @ 09/28/09 03:33 PM
Nice review
# 2 str8artist @ 09/28/09 05:18 PM
Nice read terry....Dirt 2 has it own lane.
# 3 DubTrey1 @ 09/28/09 05:46 PM
Great read and review.

Great game as well and the score reflects that.
# 4 stlstudios189 @ 09/28/09 06:00 PM
nice review man. This game looks awesome. I passed over this the first time and went with Baja instead.
# 5 sroz39 @ 09/28/09 06:37 PM
This game is really quite awesome. The way the suspension works on the cars is incredible, at least visually. Each axle moves independently, which isn't the first time it's been done in a game. It's just never been done anywhere near this well.
# 6 W Patrick @ 09/29/09 05:06 PM
Great review Terry, I Love the game!
# 7 TCrouch @ 09/29/09 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by W Patrick
Great review Terry, I Love the game!
Great to hear, man. Every time I check my friends list you're on one racing game or another, so I'm glad you like it too. I had almost no interest in it for some reason that I can't fathom now, but it got its hooks into me...
# 8 cookusu @ 09/30/09 01:28 AM
Good review, great and fun game. Some times it really does look like video of you racing and not a game. Great balance between fun and realistic enough to provide a challenge.
# 9 yamabushi @ 09/30/09 01:59 PM
"The purists will blast the game for getting rid of the lengthy hill climb and rally segments where a 20-minute race against the clock can be ruined by a misjudged corner."
Yes we will. Ill stick with Dirt 1.
# 10 TCrouch @ 09/30/09 02:02 PM
Yep. Understandable. I have some friends who greatly prefer Dirt for the Hill Climb events, etc. I can totally see where they're coming from. Different strokes, and all.
# 11 cookusu @ 10/01/09 08:52 PM
Is it OK if I like both? I am certainly not a purist, the only thing I know about cars is how to put gas in it but I liked the old Colin McRae stuff and Dirt1 and really enjoy Dirt 2 for different reasons. An issue I think the review handled very well. I think it is OK to like more than one game and more than one style.

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