NHL 2K10 News Post
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Nothing wrong with liking parts of both games...
# 25
savoie2006 @ 08/23/09 02:11 AM
Back on topic, you said "once" EA adds all of those things? Well how many years does it take to even get started. I mean the series is going on what 17 18 years? Gamers like yourself don't like those things so why would they waste money on it now?
Having authentic arenas really does bring a game alive and 2k does a great job at that. EA's arenas in not just nhl, but nba live just feel plain and not really different along with the atmosphere. 2K arenas really make you feel like you are watching a real game with the authentic arenas and the sound effects in the arenas. EA has added the arena atmosphere in nba live and I think they should focus on it for NHL next year because the gameplay is there.
# 28
Flyermania @ 08/23/09 12:42 PM
2k just needs to improve their sales...period. You can have the prettiest areans and the best gameplay in the world, but without a solid customer base it really doesn't matter.
So that was a long-winded way of saying that, yes, there is more that 2K could be doing and I would expect that it absolutely could help their sales.
# 36
Flyermania @ 08/23/09 03:09 PM
2k used to be involved heavily with the gaming community. 2k also used to crank up the marketing machine a lot earlier with "Top Shelf Tuesdays", etc. For some reason they stopped doing these things, and also let the same game-crippling bugs stay in the series year after year. And to top it all off, they cut back on post release support like rosters, much-needed patches, etc. The graphics on next-gen looked a lot like last-gen, and instead of overhauling the game engine they tried a band-aid approach and tried to milk it 2-3 years past what it should have. Add this all together and the cutomer looked for the first life boat off the Titanic.
2k needs a solid game release. They already missed the marketing boat yet again for 2k10, but they need to concentrate on supporting the game post-release. Every game will have issues, so they need to address them when they arise. EA has grabbed the casual fans and the reviewers using the same formula that got 2k to the top.
Embrace the community, market the game early and effectively, finally fix the bugs, and give post-release support. I really feel this year could go a long way to determining if this series stays afloat or finally sinks. The sales numbers will tell the story.
2k needs a solid game release. They already missed the marketing boat yet again for 2k10, but they need to concentrate on supporting the game post-release. Every game will have issues, so they need to address them when they arise. EA has grabbed the casual fans and the reviewers using the same formula that got 2k to the top.
Embrace the community, market the game early and effectively, finally fix the bugs, and give post-release support. I really feel this year could go a long way to determining if this series stays afloat or finally sinks. The sales numbers will tell the story.
# 37
Flyermania @ 08/23/09 03:10 PM
"Not really but EA is going for gameplay first. Which is OK, but if they want to get more people they should go for presentation first. I have a feeling that more kids and adults would buy the game. People want a game that they can pick up and play and look good too. I am not saying all people. But in all honesty to you think the majority of video gamers want real sim or do you think that i still a minority? On here that is a majority, but in the World what do you guys think?"
I'm not really understanding your logic here.
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