Madden 2010 News Post

Teamxbox has posted four new screenshots of Michael Vick as an Philadelphia Eagle on Madden NFL 10.

"The latest installment of Madden NFL will incorporate new features and tweaks like procedural awareness, improvements to the QB, tuning being done to the wide receivers and DBs, and more."

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 redxiiixi @ 08/17/09 11:36 PM
how did they get the roster update early?

It's crazy how much PR this roster update is getting. I think most people are holding off on franchise until Vick is in the game!
# 2 RaiderKtulu @ 08/17/09 11:44 PM
...and based on that one screenshot, Vick isn't in the wildcat as a running threat, but lined up at WR like a regular QB in the wildcat normally is.

If you aren't playing as the Eagles, Vick is pointless.
# 3 Brian Gee @ 08/18/09 12:09 AM
I was waiting for Vick, but then I thought about it and I started my franchise without waiting for him. No second chances in my fantasy football world! Banned for life, monster!
# 4 DerkontheOS @ 08/18/09 12:13 AM
If they give Vick an A potential I'll sh*t a brick.
# 5 marcoyk @ 08/18/09 12:21 AM
He's going to be nasty in this game.
# 6 hustle55 @ 08/18/09 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by marcoyk
He's going to be nasty in this game.

I agree and I can't wait to play with him!!
# 7 En Fuego @ 08/18/09 12:39 AM
hope they have his throwing animation
# 8 SwinginAs12 @ 08/18/09 07:25 PM
i just created him and used the ratings espn article shows, its the next best thing besides waiting
# 9 laserrock @ 08/18/09 07:44 PM
eh... nevermind just found the answer
# 10 devineintervention23 @ 08/18/09 08:09 PM
I gotta crazy feeling that the Eagles are gonna be that online team this year.
# 11 dubplate @ 08/18/09 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by kerowack
I was waiting for Vick, but then I thought about it and I started my franchise without waiting for him. No second chances in my fantasy football world! Banned for life, monster!
How dare he make a mistake, pay for it, and be forgiven. Welcome back to the stone age.
# 12 kehlis @ 08/18/09 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by dubplate
How dare he make a mistake, pay for it, and be forgiven. Welcome back to the stone age.
Ironically, during that same time period most individuals weren't allowed to have their own opinions either.

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