NBA Live 10 News Post

Teamxbox has posted their hands-on impressions of the NBA Live 10 demo.

"The actual gameplay in the Magic/Lakers match-up of the NBA Live 10 demo benefits from the new player models and their movements. It’s just easier to get your character to do what you would expect that particular player to do in that situation. The abovementioned heightened context sensitivity is apparent as well, as it seems as though the AI makes the correct, NBA-spec decision more than it does the “pick-up game” decision. This also means that there’s a better semblance of defensive assignments than its predecessors, and more thorough ball cycling than in past games. It is worth mentioning, however, that the dunks can still happen seemingly from anywhere in NBA Live 10, and sometimes on (or what looks to be through, at times) some of the league’s best defenders. This will surely get tweaked a bit before the later betas drop, but let it be known that a good player can exploit this dunk dynamic a bit in the NBA Live 10 demo. (There’s reportedly some “dunk control” built into NBA Live 10, but we couldn’t really figure it out. It supposedly enables a queued-up dunk to be modified to match the defensive situation at hand.) But for those players who choose not to “go to the well” on every play and take advantage of the dunk radius, there’s some solid, fundamental B-ball to be had in the NBA Live 10 demo."

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Jrod1924 @ 08/22/09 12:21 PM
thx man
"as EA Canada has given us early access to the NBA Live 10 demo that will hit Xbox Live on September 10." yay demo in early september
# 2 DaWolf @ 08/22/09 12:42 PM
Im back from Cologne and played a lot of games of Live 10. Im trying to write down my impressions today but let me just say that: Live is awesome this year.
# 3 alexgamez122 @ 08/22/09 01:11 PM
Dale Nardozzi is the worst reviewer for sports games, I don't trust him or him ratings. Therefore anything Teamxbox is garbage.
Dale Nardozzi should be fired
# 4 Muzyk23 @ 08/22/09 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by DaWolf
Im back from Cologne and played a lot of games of Live 10. Im trying to write down my impressions today but let me just say that: Live is awesome this year.
make sure you make a separate thread for the impressions thanks
# 5 RayDog253 @ 08/22/09 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by alexgamez122
Dale Nardozzi is the worst reviewer for sports games, I don't trust him or him ratings. Therefore anything Teamxbox is garbage.
Dale Nardozzi should be fired
Isn't a review more or less an opinion? So why should his reviews be right or wrong when there just his opinion on the game?
# 6 alexgamez122 @ 08/22/09 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by RayDog253
Isn't a review more or less an opinion? So why should his reviews be right or wrong when there just his opinion on the game?
Have you seen his scores, read his review's. Anything written by him is garbage, review or not.
# 7 RayDog253 @ 08/22/09 02:02 PM
Sounds like Lebron's jumper has changed.
Why is he playing on Pro? Then he talks about being able to dunk at will.
All right AlexGamez I take it back.
# 8 thesniper321 @ 08/22/09 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by DaWolf
Im back from Cologne and played a lot of games of Live 10. Im trying to write down my impressions today but let me just say that: Live is awesome this year.
I know man but this review brang nothing new
# 9 Rocboyz101 @ 08/22/09 04:20 PM
lol he was playing on pro..
# 10 Da_Czar @ 08/22/09 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by RayDog253
Sounds like Lebron's jumper has changed.
Why is he playing on Pro? Then he talks about being able to dunk at will.
All right AlexGamez I take it back.
LOL LOL I love it when guys are man enough to admit when they are wrong.....LOL good look raydog
# 11 marcoyk @ 08/23/09 11:07 AM
Not much new info but any info is welcome.
# 12 reo @ 08/24/09 12:12 AM
Will NBA Live 10 have online franchise or are they adding more to online clubs? I can't find a full feature sheet . . .
# 13 23 @ 08/24/09 12:28 AM
lets leave 2k out of this forum
# 14 alexgamez122 @ 08/24/09 01:23 AM
this is the live forum
# 15 rockchisler @ 08/24/09 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by ronimous
Agree with ya buddy! Dont mind him.. Sounds a 2k LOVERBOY 2 me Insecurities are popping!
I'm waiting for him to come out and say "2k10 is the best" even tho there are no trailers..By the way Thanks for Posting link to the nba Live video, We have never seen that......bwhahahahahaha.
# 16 bigboy75 @ 08/24/09 04:44 AM
I'm wondering if, by the grammatical structuring of his post, this gentleman has yet to grasp the finer points of using the english language or if he's a product of our country's stellar public school system.
# 17 The 24th Letter @ 08/24/09 09:09 AM
Man, that YouTube video looks like more of the same to me....cant wait to get my hands on it though...

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