WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 News Post

Gamespot has posted a SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 article titled, Creation is King.

"If creativity is your thing, WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw 2010 has got you covered. More than covered, in fact. From top to bottom, the creation tools in THQ's upcoming wrestling game have been either overhauled, upgraded, or, in some cases, re-made from the ground up. The result will be a game that is more open-ended and flexible than ever before. Recently, THQ producers visited GameSpot HQ to give us an exclusive first look at the new modes in SmackDown! 2010, which is the 11th game in the long-running wrestling series. After watching the demo and getting the briefest of tastes of what the new creation tools will allow you to do in the game, we can't wait to see what people come up with."

Game: WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010Hype Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 14 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 DTX3 @ 08/20/09 05:15 PM
So it's basically a virtual version of Total Extreme Warfare. They should focus more on the gameplay than adding gimmicks. I'll probably rent this one though. Last wrestling game I played/bought was SDvR '07.
# 2 CarryTheWeight @ 08/20/09 05:33 PM
It seems excellent from a CAW League owner's standpoint - they're actually doing us favors with all this new stuff.

However, there seems to be no sort of gameplay overhaul. Which doesn't surprise me one bit. Like I said in another SVR2010 related thread, all the customization in the world can't hide the fact that this game is still a PSX game at heart.

Surprise, surprise.
# 3 Hooe @ 08/20/09 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by CarryTheWeight
It seems excellent from a CAW League owner's standpoint - they're actually giving us favors with all this new stuff.

However, there seems to be no sort of gameplay overhaul. Which doesn't surprise me one bit. Like I said in another SVR2010 related thread, all the customization in the world can't hide the fact that this game is still a PSX game at heart.

Surprise, surprise.
Yup. I still have no intention of getting this game if the gameplay is going to be a rehash of every Smackdown game from HCTP onward, and the AI is still dumb as a sack of bricks.
# 4 LBzrule @ 08/20/09 05:55 PM
I just can't do it. I bought 07 and played online for a while with TJ and some other guys here, but after that I have not been back. If 07 was just the base then fine. But it turns out 07 is the game and it is not going to change. So I'm done.
# 5 kai123 @ 08/20/09 06:17 PM
We need WWE Day of Reckoning 2 back!!

Anyways, the gameplay will always be the same and customization is nice, I will have better options in Fire Pro Wrestling Returns.
# 6 FedEx227 @ 08/20/09 06:47 PM
Exactly. I'm glad they are using the customization and really amping that up, but it'll be the same engine we've seen since 2001. There is no reason to be optimistic until that is retooled or scrapped.
# 7 statum71 @ 08/20/09 08:43 PM
I like this customization stuff for the GM mode. I think I'm coming back this year. I need to hear more though.
# 8 vernond @ 08/20/09 11:20 PM
I don't know that sounds like a ton of work doing all the entering text and that stuff. I'd like to just have a career mode where you take a guy and can go through 10 years or so and have open ended storylines that give you choices. I always liked being surprised by the storylines in the game. There's not much of a surprise when you're entering the text in yourself. I know some people will love it but isn't it the job of thq to make the game not just say "here you go, customize away." I've never been a big caw guy though. I just want a good game with some depth. After rtw there wasn't much to do last year. What's with the diva storyline? Do guys really honestly play as divas?
# 9 statum71 @ 08/23/09 02:19 AM
I'm with you Vernond,

This will take away the element of surprise, which is most of the fun.
# 10 TimmeH @ 08/23/09 11:18 AM
With rumors that this is the final game in the series, I have a feeling they're trying to make it fully-customizable so it has more long-term value seeing as THQ will no longer be able to put on roster updates...I mean new games.
# 11 CaptainZombie @ 08/23/09 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by TimmeH
With rumors that this is the final game in the series, I have a feeling they're trying to make it fully-customizable so it has more long-term value seeing as THQ will no longer be able to put on roster updates...I mean new games.
There is a lot of customization in this one surprisingly........I hope it turns out good. I liked Legends of WM initially, but playing it again recently it is a complete arcadefest.
# 12 mgoblue @ 08/23/09 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by GearsX8
There is a lot of customization in this one surprisingly........I hope it turns out good. I liked Legends of WM initially, but playing it again recently it is a complete arcadefest.
I don't really understand people on forums...for years SvR has been killed for not having a great CAF with the depth people want...now that you can create a ton it's "we don't want that?".

I agree, I hope they tweak the gameplay more, but the customization stuff can be kinda cool (along with the create a PPV/season type mode)...
# 13 TimmeH @ 08/24/09 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by mgoblue
I don't really understand people on forums...for years SvR has been killed for not having a great CAF with the depth people want...now that you can create a ton it's "we don't want that?".

I agree, I hope they tweak the gameplay more, but the customization stuff can be kinda cool (along with the create a PPV/season type mode)...
I don't think the gameplay is that big of a deal, the AI just needs some tweaking.

The wrestling forums here seem to be following the path of the Madden boards. Alot of hating and very little praise. :\
# 14 vernond @ 08/24/09 05:40 PM
I've never been a big caw, caf, or any create modes fan. I liked last years game a lot I thought it was great. Rtwm was awesome just wish there was more of it. I thought the gameplay was good last year. I had some great matches it was just kind of bland having exhibition matches defending belts.
# 15 CarryTheWeight @ 08/24/09 07:57 PM
Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited about the customization aspects of 2010 (I own a league where the upgrades they have included just about blow the game wide open creatively). I just think the gameplay has gotten stale and needs a bit more realistic flavor to it in order to include pro wrestling's most important unwritten rule: in-ring storytelling.
# 16 Jukeman @ 08/31/09 11:33 AM
On the OXM report(360 dashboard) they sad the gameplay has been tweaked
# 17 stlstudios189 @ 09/07/09 08:36 PM
I don't care what people say. I am super excited about this game.
# 18 Santino @ 09/10/09 01:53 PM
If you reserve SvR10 through GameStop, you can get a T-Shirt and a code to unlock Stone Cold.
# 19 The GIGGAS @ 09/10/09 02:09 PM
I like this story designer.

If only I could have the bastard child of WWF Wrestlemania 2000 and TEW.

Then, only then, can I die a happy man.
# 20 marwin24 @ 09/13/09 05:26 AM
i think more things new on this version

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