NBA 2K10 News Post

IGN has posted the following NBA 2K10 updates:
  • NBA 2K10 Hands-on

    "In order to shoot the ball you'll have to tilt the Wii remote upwards while you have the rock. I ran into a problem with this because shooting and pump faking are tied to the same controller movement. Pumping is just a quick jolt to the Wii remote while shooting is a full-on tilt. Because of the inherent inaccuracies with the controller and the lack of Wii MotionPlus support the game would sometimes think that I was pump faking when actually I was trying to shoot."
  • NBA 2K10 Videos
  • NBA 2K10 Screenshots

Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
NBA 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 DC @ 09/23/09 11:29 PM
LOL Look at the WII's crowd. Looks like in the Zone on PS2
# 2 NumberOneRB @ 09/23/09 11:32 PM
Come on now you know you could have specified Wii you're gonna hype everyone up.
# 3 aga11ah @ 09/23/09 11:32 PM
haha man whats with the Wii's graphics. Gamecube > Wii graphics
# 4 tanner99 @ 09/23/09 11:42 PM
graphics are horrendous but it still looks alright
# 5 youvalss @ 09/24/09 12:02 AM
Still plays better than the PS2 version every year. I liked it!
# 6 Goffs @ 09/24/09 12:05 AM
finally got to see these...its impressive! i like the arena sounds
# 7 NBAfan#109287322 @ 09/24/09 03:02 AM
is the wii really considered next gen console??? i have a wii but i have never considered or will I consider playing something like this on it
# 8 fearwhatnow @ 09/24/09 03:41 AM
Nintendo Power gave the game 6/10.I think the game will suffer in the control department.I haven't read anything about the controls but imo there's only one control scheme:
Shooting: Move down wiimote then up holding B button.Release with B button.(Moving first the wiimote down simulates the ball as the player holds it,then holding B button and wiimote up simulates both the ball handling and the body move)
Fake Shot:Move up wiimote.
Icon Pass:Hold Z nunchuck and press directional on wiimote.Directional cursors:Up:Center, Down:PG, Left:PF, Right:SF, Z+A:SG
Normal Pass:A or wiimote move fast left for pass to closer player on left side,move fast right for pass to closer player on right side,move fast front for pass to closer player on front side.
Iso moves:Hold C nunchuck+direction on nunchuck+right or left or right or back or front move of wiimote
Rebound:Hold B and wiimote up

...and i can go on with more advanced controls.
This is a typical set for a good and responsive bball game on wii with m+.If 2k used another control scheme 2k10 for wii is going to be a major failure.

Update: I just read the ign article.No iso moves,no m+ support,simple shooting mechanic.Fail.Maybe 2011.
# 9 GoDsSoN770 @ 09/24/09 08:32 AM
You do realize you can just use the classic controller right, as it is supported...
# 10 ffaacc03 @ 09/24/09 10:38 AM
Well at least it is not a PS2 port ... also, for those with a 360, it could be a nice backup to have the wii version since those damn RROD can hit you without mercy at any time ...
# 11 spankdatazz22 @ 09/24/09 11:02 AM
I'm surprised the game seems to have been built playing up the sim-aspect of basketball, given the Wii's [assumed] huge base of so-called ****** gamers. If you look past the graphics there was lots of cool stuff going on from a gameplay standpoint. And I really can't think of a single sim-oriented sports title on the Wii; might be a nice alternative to some that like having more physical interactivity but don't want the cartoonish over the top approach that most devs take with Wii sports titles
# 12 Goffs @ 09/24/09 11:25 AM
^^ agreed theres a lot to like about those clips...id like to see how this looks on broadcast cam...
# 13 cjamestx @ 09/24/09 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by GoDsSoN770
You do realize you can just use the classic controller right, as it is supported...
But why would you play any game on Wii with the classic controller? In this case, it would serve everyone better to just play it on Xbox 360 or PS3 then because of the grapics. The Wii is for the interaction right?
# 14 GoDsSoN770 @ 09/24/09 01:18 PM
Well I could think of a few reasons. Maybe you wanna relax a little after playing for a long time using motions when your wrists start to get a little sore.

Then theres always the folks who have Wii as their only system, who want a good game of hoops.
# 15 lilvic @ 09/24/09 01:44 PM
These graphics will look fine on PSP. Finally, a GOOD bball game on the road.
# 16 cjamestx @ 09/24/09 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by GoDsSoN770
Well I could think of a few reasons. Maybe you wanna relax a little after playing for a long time using motions when your wrists start to get a little sore.

Then theres always the folks who have Wii as their only system, who want a good game of hoops.
If it gets to that point homie, that means you played more than your share of video games for the day. okay gotta switch it up my arms hurt
# 17 Supersonic_BR @ 09/24/09 07:23 PM
I just hope that if we choose to use the classic controller (which will be my choice for sure) the isomotion moves will be there.

I mean, they can't take that away from us, can they?
# 18 GoDsSoN770 @ 09/24/09 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by Supersonic_BR
I just hope that if we choose to use the classic controller (which will be my choice for sure) the isomotion moves will be there.

I mean, they can't take that away from us, can they?
Well seeing as they made the game, they can do whatever they want. Its not clear though at the moment whether or not the game even has standard isomotion. Seeing as the IGN preview was hands-on with the Wii-mote and nunchuck, all we know is either the guy didn't know everything about how the dribble move system worked, or dribbles moves work differently than the normal isomotion. We'll know for sure possibly in a few days.

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