NHL 2K10 News Post

2KHockey.net has posted NHL 2K10 franchise details.

"Yesterday 2K Sports sent us a near-final copy of NHL 2K10. After running through the tutorial, getting a feel for the controls in practice mode, and playing through a couple of quick games, we spent quite a bit of time looking through all the new options and features.

My time with the game last night was brief, but there were a lot of details I took note of. So instead of writing a formal preview, I thought it might be easier and more effective to just start listing some of the things I’ve found. We’ll start with franchise mode (some of this was already covered in the most recent Developer Insight, but I hope to provide some extra details, context, and impressions), with more to come later."

Game: NHL 2K10Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 23 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 onlybygrace @ 09/11/09 04:55 PM
Okay...now THAT is absolute awesomeness for sure.
# 2 ether @ 09/11/09 11:13 PM
So if I'm reading that right, you can control all thirty teams, keep the rosters 100% AND play any game on the schedule? Is that correct?
# 3 savoie2006 @ 09/12/09 04:51 AM
Yes you can play any game on the schedule as long as it's in the order it appears on that days listing.
# 4 savoie2006 @ 09/12/09 04:58 AM
This is nice as well:

Menu Options & Features

Posted by Chris Wszolek | September 11, 2009

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Getting used to NHL 2K10’s new menu system took me a few minutes. There is now a layered menu (called “2K Nav”) that you bring up with your right analog stick. It overlays whatever you’re doing with 9 quadrants of the screen; the middle box returns you to the previous page while the surrounding 8 represent each branching menu item.
Being used to a standard “list” menu, at first it was a little tricky finding a few options (remember, the Arena Music is under Options > Features > 2K Beats!) but after playing for a little while I was zipping around just fine. The same applies to the menu in franchise mode — once you get used to how the new setup works and where things are layered, finding everything becomes second nature.
The one nice thing about it is you can access the menu instantly, no matter where you are, with basically no load time. So even in the middle of a game, if you want to quit and go edit something, just pause the game and go to Main Menu. Because it’s an “overlay”, your paused game just stays in the background while you navigate the menu. Once you enter another mode you’re prompted that your game will exit, and 2 seconds later you’re at your destination. If you download the NBA 2K10 Draft Combine from Xbox Live or PSN, you can get a mini idea of what it’s like.
Definitely dig around when you first get the game to get a feel for what’s nested under each quadrant. In doing so, I happened upon a number of new options and features you might appreciate:
  • 2K Share lets you download files uploaded by other players. The things you can upload are rosters, draft classes, gameplay sliders, and “Player DNA” (individual created players). It will be interesting to see how this pans out with community-contributed content.
  • Strategies can be changed individually for all teams and for each individual line on every team, if you so choose to edit them. The defense, forecheck, backcheck, and breakout have the same options as past years. But this year you can also set:
    - Attack (Stay Back, Cautioned, Balanced, Aggressive, All Out)
    - Dump & Chase (Very Low, Low, Medium, High, Very High)
    - PK (Movable Box, Tight Box, Wide Box)
  • All sliders are on a universal scale of zero to 100 (and ice friction & puck friction are options for those wondering)
  • Faceoff Delay of Game is an option for getting kicked out of too many faceoffs
  • The line change/penalty expiration Picture-in-Picture box can be turned off, set to Compact (show the name of the line in large text), or Full (show PIP video of players hopping over the boards and leaving the penalty box)
  • The puck carrier’s name, position, number, ability icon, and speed burst meter can all be turned on/off
  • Puck shadow on/off
  • And even international units — lbs/kg/stone… MPH/KPH… MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY… 12/24 hr clock… ft/meters — have all been thrown in for good measure (horrible pun intended… sorry).
That just covers a number of miscellaneous features and options I came across in my first run-through. We’ll have more details and information tomorrow.
# 5 Mostarac @ 09/12/09 10:53 AM
still no word on dynamic attendance in franchise mode??
# 6 savoie2006 @ 09/12/09 11:11 AM
Well according to Scott they do and very well.

I think dynamic attendence is in, I just don't know if it will be apparent in the stands.
# 7 savoie2006 @ 09/12/09 11:44 AM
Scott, did you happen to draw any penalties while trying to Stick Lift and what if you did?
# 8 savoie2006 @ 09/12/09 12:04 PM
Is the tripping animation better than last year?
# 9 savoie2006 @ 09/12/09 12:10 PM
How about the skating with one hand on the stick. Is that a normal thing or does it only happen when using speed burst?
# 10 phillyfan23 @ 09/12/09 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
I only saw it with speed burst. They had both hands on the sticks with they were regular skating. It did look really nice.
I'm gonna make the skating like NHL 10......turn up the speed slider, zero speed boosts...BAM no stupid one-hand stick handling. Drastic yes, but it could work
# 11 roolz @ 09/12/09 01:10 PM
Well I am getting more and more tempted by 2k this time around... I mean franchise mode is a must for me... EAs had been lifeless, but looks to have improved.. BUT it sounds as if 2k is more atmospheric and organic on the ice, something I love in games... not forced animations holding the game back, but the game just flowing back and forth and nothing clunky stopping that happening and pulling you out of the moment (if that makes sense).

Ive got another week to wait over in the UK.... and with the 2K version being about £10 cheaper as well, its looking like my EA spending in 09 from Madden/NHL/FIFA will shrink to just Madden.
# 12 Eddie1967 @ 09/13/09 09:55 AM
Very nice read indeed. The upgrades made from top to bottom in 2k10 are just mind boggling. 2 more days to hockey heaven!
# 13 onlybygrace @ 09/13/09 12:32 PM
Hey Scott...how about the crowd reactions to goals???...

not how the crowd sounds, because I've heard that and its good, but what about the crowd standing up for home team goals???

In one of the vids where Michalek scored at the Tank, the fans just sat there!!!...
# 14 TSOLEliot @ 09/15/09 05:47 PM
Wow- this dynasty mode has been leaning towards getting 2K10 (although I played 2K8 this morning and loved it- had been playing 2K9 and not loving it)

I love the fact that you can control all the NHL rosters so things don't go haywire.

Any weird glitches, freezes in franchise mode when dressing/scratching players?

Any fatigue issues with Goalies?

What is the roster capacity per team?

# 15 metal134 @ 09/15/09 07:48 PM
Do the simulated stats look good?
# 16 booker21 @ 09/16/09 07:47 AM
yeah could you tell us how sim stats are ?

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