NBA Live 10 News Post

Check out our NBA Live 10 Q&A: Round Two.

Operation Sports: "Playbook questions: Can a developer confirm the total number of plays available in the game (and/or note that it might change via DNA updates)? Steve mentioned in the Operation Sports preview that 392 players were available to the Lakers in the demo, but is that cumulative? Including variations? What is the average number of team-specific plays available? Can we assign the Bulls playbook to the Spurs if we wanted to?"

Mike Wang: "There are over 500 total selectable plays in this year’s Live, and most of the plays have branching options within the basic sets. There are around eight team-specific sets for each team, with several play options within those sets. And yes, you can mix and match plays from one team to another. The best thing about this year’s plays, however, is that they’re TRULY authentic. In the past, we derived our plays from watching games or looking up stuff on the web. For Live 10, we partnered with actual NBA coaches and scouts to get REAL plays. I can’t stress enough how unprecedented this is. When I first laid my eyes on the playbooks when they were sent to the office, my jaw dropped. Really amazing stuff."

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Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 Peninc @ 09/02/09 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by krazyboy225
Has been in live snice 07.
I havent played much live in the past year....but I did play Live '07....never seen any evidence of procedural awareness in it.

Edit* havin done a little searching I'm seeing its supposed to be new to Madden 10 and Live 10 this year ....was never in '07

# 42 krazyboy225 @ 09/02/09 01:42 PM
# 43 Pared @ 09/02/09 03:26 PM
I've asked about procedural awareness and never got an answer. Nothing you can do, but it doesn't seem to be implemented.

A tech demo and the actual game are two different things.
# 44 krazyboy225 @ 09/02/09 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
I've asked about procedural awareness and never got an answer. Nothing you can do, but it doesn't seem to be implemented.

A tech demo and the actual game are two different things.
Well i think Marcus stated several time that they were in the game.
# 45 Pared @ 09/02/09 03:46 PM
Well if it's in, it didn't live up to the tech demo. Offensive players going up for dunks while the defender sits squared up in a defensive stance.

Even if their reactions are because of a lower difficulty, the whole point of the tech was to have players LOOKING at the ball and aware of it. They don't do that anywhere close as well as the tech demo.
# 46 tanner99 @ 09/02/09 03:48 PM
maybe its better in live 10 but i couldnt even tell it was in live 07 - 09
# 47 Rocboyz101 @ 09/02/09 05:37 PM
Yeah I heard its in too..
# 48 tanner99 @ 09/02/09 08:01 PM
they should reintroduce it with a 30 second video showing the players watching the ball as it goes up for a shot and for the rebound in a game.
# 49 bigboy75 @ 09/02/09 08:16 PM
Will procedural awareness affect the crowds reactions as well? It would add an extra layer of realism to see fans looking at the ball ( a.k.a. where the action's happenin').
# 50 thmst30 @ 09/02/09 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by bigboy75
Will procedural awareness affect the crowds reactions as well? It would add an extra layer of realism to see fans looking at the ball ( a.k.a. where the action's happenin').
Not in this generation. Would take way too many resources to give the crowd awareness like that.
# 51 Jonesy @ 09/02/09 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by thmst30
Not in this generation. Would take way too many resources to give the crowd awareness like that.
I wonder if tennis games have it (I can't remember and i've owned a few of them over the years)? It would be pretty obvious if the crowd wasn't following the ball in tennis but they can kind of get away with for hoops games because of the size of the stadiums etc.
# 52 thunder008 @ 09/03/09 11:13 AM
it's going to take a lot more than this for me to buy Live, it has a ways to go to be in 2k's territory. The improvements are ok, but it seems like they are just now fixing the things that 2k has already had in it's game for years.

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